Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Uk

Mandy asks…

Why are Palestinians allowing themselves to be used and easily led by Iran and Hamas?

Isreal is never going to lose. Isrealis are White, Arabs are not. Never has a White nation been defeated in modern warfare by a non-White nation. Russia, USA, France, UK, Turkey will defeat Hamas and their “flunkys” in a matter of hours, a day. Arabs and Persians will never understand that Jews will never be defeated!

Nagesh answers:

You sound rather diabolical. Hamas fires rockets to protest the occupation and the blockade. They have no other weapons unlike Israel which could commit genocide quickly but they prefer psychological tricks. Israel operates with impunity since they always have U.S. Support and money. When they kill a lot of people, they go on American TV and smooth things over and talk about the Holocaust or some such stuff. The PR campaign always works.

Donna asks…

How to go from uk size 14 to size 10 in quick time?

I’m 15 years of age and seriously self conscious about my weight, I’ve always been big throughout my life and I really want to do something about it now, I’ve always been bullied about my weight and I have always said no for doing new stuff like going swimming with my friends etc because of my size. I want to do this so I can have more confident in wearing nice clothes and wearing bikinis (as i’m going on holiday soon with a close friend and their family). I find it really hard to loose weight easily and as I live with my dad and he cant work we hardly have any money to buy new, different foods to change my diet to help me loose weight, so I was wondering if there is anyway I can loose weight easily with out changing my food diet? I only eat one meal a day when I’m at home (on school breaks and weekends) I never eat breakfast because when I use to I felt really sick and I don’t eat Lunch because I never feel hungry enough to, I may now an again but its very rarely I do. I don’t snack on sweets, or chocolate ot crisps, anything like that at all.

So if anyone could help in any way it would really mean a lot to me, thank you.

Nagesh answers:

Backstory: I’m recovering from anorexia, so although I battle with my own demonising thoughts about food and control, I also understand a lot about eating, loosing weight dangerously too quickly and how my metabolism has reacted.

First thing, be careful. You are at a vulnerable age, so don’t go down the anorexia route (it’s horrible).

If you want to loose weight then you need to do it slow and steady, if you do it too fast then your body will eat away at your muscles (catabolism) for energy and when you do begin to eat normally you will gain it back again. A big thing I picked up from your info is that your skipping breakfast and lunch. The reason they call it breakfast is that you are breaking the fast from eating your last meal. When you go long periods without eating or not eating enough your body goes into starvation mode and your metabolism slows in an attempt to conserve energy in times of starvation. You need to eat small meals throughout the day e.g 6 or three meals with a mid morning and mid afternoon snack, this way your metabolism speeds up and doesn’t hold onto fat. Of course what you eat is very important. Carbs are still important; they are slow releasing and will keep you full e.g. Porridge. Protein is a very good dieters source of energy as it keeps you full yet maintains your muscles so aim for food like grilled chicken breast, tuna and low fat cottage cheese. You need 15% protein, 30% fat and the rest carbs. Under no circumstances go under 1200 calories a day or your metabolism will go into said starvation mode. If it helps keep a food diary (I’m reluctant to suggest this as this is where I went down a slippery slope).

Just please be careful. Best of luck

Ruth asks…

What methods should I use to discipline my cat?

Chau (my cat) is a 8 month old female cat. I understand females are more aggressive, but she constantly tears up my carpet and drinks out of my cups. I give her fresh water everyday, and she is on a healthy diet. Her other problem is constantly attacking people, mostly their face. She isn’t scared of us. She does have her loving moments, till she wants to kill. My biggest priority is the carpet tearing since I do live in an apartment and it will cost a lot of money to fix.

Nagesh answers:

Cats don’t respond to negative reinforcement. They’ll either begin to feel intimidated by you or will simply wait until you’re not around to tell them off. It’s much better to ignore behaviour you don’t want to encourage and reward them for behaviours you do approve of. Cats are smart and they quickly learn to adopt behaviours which benefit them in some way.

I don’t think she’s necessarily aggressive. She’s a young cat with lots of energy to burn, especially as she’s indoor only. If she’s bored she’ll being looking for ways to amuse herself and getting into mischief in the process. If you’re not already doing so, set aside time for daily play sessions with a teaser toy where she can practise her hunting skills like chasing and pouncing. This will help burn off excess energy and she can play as rough as she likes with the toy without anyone getting hurt. Keep some small balls of scrunched up paper to hand and if she looks like she’s about to pounce on someone, throw a ball for her to chase. Cats are hard-wired to chase fast moving objects which cross their field of vision, so this should re-direct her attention away from you. Is anyone staring at her before she attacks their face? In cat body language staring is seen as a challenge or threat, so staring competitions with cats are not a good idea. This article has lots of suggestions on ways to keep indoor-only cats entertained and out of trouble.


She may be tearing at the carpet if she doesn’t have a suitable scratcher. Cats have individual preferences for the types of scratcher they like using, so offer your cat a few choices; sisal post, cardboard block, wooden log or even a thick tree branch. You can spray Feliway onto the carpet to discourage her from scratching there. These articles have advice on teaching cats to use a scratcher and how to protect furnishings.


Sandy asks…

What are your views on the Death Penalty in the UK?

I would like to see the death penalty brought back into the UK.
Prisons are a waste of time, space and money.
I, myself have no problems about people commiting crime.
In fact, I am very interested in Serial Killers, Abductions, and Torture.

BUT, I still think we should bring back the death penalty into the UK.
What are your views on this?

Nagesh answers:

I watch a lot of US crime docs and in states which retain, or have re-introduced, the Death Penalty the prosecution have a useful negociating tool whereby a murderer quickly coughs up all the info and shows where he hid the body if the DP is taken off the table.

In the current April Jones affair, if it IS Bridger then he would have fully cooperated as soon as he was arrested to save his neck and thus saved the CPS and Police a huge amount of time and money as well as a form of closure to the girl’s family.

The argument about the effectiveness of the DP is very complex but from a moral point of view, 100% yes from me.

Linda asks…

How do I get furniture and appliances?

I’m currently homeless [long and painful story] but am about to move into a flat, problem is the only furniture I have is a double bed, bookcase, TV unit, and wardrobe – I also have a PC and TV.

Problem is I simply do not have the funds; bills are going to be hard enough to manage at first, so furniture and appliances are going to be difficult, more so as my credit is too poor to get any sort of loan (a blessing in disguise really) – again, the same long and painful story.

Other than working my behind off for more money and buying second-hand is there anything else I can do to get what I need? I seem to remember seeing on TV once something where people could buy or borrow when they couldn’t afford it themselves, any idea of anything like this?
Thanks so far guys, but the problem with Freecycle is that I need to have something to offer and I have nothing (plus my local group does not seem very active).

Nagesh answers:

There’s a place called Turntable that does furniture for people on benefits. Their site is:
There may be one near you. Also, freecycle may be good for you, although a lot of things go really quickly!
Good luck! 🙂

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Monday, September 15th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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