Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Uk

Helen asks…

When should I move to the USA?

At the moment, I am 17 and I have applied for a 4 year physics degree starting next summer. This is in the UK, but I really want to go and live in the US when I have finished studying – I want to move there as soon as possible! I don’t know if it would be a good idea to move there immediately after my studies finish, or whether I should stay in the UK for a few years before going. Is it possible to move there quickly, or does it take time and money to make the move? Any experiences that you can share would be very valuable!

Nagesh answers:

You can’t just move to a country especially the US. You won’t be able to get a job unless you get a work permit. These are only issued to nonresidents who are qualified in an area that few citizens are.

This would not be the case with a Physics degree.

David asks…

What did Lord Monckton actually mean?

I am a bit confused by this video clip of Lord Monckton having a meeting and agreeing upon setting up Australia’s very own Fox News like channel.

During his trip to Australia in July last year (funded by mining billionaire Gina Rinehart), Monckton had a meeting with board-members of the ‘Mannkal Economic Education Foundation’, a free market think-tank whose president is also close to the aforementioned Rinehart. Incredibly, the think-tank recorded the event and posted selected clips, including the one above, on Youtube. When first discovered, they were quickly taken down (though reposted later possibly because copies were posted on other channels).

It is this quote from Monckton I have problems with. After reading many ‘climategate’ related questions here on YA, I know it is common to take selected bits of text out of context and then think up some giant global conspiracy theory to reject the science altogether. The problem is, I find the whole quote damaging enough!

After seeing the reaction, particularly in Australia, after the video of the meeting became public, Monckton responded at Jo Nova’s blog. Here’s an excerpt:

“…Fox takes an explicit, declared, one-sided view that is pro-democracy, pro-Western, pro-profit, pro-prosperity, pro-success, pro-freedom, pro-America. And half of all the news audience in the US love it. Interestingly, with characteristic stupidity, Fox’s Marxist rivals have moved still further to the extreme Left, allowing Fox to move in all the more rapidly on their former territory. Fox now makes more money than its two largest rivals combined.

So if anyone who may read this is interested in joining a consortium that can expect to make around $1 million a week in Australia and perhaps three times that in the UK, please feel free to get in touch.”
Is Mr Monckton now implicitly admitting that ‘this is not about science’ but rather about making money, loads of it’? Or am I taking things out of context now?

Monckton Meeting video:

Getup-poplexy! scared of monckton, mannkal, bolt and jonova: fox australia would be a hit

To clarify, Monckton’s quote which puzzles me is the one in the video where he talks about a setting up a Fox News like news-channel in Australia and the UK.
Edit @Moe:

Nagesh answers:

Monkton is very clear here. He is proposing to find a very rich person to fund a propaganda station that sounds like news. He refers to the FoxNew model which devotes a very small portion of its hours to Chris Matthews and news, and most of its time to propaganda and the viewers are not critical-minded enough to know the difference. FoxNews viewers do not even know that it is primarily propaganda, they really think it is a news station.

Susan asks…

I’m thinking of moving to Sweden soon and need to know…?

I live in the UK, and I’m an EU citizen by rights. So, my plan is live somewhere remote in Sweden (Preferably the North) and live in a log cabin. I plan on catching fish and cutting timberwood to sell on just to keep me going…so, what would I need to accomplish this? Do I automatically have a right to live in Sweden or do I need a visa, and if so which visa?
What are the laws/rules regarding fishing and selling for money, besides fishing for food?
Same question again but about selling firewood, which I would also use for my own fire.

Basically, what I want to know is:
– Can I just go to Sweden and live there?
– Are Log Cabins costly?
– What are the laws for fishing, gathering firewood and selling just to make enough money to keep me going?
– What places in the North of Sweden are remote? I don’t like living amongst people, and I wish for a simple and solitary lifestyle.

I don’t speak any Swedish, but I can pick up languages pretty quickly. I don’t have any qualifications surpassing A levels, but I have plenty of skills I could use to start my own business for a while.

I know this is realistic, but I just need to know what criterion I need to fulfil my ambition.

Thanks to whoever provides insight (even if it is small).
Lapland is a place that appeals to me for residency.

Nagesh answers:

You can accomplish your goal. You may develop cabin fever and be broke within a short while. If you like isolation, you can also try an island in the baltic.

Betty asks…

Domain Name Management?

I am looking to organise all my domain names from all the different registras to just one so l can easily manage all of them from one central location.
What l need to know is:
1) Which company update their dns most requently so that any changes l need to make will propergate quickly.
2) Company that allows for .de and domain extentions (ideally they need to support all domain names).
3) Good value for money.
4) Allows FULL control of my domain names.
5) Provides great support.

I am based in the UK.

Nagesh answers:

Email me – I’ll give you all 5 of you’re requirements!!! Not kidding, give me a shot at your business!

Paul asks…

totally out of ideas how to deal with this?

I married a foreign woman who lives in another country with our child who is nearly 4. Over our 5 years of marriage it wasnt a happy time, largely because we were never together enough and last september i went there to try to make things work but it was a disaster and i was back in the uk pretty quickly. Then i realised i would loose my marriage and my son, but it was too late, she started online dating and refused to take me back. I reacted angrily and said i wouldnt be in contact anymore but deep down i was hoping she would call me to make peace but she didnt. In the 5 years i didnt contribute financially regularly, because i let my anger and hurt overtake me, when i was frustrated with our marriage.
Anyway, in the months since i left there last year i have become more and more depressed, sad and suicidal because it feels like im in a nightmare and my life is over
I recontacted her recently and she doesnt want anything to do with me and said she is done with us as a couple. Howeever, ignoring that i sent money for my son and she said i could call but couldnt speak about us as a couple.
My point, im thinking of going there and trying to make a life with my son ( difficult to survive in a foreign country) but i have this fear that she may have met a foreign man ( given she was online international dating site) and may leave the country with my son in the future, then i will be in a foreign country and she would have left with my son and i will be in continual pain. To that extent i think with all this emotional pain should i just be strict with myself and permanently cut contact because im at the end of my tether emotionally and i feel broken
i accept i made a mistake not sending money. Ok, i was wrong but now im sending it. I was clouded by my anger and frustration and feeling rejected at that point. Its honestly how i was feeling wrong or right.

Nagesh answers:

Call and talk to your son and try and keep a way for him to get in touch with you. Then get on with your life so that you can be happy. When your son gets older then you will get a bette relationship.


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Friday, May 3rd, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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