Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Uk

James asks…

What are the disadvantages and advantages of people migrating to the UK?

What are the disadvantages and advantages of people migrating to the UK? Homework help… 😛
I mean advantages and dissadvantages for the UK not for the people who migrate here 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Considering the UK is already very over-populated, more and more immigrants entering the UK puts a significant strain on our health service, and as foreign women often have a higher fertility rate than British women, this causes much money to be spent on midwifery, and also these children must be educated in Britain – at the expense of the tax-payer. It is highly debatable that any benefit that foreign, unskilled workers may have on the economy is quickly nutralised by the cost of providing services to them, such as the NHS and the cost of educating their children (if they have any), and often providing translators for children at the expense of the tax-payer.

Also, the trend of employing unskilled foreign workers also has a negative impact on British workers. Often, big supermarket chains source their job offers out to agencies abroad who advertise their jobs abroad to foreign workers exclusively, and often unskilled British workers never even get a chance at applying for a job. This is happening more and more often.

And to the people who say foreigners are discriminated against – what a load of rubbish. If anything, it is the foreigners themselves who do very little to assimilate to the majority culture and treat it with a general lack of disregard.

The UK is a very tolerant country, too tolerant in my opinion as we often allow ourselves to be walked on.

Linda asks…

How to become a driving instructor in the UK?

Just looking to know how long it takes, the cost, insurance, etc and how long it will take until you start making money?

Much appreciated folks

Nagesh answers:

Hi, good to see you looking for a new career, be prepared to enjoy the journey.

The time it takes to become a driving instructor depends on:

How much time you have to devote to your training, how quickly you tend to learn things generally and how much practice and hard work you are prepared to put in.
You could qualify and be earning in as little as three months, but most people take more like six to nine months, as most people tend to train around a current job, which means they have less time to train.

As for costs, you can find training companies who will try to charge you as much as £4,000.00 but look around, you can get much better deals than that.
Take a look at:

Don’t worry about insurance, it’s not nearly as expensive as most people think and you can claim money back from the tax man to cover most of it 🙂

Lisa asks…

Property in the UK, I have heard that you can get a real bargain from repossesion at auction?

Im looking to buy property in the UK, I have heard that you can get a real bargain from repossesion at auction. I have contacted my bank and they have no information about where they do their auctions. Does anyone know how to find out about the best way to going to an auction like this?

Nagesh answers:

1. Not everything at Auction are bargains there are many overpriced..developers buy at auction it up and sell it again at careful…its not all reposessions..its also pple who want money quickly….
2.You need to have the funds readily avaliable…you complete in 28days or loose your deposit (10%)
3.Do an internet search all auctions houses have websites…

Ken asks…

If a cash machine is broken and starts spitting out money – can you keep it?

Assume the bank is closed, and the cash machine is emptying out all it’s money

I’m sure you can keep it, but what about CCTV or what if your conscience cannot let you?
Do you keep all the money then go to the bank when it’s open, do you tell the police, what do you do? And can you keep the money without getting into trouble for it?

Nagesh answers:

This would be just like finding a wallet in the street and keeping it. It’s called theft by finding. You have to notify the owner of the money or the police. Most ATMs will have a phone number on them and you could ring that number for advice.

A lots of ATMs in the UK do have CCTV trained on them for obvious reasons and also there are records of who has used them and the time.

In the 1980’s a colleague had a phone call from his bank which was next to our office. He’d made a quick withdrawal on his way in and hadn’t checked the money. When he counted it for them, he had £20 too much. This belonged to the person who’d used the machine just ahead of him and who’d been in the bank complaining when he’d used it. If they could trace him so quickly then, just think about what can do now.

Susan asks…

Can a UK bank refuse to hand me my savings in cash ?

With interest rates almost zero and the prevailing uncertainty (shares in banks are falling quickly) I would like my savings in my home safe instead.

Nagesh answers:

I understand your concern however you may be unaware that savings upto 50K per individual per bank are guaranteed, even if the bank folded tomorrow you will still have that cash 100% guaranteed. This is something the FSA stipulate all banks and building societies must agree to, basically they all pay into a pot of money so if anyone of the members collapses the customers are protected.

If you do have more then 50k in savings just distribute the savings so you have no more then 50k in each bank eg 50k in Barclay’s, 50k in abbey, 50k in nationwide. That way you are fully protected and will not lose your money no matter what happens to any institution.

Just ignore the interest rate being so low at least your money will be far more secure in a bank then if it was just stowed away at home.

If u still want to withdraw your cash the bank are obliged to give you the cash as cash but you may have to give them a notice period, typically 7 days for sums over 5k

hope this helps

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Thursday, January 16th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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