Your Questions About Money Making Schemes For Free

Chris asks…

Tell me what u think of my essay.?

The American Revolution
The American Revolution took place after the seven years war. When the 13 Colonies were fed up with taxation without representation and other money making schemes. To solve this, a group of men, known as our founding fathers, came up with a document. The Declaration of Independence, which basically stated that we, the Americans, wanted independence from the British. This is what started the American Revolution. One of the problems arousing with us and the British was the money. For helping us with the French and Indian war they wanted money. War was expensive and the British were able to levy taxes. Thus the Americans were encountered with the Stamp Act. Whenever anybody in the 13 colonies wanted any sort of document (newspaper, magazine, birth certificate, ect.) they had to get a stamp on it to indicate that they paid the taxes. This is the only British act that affected all the 13 colonies. Everybody got angry at this. This was repealed in 1766.

When the Americans tried to counteract on all the British activity, they made the first Continental Congress. This eventually led to the battle of Lexington and Concord on 1775. Following the Second Continental Congress there was an army made. This army was called the Continental Army. Which George Washington was Commander and chief in. Articles of the Confederation did not protect people so we came up with another document. The U.S. Constitution.

When the British had us on our knees and all hope had faded, General Cornwallis (British General) decided to make one finishing blow. He decided to invade Yorktown. By doing so, he would declare the war over and the British victorious. So then it happened, the British were invading Yorktown. They thought they would win and defeat America therefore giving Blue coats no independence. They were surprised to find themselves losing. When the invasion was lost, Cornwallis surrendered giving the 13 states, not colonies, independence. It was all just another step to freedom for all, but freedom is never free.

Nagesh answers:

The Stamp Act was not the only British act that affected all the 13 colonies. There was the the Tea tax and the one where the colonists had to provide housing for the British soldiers. So you need to research that a little more. Watch your present and past tense in this one you change back and forth. The sentence which George Washington was Commander iand chief in, is not a proper sentence. He was Commander of the Army not yet the president so not the Commander in Chief. Other than that it’s a good essay.

Helen asks…

Do you believe all of what you see and hear?

1. Does the government lie?

2. Do Aliens exist?

3. Is the President told everything?

4. Does NASA tell the truth about Mars/Moon?

5. Is their an agenda to lower the population of Earth?

6. Is man man climate change real?

7. Is technology such as free energy/zero point energy being suppressed?

8. Are wars actually being fought for power, money, and control of resources?

9. Is the media nothing more than a propaganda tool?

10. Are current pandemics actually big pharma money making schemes?

11. And is the Red Cross really stealing your donated money like they did with the money donated to the 9/11 victims?
sorry it’s “man made” not man man climate change, lol
If you like these questions, the next ones I ask will be even more outside the box. check it out

Nagesh answers:

Hmm….I can’t tell if this is honest or not, so I’ll just give the straight answers, as I best know them.

1– Yes, but not in the ways you think. The biggest, most meaningful lies being told are lies of omission–about the things people *don’t even mention*, like the *big* difference between the Official Unemployment Rate and real, on-the-ground joblessness. Or how the recent Supreme Court change in campaign finance reform actually did *more* harm than any healthcare bill ever could, ok, but the teabaggers and Town Hall Shouters are *curiously silent* on the issue.

2– I assume you mean extra-terrestrials. They do. Probability woud have to be broken beyond repair for us to be the *only* life in all of the vastness of the universe, all of those countless stars and exoplanets. Catch is, can they *get here*? I don’t think the ones that can *get here* would let us bully them and hide them, that’s the thing. I think all we’ve done so far is capture some *probes*, like their versions of our Voyager Six.

3– He is, after a minimal fashion. One would have to assume he knows what to say, what not to say, and absolutely *what not to discuss EVER*, at any price. But he is a civilian after all and is likely not updated on every last detail of every last thing.

4– I think they do. I think their own best interests would be completely *undone* by lying, particularly about the Moon mission. Consider that back then, the old Soviet Union was not bankrupt and *did* do everything they could to watch us like hawks. If there had been any fraud on NASA’s part back then the truth would have been outed as rapidly and painfully as possible–because the Cold War was all about the blackmail and humiliation that way, and the old Soviets *were* ahead of us with Sputnik.

5– Clearly there is, but not on a coherent, worldwide basis. China does have an official “One Child Policy” after all, and population control (provoking growth, mind you) may be the real political reason behind the inability of modern feminism to spread much outside of the U.S., Canada, Australia and the NATO nations. I don’t think there’s one coherent policy because for the most part, most of the world still sees a large population as a base of power (except for China, which has more 13-year old schoolgirls than there are *Americans, total*).

6– Yes….but at the same time, I think this has been a *very* long time coming, because this isn’t just about carbon dioxide. It’s about methane and other pollutants as well, and the problem has been that *some* degree of greenhouse warming has actually been *beneficial*, it’s been good for raising crops in the mechanized, industrial way. Consider that the historical evidence strongly suggests that Europe was coming *out of* a mini-Ice Age right before the discovery of the new world in 1492. So the problem, I think, is that a) climate was warming already, and people thought that *more* would be a benefit for the longest time, and b) that really, climate change dates *way* farther back than most folks want to admit, that it actually dates back to James Watt, steam engines, and the start of *industrial pollution*, as in any, at all.

7–Yes, but not entirely for the reasons you suggest. Think smaller. Think about how many decades of neglect and outright abuse it took for people to finally take electric, zero-emission vehicles seriously. There’s your answer right there: Big Business surpresses things that are *game changers* out of fear of losing their current system of exploiting the hell out of problems for profit.

(more in a bit, space limit issues, sorry…)

Maria asks…

Is our goverment just another mob, changing the word protection money to tax?

Council Tax and Tax on everything we earn, and why, for what? For schools, hospitals and roads? Or just to keep these people in high life? Anything that is seen by the council to be making money all of a sudden becomes taxable, why? I agree there should be some form of tax but it is, at the end of the day, our money. We would all pay less in the end if the NHS went private if we just payed through health schemes, like they do in Spain. The local aurthority in my area when on an all expensis paid holiday to America the other month ( who’s money funded that?) for a seminar on ‘How to get more council tax from the public in your area’!!! Crazy!! We are born free and taxed to death. I feel we are as people having the wool pulled over our eyes, the longer it goes on the worse it will get, we’re getting robbed blind. This government and councils are you’re new age mob taking a percentage of our hard earnt money, so you have to stay in their pocket and they get free cash! Comments welcome

Nagesh answers:

Your right in tune!
The President is Al Capone. His underlings are the rest of the mob.
Parasites that live off the Host (taxes) and give back nothing.

The only good politician, is a dead one!

James asks…

Would making gasoline cheaper for travelers be a good idea?

This would increase consumer spending and tourism.

Airlines and rental car companies can offer discount coupons on certain gasoline stations only. Therefore tourists to exercise the coupons would have to travel to the locations where those gasoline stations are located. Otherwise, the coupons expire and it’s profit split between the gasoline station and the rental car company. It’s a money-maker.

If the tourist takes advantage of the coupons, then those towns near those gas stations will profit from anything those tourists buy in those towns.

This scheme can be used to help a lot of towns in the Midwest. It would be like you rent a car in Cleveland. The Alamo Rental car in Cleveland includes a free coupon if you meet certain timeframes. The coupon value is 50% off any BP gas station in Akron.

Now you can save money on a trip to Akron and if you don’t, you end up paying a barely noticeable fee split between Akron’s BP gas station and Alamo. And they’d make money.

If you buy gas in Akron, the town of Akron may see an increase in consumer spending, so it becomes a win win.
The industry would profit because significant numbers of travelers would wind up not redeeming the coupon because of inconvenience, and they probably wouldn’t care.
Edit: but this isn’t a deviation from supply and demand. This is a promotional coupon!

It’s like when you have a call option on a stock or a buy one get one free. It’s purely a business friendly idea.

Nagesh answers:

Any time you can put more money back into the hands of families and the Ameerican people, it is a good thing.

Any time you take that away, you hurt the family, the economy and limit personnal freedom. Of course from the POV of many on the left, limiting certain personal freedoms is a good thing.

Mary asks…

What are some good get rich quick schemes?

Don’t give me a lecture on why they are dumb. I’m not interested in any chain letters, pyramid schemes or frankly anything that involves working for a company and selling products over the internet. So far, I have two really good ideas (selling tickets and selling necklaces outside of sports events, its vague because im paranoid about people stealing the ideas). Anyways, if anyone cares to share these ideas, that would be great. BTW, I’m looking for profits between 1000-5000 dollars, so I don’t need an elaborate scheme that takes years to execute. I’m 17, I have a job, and I’m interested to see what ways I can make money in my free time.

Nagesh answers:

Most people get rich by handling other people’s money and charging a fee. A mutual fund is where a company convinces people to give the company their money in the hopes that the company can make the people money and the company charges a percent of the gross. So if the mutual fund was worth $100 billion and there was a 1% fee, the company would get $1billion. It doesn’t matter if the fund went up or down.

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Saturday, March 2nd, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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