Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Uk

James asks…

Could I become a millionaire quickly if I invest into a great penny stock?

When I turn aged 18 I intend to invest into penny stocks with the £4,000 I should have by then. If I choose the right ones, could I become a millionaire reasonably quickly with the money I have?

Nagesh answers:

No. It would be like a casino. With bad odds, you’d lose more times than you win.

People who become millionaires in the markets use risk management and leverage for blue chip and larger growth stocks. You also need to learn technical analysis (reading stock charts) and fundamental analysis (analyzing the company) and watch the overall market FTSE 100 index to succeed.

For the UK and Ireland, you could try studying the stocks on the FTSE All-Share Index:

UK stocks are measured in pence instead of pounds so don’t freak out if a stocks is quoted at 2000. It’s only 20 pounds.

There’s no hurry. The London Stock Exchange is always going to be there. Better to learn first and profit later than lose your 4000 pounds.

Thomas asks…

How exactly do you become a commercial pilot in the UK?

Okay I’m 16 and I want to be a pilot. I no there are some licences you need but what are they and were do you get them from and what is the price of these. Do U need any kind of qualifications or just lots of money. Any more information that i will need to know would be appreciated

Nagesh answers:

I highly recommend you speak to the guys at Bristol Flying Centre. They do all ratings and all licenses. They will get you from nothing to ATPL quickly.

Betty asks…

What jobs are there in the gambling industry?

I live in the Uk and I’m 17 years old, I’ve just finished my first year at college/6th form and lately been interested in working in the gambling industry. What kind of jobs is there and is there any type of apprenticeships you can do?
Top answer will be rewarded and thankyou for all the answers in advance 🙂
Thanks you “?” Its not letting me give you a best answer but thanks for the detailed answer much appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

Well you won’t be allowed to do any work in it for another year of course, but there’s lots you can do. Casinos are always looking for blackjack/poker dealers, and betting shops are always after more staff, if you show a bit of interest or initiative they’ll move you through the ranks quite quickly too!!

If you want to gamble professionally then that’s not really something anyone can advise you on, bar exchange betting and stuff and google is probably your friend there =p

I have to warn you though, I loved gambling, I loved horse racing, poker, roulette and all that stuff so I worked in a betting shop. The customers could be really friendly, and there was good banter but the job itself was horrible. The hours and days you have to work are bad enough, you’re only closed one day a year and you’re open until late. You’re encouraged to make your customers develop addictions and keep playing even when you know they’re suffering for it and the “GamCare” they have in place to protect people is an absolute farce. I saw people come in with money that they were supposed to be using to pay their mortgage, people leaving their kids outside for hours on end (and you can’t let them come in even if it’s raining because they’re not allowed on the site). You see some really really sad things, some illegal things and some scary things. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. Please please really think about it and explore other options before you look for a career there.

Michael asks…

What pays tax the company thats makes money or the holding company?

I am about to set up a company in the UK and i have plan to grow it quickly which i now i should not do but i am because that how i am. The thing is that all the company’s will share the holding company names and then they will have specific name after them similar to virgin group. I have spoke HMRC they can’t seem to help. So i do not what to pay double corporation tax which is bit of joke when star bucks pays jack shit but hey. So is there away for me to pay only one tax bill and it all to be centralized through the holding company.
I know this wrong way of going about this but i have to do it this way because i am planning to grow rapid into many different areas fast.

Nagesh answers:

The trading companies pay tax on their profits. Each company will submit a profit and loss account and tax return based on its own trading activities.
The holding company will also pay tax on its profits – if it has any. Normally a holding company does not trade, all it does is hold the shares of other companies (hence it is called a holding company). As a shareholder, it will receive dividends from the companies it owns. Dividends paid from one UK company to another are not taxable. If that is its only “income” it will not have any tax to pay.

Robert asks…

How long does it take for a bank wire money transfer to arrive?

My fiance-to-be is trying to send me money from his bank account in England to my bank account in the USA to pay for a visa application. After about 3 tries, and all sorts of problems with Swift codes, etc. they said it went. Since his is a small bank and my bank in the US is small and not international either, they said it would go through Barclay’s in the UK, then somewhere else he thinks (New York I think) and then on to my bank. It also wasn’t cheap and was a huge amount of trouble. We are desperate for me to receive this money quickly, because I need it to pay for the fiance visa application. They didn’t seem to be too sure at my bank, they said I would probably receive the money in around 2 to 3 days. Help! I’m going nuts! Has anybody else had this experience, especially between the UK and the US?

Nagesh answers:

Sending wire transfers internationally can be a harrowing experience, and alot of times there are no guarantees that your money will get to it’s target. Now, both the UK and USA are reasonably civilized countries, so that shouldn’t be an issue. You pretty much have mentioned already what the process is – his small bank sends the money to Barclay’s in the UK which will, in turn, send to what they call a ‘Corresponding US bank’ (many times Citibank, or other big NY bank), who will, in turn credit to the Federal Reserve bank in the district in which your bank is located. At that point, the Federal Reserve will send to a bigger bank with whom your bank does business, which will then credit the money to your bank, and into your account. Now, the problem is that some of these banks only process wire transfers at certain times of the day, so your money is actually waiting for somebody to approve it’s next step of the journey. Also, some of these banks will charge a processing fee, which will take a bite out of the funds that you will receive. I would say at the longest, it should take no longer than two days. If it hits the third day, have your fiance go to his bank and ask for them to trace the wire. The bank may put up some resistance, because it’s extra work, but they CAN do it. The trace will tell the received times and processing stations at each stop along the way. It may also show if the wire was sent with incorrect wiring instructions, such as a faulty account number or bank’s ABA number, etc.

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Monday, February 10th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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