Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Uk

Mandy asks…

Is the US dollar depreciation policy helping to pay down the 14.5 trillion USD national debt more quickly?

I’m looking for feedback on the current depreciation of the USD (depreciation as opposed to devaluation given that we are a free floating market currency traded against other world currencies).

My understanding is that the depreciation is occurring indirectly via inflation.

This is occurring primarily because:

The Fed is effectively printing more money via the printing press and was engaged in QE2 whereby they bought treasuries (IOU’s) in the open market and introduced more money supply into the system.

All the new currency in the system effectively depreciates the dollar against other world currencies such as Euro, Sterling and Yen, but not the RMB as the RMB is for all intensive purposes pegged to the dollar within a 5% fluctuation band.

The consequences of this action should result in US company export improvement as US goods become more competitive, and their overseas sales in Euro/Yen/Sterling are repatriated back to US. In short, people believe this will stimulate economy via an improvement in Aggregate demand and improve job growth rates etc…

But in terms of our 14.5 trillion USD national debt, is this currency depreciation policy actually improving our existing notional debt level?

Thinking about it:

1. US domestic inflation should make the real rate of return negative thereby reducing the FEDS interest payment obligation on treasuries. Although, I believe a lot of the treasury IOU’s have inflation adjustment mechanisms built into their rates now?

2. The QE2 policy of buying treasuries in the open market pays down existing debt more quickly.

Are we using higher value foreign currency to pay down debt at a quicker rate? Every foreign unit of currency now has more purchasing power against existing USD denominated debt?

I also realize that foreign holders of our debt aren’t exactly happy about the whole situation. For example, if the UK government had 100 billion of US treasuries it’s now approximately worth 60 billion sterling at expiration using today’s FX conversion rates instead of 75 billion last year. So in other words if the Fed retires this debt today there should be a benefit to paying it back using foreign currency?
On the other hand the Chinese as one of our largest creditors shouldn’t be that unhappy as their currency is literally pegged so I’m not convinced that the dollar depreciation policy is impacting them other than by adding to their existing inflation concerns…

Nagesh answers:

Not familiar with all of the terminology used but I’ll give you my opinion on the subject.

In a broad sense, a depreciating dollar should make it easier for the US government to pay off its debt. By increasing the money supply we’re effectively decreasing the value of the debt. Let’s put this into a simple equation:

Let A=debt owed (in US dollars, constant), V=value of US debt (no units), M=money supply (in US dollars). We have:
A = VM
That is, the value of the debt and the money supply are inversely proportional to each other. The situation that is currently happening is that the money supply is increasing (Fed is printing more bills). Assuming that the debt amount is constant (not true but for a specified amount of debt this would be true and that’s what we want to look at) this leads to a decrease in the value of the debt, hence making the debt easier to pay off.

Another way to view this is that the US government could pay off the entire debt right now by simply printing $14.5 trillion. However such a drastic increase in the money supply would make the dollar worthless and would cause problems far worse than carrying around debt.

As for the Chinese they don’t want the dollar to depreciate since they have so much invested in dollar-backed securities (US treasuries). Assuming the Chinese want to be paid back eventually they’d want to be paid back with a higher valued currency rather than a lower valued one because that allows them to purchase more goods from countries other than the US with the same amount of dollars.

Ken asks…

Has anybody made good money off the internet working from home and how?

Please tell me if you are making reasonably good amounts of money off the internet and how you are doing it.Please provide websites if possible.Also if the methods are free and do not require fees,that’s even better.Does anyone also know good Paid-To-Write websites which pay well(fairly quickly).I am not a professional writer but I can write well.Please any info has to be relevant internationally bcos I live in the UK not the US.

Nagesh answers:


Sharon asks…

Help me please… I need you to give me statistics and correct this please. I need to make sure its good.?

“Unfortunately, the United States has not been in complete control of its borders for decades, and therefore, illegal immigration has been on the rise. We have a responsibility to address these challenges, we have a responsibility to enforce our laws, and we have a responsibility to secure our borders. We take this responsibility seriously,”
-President Bush

I have a question. What good is it to build a seven hundred mile wall on a twelve thousand fifty mile border? What does that mean for taxpayers? How can it possibly help put an end to immigration into the United States? Building the wall would be a huge waste of taxpayer’s time and money and it would create nationwide chaos.
One reason why the wall should not be built is because of the war. I know that you are probably thinking, “What does the war have to do with a solution to immigration?” You are right, however with the war going on, and the United States being so in debt, maybe now is not a good time to spend a few billion dollars on a giant seven hundred mile wall. I mean if we had the money, and there were people who enforced the laws on immigration the wall wouldn’t be such a bad idea.
There are always less expensive alternatives, such as putting many illegal immigrants into jail. If we started prosecuting immigrants and putting them into jail, then the other potential immigrants will see one of their “buddies” in a prison jump suit, they will quickly change their ways. If we prosecute the illegal immigrants then they will be so scared and will totally change their mind about the U.S. I think that you would have a better chance of jailing the immigrants than that wall to be a success.
The money spent on building the wall and the cost incurred to the exchequer could instead be invested in Mexico in setting up industries and plants which will create more jobs for the common Mexican. Creation of jobs will address the problem at its root cause and then the immigrants coming in search of jobs, could work at home in their own plant there. I think that this would be way more successful than having an extremely large wall separating to friendly countries.
Immigration to the United States keeps increasing; unfortunately the country is not increasing. The country needs immigration but too much from the same country can have its up and down sides. I just hope that if the wall is built, that it works- and very, very well!

Nagesh answers:

I agree that the wall is a dumb idea; symbolic mostly; and say, in very high traffic places, it may be beficial.
Jailing immigrants is NOT the solution, because it would be much, MUCH more expensive than building the wall.
Your idea of investing in Mexico is interesting; except, of course, for the fact that that takes away from AMERICAN jobs and american economic progress.

William asks…

Does anybody know a lot about the benefit system within the UK?

Now before i say anything i know a lot of people hear the word ‘benefits’ and immediatly think everyone who has ever had to go on them is the same as the people on Jeremy kyle. I’m nothing like that. Nor am i a layabout. Moving on, I’m a 21 year old male who used to work a decent job before i found out the company was dodgy. I left and made my first mistake. I contacted the job centre and signed on. Before long i was on an extremely unhelpfull course for over 4 months which killed all my drive. I applied for as many jobs as i could over these months and took the position in the reception for experience. I became disheartened and fell into depression. After a while i saw my doctor and she said i was unfit to work. I was getting £47 a week then one day i had a letter to go for a medical. The examiner i went to see was foreign and i could hardly make him out. I dont think he could understand me either. I told him the 100% truth and i found out that he viewed me as being ‘fit for work’. I got the sheet of answers i had allegedly told him and he had jotted down completely false answers. I appealed and was told i won. I was also told that the government believe i only need £37 a week to survive. Thats all i’d get. I struggled for many months with this and then i found out that i infact had to appeal again. I lost that one and i cannot get anything. I am now effectively homeless as i cannot stay with my parents anymore and my mental state is quickly deteriorating. I’d love a job right now but i cannot survive after my last bit of money goes done let alone make it to interviews. What can i apply for? What can i do?
Its not my computer so i would. Love all the people on here. Such smart a55es.
Does anyone know what olga is going on out? The right to become ill? Why dont you get some common sense before you attempt to attack someone on YA.

Nagesh answers:

My sister is currently going through this. They seem to be cracking down on people on sickness benefits, in particularly people of your age. She had a foreign doctor too, and he wrote down false answers.
My sister has just had to take it higher and will continue to do so until she wins….she is totally unfit for work.

If you have a mental health drop in centre near you, go see them, they may be able to help. Also see the citizens advice bureau, they should be able to advise.

Good luck x

Donna asks…

I want to breed my Schnoodle-Bug with my Teacup Cavachon-Chi…….?

And I know I’ll probably end up with a litter of giraffes but what the heck, I want to make a bit of cash on the quick. Before any of you know-it-alls tell me I am a byb, look at this: so Labradoodles must be pedigrees, right? So what is wrong with what I do? Anyway, dogs have every RIGHT to breed because they do it in the wild and who are we to stop them? I don’t give a toss about all the shelter dogs, they’re only in their because they’re all evil savage child-eating mosters that deserve to die and I think all your pro-shelter morons are trying to make life miserable for everyone else. I have no money yet but the puppies will reimburse me, I mean they must be worth LOADS!!! I’m defintely creating a new breed here and that’s always good. I always look after my dogs so they’ll never get ill and there will be no need for vet checks or c-sections but if there is, screw them, that’s life. I’ll be giving these pups away at around four or five weeks because I won’t be able to deal with them having under my feet and anyway I’ll need the money quickly to fund my next exotic holiday to the Maldives. I don’t know what name I’ll give my new breed get but I’m sure I’ll think of somerthing ridiculous enough soon. Oh, and also you can get the vaccs cheap online so I’ll be buying them from some obscure place in Taiwan and administering them myself… it can’t be hard, you just stick it in randomly in the leg and press.

Any one who tells me I am doing wrong doesn’t know sh*t but I am asking for your help anyway so you’d better do it!!!!!
LabradorLover17, you might want to read my other questions.
Chuckles, wtf is a buggie? Did you just make that up or is it a “real” designer name?
Cavalier Spaniel Bichon Frise and Chihuahua mix

Nagesh answers:

You are doing everything correctly. Except for one thing. Feed them Ol’ Roy and the pups will be CHAMPIONS! But do you want CH pups? Because if you bread CH pups, youwill be a BYB!



Edit – I don’t know, while I was typing it I was thinking of a small punch bug car. LOL

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Monday, December 3rd, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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