Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Uk

Jenny asks…

How easily can we remove a former partner who has no rights to the council property (UK only)?

Hi, a bit long but it makes sense- honest!

An elderly and sick friend has been abused by the woman who was formerly his partner. She had become his ‘carer’ but has been taking all his money, been violent and much more.

My husband and I have had him removed to a place of safety by Social Services while she was out this week, but she remains in his Council flat (as far as we know). She is not on his tenancy and has no right to be there but we are afraid that she might disappear with his possessions.
Police say charges are unlikely to stick and our friend cannot face the ordeal of a court case anyway.

The Council could go and change the locks but if she’s home and refuses to leave, then what?

Have read up about Possession Orders but what about his stuff?
Trying to get his Housing Officer to sort things but he is not moving quickly enough for our (and the Social Workers) liking. Anyone who has legal or housing knowledge about this, or any other suggestions-please help!
She moved in but refused to leave when the relationship broke down, she’s not on the tenancy. Then he got sick so she reluctantly took on the role of carer. She fills in all his benefit forms as if he were living alone. No post goes there for her but we don’t know where it goes- from things we found she may have another man…

Nagesh answers:

Let the council know that the tenant of the property has had to move out for health reasons and if his ex partner hasn`t got their name on the tenancy agreement then the council will get them out asap. As for all your friends belongings you need to try and get them as soon as you can… Your friends very lucky to have you looking out for him.

Carol asks…

uk only – PS3 FREE anyone?

Please note this offer is only available in UK. Thanks

This is a genuine offer to get yourself a completely free, new Playstation 3 console delivered once it has been released. The offer has been accredited by the BBC and many people have got their consoles through this and similar schemes.

How it works:

Marketing companies value having their services viewed; these referral schemes generate traffic to the company’s websites, of which a percentage will purchase their product. This means that by signing up to this website and getting a small number of other people to do the same, at least 11 people view websites, of which perhaps 1 person goes ahead to buy their service, or keep a free trial going, and thus generates money. This is why the companies can afford to give away free consoles to you, even if you dont purchase a thing!

Proof it works

BBC Newsnight feature on how it works

The link below is to a website showing people who have got their items:

What to do:

1. Click this link

2. Sign up to the website and complete one offer ( I highly recommend the Screen Select/LoveFilm trial, as it is a completely free 30 day trial with no obligations. Simply register, put in all your details, choose 10 movies, sit back and wait a few days until the giveaway site gives you credit and cancel the trial, no need to pay a thing!)

3. Refer just 13 people to do the same (other sites ask for 22 referrals, honestly just check on Ebay). You can ask your friends, or make adverts on ebay like I am doing, and the referrals should rack up fairly quickly

4. wait for your free console to arrive once it is released. Just think others will be forking out £500-£600 for this. Maybe even more, you know how competitive these consoles can be when they are first released.

I have already received 2 X Box 360s using this offer. It is so simple. Go for it!!!!!!!

Email me if any questions. Manutdgiants5 at

Nagesh answers:

SPAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Daniel asks…

Why does US richclass advocate Santorum propagandize that humans are motivated ONLY by filthy money?

…And then while feebly attempting to CONDITION intelligent human beings into believing this nonsense, why does US richclass advocate Santorum accuse others of being CONDITIONED?

If money is the only motivation in life, then don’t eat next time your stomach growls — instead ignore it, don’t eat, and endeavor to make money 24/7.

‘“…you’ve been conditioned to think health care is something you can get without having to pay for it… You have that drug, and maybe you’re alive today because people have a profit motive to make that drug… And if they didn’t think they could make money providing that drug, that drug wouldn’t be here. I sympathize with these compassionate cases…” Santorum said.’–abc-news.html

So, let’s quickly correct this idiot by barely listing socialist nation innovations in biotechnology [socialist nations wherein primary organizational missions are “to benefit society” (with “to earn profit” lowly subordinated)]…

“(…the US) did not come out on top for all five benchmarks: intellectual property, enterprise support, the intensity of a country’s biotech activities, education/workforce, and infrastructure.

– Finland, Israel, Singapore, and Sweden came out on top in terms of the infrastructure available for biotechs.

– Singapore and Switzerland scored better than the US when it came to education/workforce.

– Iceland ranked highest on the “intensity” score, which measured the intensity — public companies per capita, portion of overall R&D spending used for biotech, etc. — of a country’s biotech activities.

– Although the US came out on top in intellectual property protections, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, and the UK weren’t too far behind. The small country of Denmark, however, leads the world in the number of biotech patents per member of the population.”
@Let’s correct the 3rd responder’s answer listed as, “…I deal with these people daily as a pharmacist.”


“I bow to deal with these riff-raff daily as a US richclass sycophant pharmacist.”
@Henry Rearden – Is it OK with you if I take those courses in Socialist Japan? Or do you mandate by fascist dictate that I take those courses under a US richclass-serving American capitalist “profess”or (because I already did that — within my 200 American university hours)?

Nagesh answers:

I guess you don’t use money for your internet, computer and electricity.

You’re motivated to be here everyday… So I guess you also like money.

Sandy asks…

Mistreatment of expatriate (Aus, Can, UK, Afr, US etc) employees- who can regulate this/how can we fix this?

We work and live in the Middle East for a large UK company. The treatment of their personnel in regard to equal living standards etc is atrocious. What can be done about that? This company is not concerned for the well being of their largest assets, and their shortcomings in foresight and efficient use of logistics -in the name of saving $ (admittedly) ends up losing them employees, money, and man hours! They absolutely will not entertain any positive or negative feedback, make promises they do not keep -not for the lack of being able to-. In any case, the fact is that some are living under excellent living standards (standards we are promised before coming here), while others of the same class are not given the same living standards. Other things would include the potential employee being told that all expenses related to moving here will be reimbursed if we keep receipts, and upon attempting to be reimbursed -now expatriated- we are told ‘no none of this is reimbursable; who would have told you that?” Or we are drawn in by being shown the beautiful resort style compound that we WILL be living in, as well as all the great amenities, and programs that we will have access to, to be told once we arrive, that there is no room for us and we must go live in a substandard compound for a couple months -they don’t tell us the moving expenses are our own when we do- and a few months down the road when we are still here, we are told only some can move and others cannot, with no rhyme or reason. We are told that our families will be in country within several weeks, while some wait years to have their families join them! We have signed contracts agreeing to live the lifestyle they promised, but once here we quickly learn that there is not a lick you can do about it, and they continue to make poor decisions. They make decisions that benefit their books without looking at the long term effects of their lack of foresight. They do not think and work outside of the box no matter how much more sense it makes. With the initiative and proper foresight and consideration this company could EASILY make everyone happy and save money in the long run for doing so. For example all of the homes on the MAIN road will get sunshades for their vehicles (in the overflow compound) while everyone in the back get none. It is admittedly for saving money (these are used sunshades from their other compound) and aesthetic purposes. It would cost this company pennies to install the back homes with sunshades since there are only 4-8 more to install. In a large project such as this, how would that put a dent in their budget. All the front homes have beautiful grass, flowers and trees, while those in certain back areas have dirt and we are told we can have grass if we finance it ourselves. The conditions are such that the company offered a monetary incentive to those who took their names off the list to move to the other compound with promises that they will make this compound equivalent to the other -relatively-. Unfortunately we find ourselves with our names off the list, no sunshades (we are talking above 50 degrees in summer), air conditioners so old that they cannot find parts to fix them, yet they will not install new ones (I should add that this company burned a bridge with the landlord of this compound, and historically the landlord would maintain the compound financially with these types of updates, however when the company left this compound once their super compound was built they mistreated the landlord thinking they would not be coming back anyway, and when they realized the super compound was too small they had to beg for the landlord to allow them to lease this one again. The landlord relented, however refuses to support this compound in any way at all- this means the company has to pay and simply put they won’t). These are the smaller issues that we have been dealing with, but there are many more, much larger issues in which their decisions have been grossly detrimental to some.

Business & Finance > Corporations

Nagesh answers:

International Companies are expected to apply their own countries standards (where these are ‘higher’ than the local ones) = so you can often put pressure on an International Company in the country where it is based.

Of course the best way to put pressure on local companies (who can ignore international standards) them is to set up your own company and successfully compete against them. By applying higher standards, you can ‘poach’ their best staff and put them out of business ..
.. Unfortunately, you are likley to discover that the local laws (or official corruption) is likely to prevent any such competition (even to the extent of denying ‘foreigners’ property rights or legal standing in their Court system ..)

You are thus limited to competing from outside the country (and, no doubt, Customs Duties and other barriers will exist that prevent you from importing your products)

Ultimately, with some countries, all you can do is wait for their Citizens to overthrow the corrupt regime by armed force and move to a more open / democratic system (as, indeed, has already happened in many of the ex-Soviet block countries and is currently underway in many of the ‘Arab’ countries)

Donald asks…

How long does it take to become a doctor in UK if you do you BSc in Canada?

I’m in Grade 12 and I’m debating whether I should study internationally in India or stay in Canada and study.
This is what my parents are deciding: They say I should do 1 year (only) of BSc in Canada and with those qualifications, I can go to Manipal, India for the medical school, which will only take around 4 years I think..? Then I can do the rotations/internship in the US, which will take another 1 1/2 years and that will make me a doctor..I think I might be missing something here though :S
But I’m against that because I don’t want to skip so many years of studying. I don’t mind if it takes 15 years in Canada to become a doctor, I’m just completely against skipping years to quickly become a doctor (I want to know everything I can which will help me become one of the best doctors). I hope you guys get what I’m saying but I’m also worried about how much money my parents will have to spend on me for this and that is exactly the only reason why they want me to quickly become a doctor.
So what I’m thinking is: If my parents can send me to India to become a doctor, they shouldn’t mind sending me to UK. So first of all, I want to know how many years would it take to become a doctor in UK if I go there directly after highschool?
Second, how long would it take if I complete my BSc in Canada and then go to the UK to continue my studies?
Also, if I’m missing something or I wrote something that’s wrong and doesn’t make sense, just tell me but please I want specific details of everything.
Pleeeease remove my doubts and I would gladly appreciate answers from doctors, and everyone who has something to say (even if it’s very little).

Ps. I want to be open minded about everything but please give me answers that will finally help me decide what the best option will be 🙂
I already applied to universities in Canada and the final application date is approaching, which is on January I would like atleast some answers before then 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Hi 🙂

Doing a straight medical degree in the UK is generally 5 years.
If a student doesn’t have a science background before University, this can be 6 years (with the first year being a “pre medical” year to bring you up to scratch)

Also, if the University you go to allows you to intercalate (spend a year doing another degree during your medicine degree i.e. In the 3rd year) then this can bring it to 6 years altogether.

Finally, if you have already done a degree (you are a graduate) in a science field, you may be allowed to do a 4 year medical degree which is slightly sped up. However I know someone who has a BSc in Biology but still needs to do the 6 year course (with pre-medical year) as he doesn’t have an A Level in chemistry (

After the medical degree, you are expected to spend 2 years working in medical placements (each lasting a few months) to show you are competent. This is separated into the FY1 (Foundation Year 1) and FY2 years. After this, you are deemed competent enough to work alone and can then choose your speciality.

Applications to UCAS (the organisation which deals with applications to Universities, for medical degrees ends in October (the year before you wish to join, so medical students starting in 2012 applied by October 2011) so unfortunately you have missed the deadline for 2012 entry.

Additionally, fees for home students will be rising in September 2012 from the current £3290 to anything up to £9000. For non-EU international students, the first few years of Medicine can be around £15,000 however this rises in the clinical years to around £26,000.

Living expenses are also very different between India and the UK. An extreme is London, which faces some of the toughest competition for University places and also has a very high living cost compared to India.

Sorry for the long essay. In summary, if you are a graduate doing medicine here, it can take you 4+2=6 years. If you are doing normal medicine, it can be 6+2=8 years.
After your FY2 year, you can specialise and become a registrar and finally a consultant (10+ years) or become a GP.

Hope that helps 🙂

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Monday, September 24th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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