Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Uk

Nancy asks…

13 year old making money?

How can a 13 year old make 150GBP as quickly as possible? (in UK)

Nagesh answers:

Paper round? Baby sitting?

William asks…

Road signs in Polish?

I’m sorry but I don’t get this. When the original immigrants came to settle in the UK from India, Pakistan, etc they didn’t get special favours. Noone put up road signs for them in Hindi or Urdu or Gujurati or Bengali. They had to learn to cope with English and they worked damn hard at it.

Now these people, who have only come here from Poland to make money quickly, are being given these sorts of special treatments?

It just seems wrong to me.
In Wales where I live all our signs are bi-lingual in Welsh and English. I would feel REALLY angry to see Polish added to them!!
Babe – thats awful, it should have been Welsh, then English. Polish should be last if they had to use it at all! Thank God they don’t do that round here.

Nagesh answers:

I’m Polish, but I agree with you 100% How will People learn if they are babied with signs written in Polish? Not all of us are here just to make money though, or send it back to our families. The money I make in the UK is spent in the UK.

Sharon asks…

My friend is British-born Indian and thinks there are too many EU migrants in the UK?

Does this make her a “racist Xenophobic bigot”?

(Her own parents migrated here, although they were highly skilled people who intended to settle here and contribute, rather than just make a lot of money quickly and go home)

She’s a Pharmacy student who is seeing her friends struggle to find pre-Reg places because of the lack of them and the fact that the Govt is pledged a portion of these places to EU students. She’s also seen wages plummet in the sphere she wants to work in as so many EU students come here to find work.

Would the pro-EU lobby label her the same way they’d label me when I say the same thing (because I’m white)?
Her dad gets really angry to see people just being allowed to walk in and take jobs, housing and benefits (from his taxes) – he had to bust his gut to come to the UK and never claimed a penny from the Government, he never got any handouts or freebies! He had to work himself half to death to get where he is today!
She is a Hindu, not a muslim.

Nagesh answers:

Your friend is certainly not a racist for speaking out about mass immigration into the U.K. Political Correctness in Britain have made it a ‘sin’ to talk against this kind of subject
Being classed as ‘racist’ for speaking the truth.

The first wave of immigrants to descend to Britain in the late 1950s from Asia, have contributed to the economy.

Although, these new immigrants from Eastern Europe are not like there Asian counterparts because they are taking advantage of the system, and its not fair for everyone.

There is certainly nothing wrong with a little immigration, but the government have gone too far. That’s why the country is going into public meltdown.

Sandy asks…

how can i save up to get a dog?

Ways i can get money?
my parents said that if I saved up around £400 to pay most for a puppy I could get one, I really want a dog but I need ways to get money quickly. I live in the UK and most people dont really want you to do gardening or washing there cars for them here so how can i possible make money?? im only 14 so i cant get a job either, i’m home-schooled so this is one reason on why i want a dog, so that i have something to do in my spare time and other reasons.

I hope someone can help! 🙂 thanks.

Nagesh answers:

You’re 14 can’t you get a part time job? Why can’t you rescue a dog from a shelter? Cost less and they are in need of a home.

James asks…

Moving to the UK (Brighton or London) and could use some help!?

My boyfriend is moving to the UK in august to get his masters. I will be going as his student dependent, so we have the visa thing pretty much worked out. My questions are on, since I will be the primary breadwinner while he’s in school, where are some good places to look for jobs? I have a bachelors and currently work as a government Contractor Doing leadership development.

Also we are trying to figure out housing, and the like. We aren’t quite sure which bid we are accepting (UBrighton or Kings College) But I imagine life in Brighton or London will be quite different. So any information on costs and what to expect (should we bring furniture/items or get it all there) would be useful.

The program is 1 year, but he will qualify for HSMP after it is done (if I make enough money I may as well) so our stay could quickly extend beyond the one year if we fall in love with the UK.

Final part! I am a musician (actively play and gig) any help with which city has a better scene?

Nagesh answers:

I was at university in Brighton and spent the next 15 years of my life wishing I could’ve stayed there rather than move to London for work. I’m now able to live in Brighton and commute to London for work and I love living by the sea! London’s an incredibly expensive place to live, even if you’re on a decent salary, but the advantage is that if you’re young and without too many commitments, it’s also very exciting. Just bear in mind that most of your money will go on rent and transport!

Brighton’s also becoming expensive but is nowhere near London prices and I’m now paying 1,000 dollars less a month to rent in Brighton (although the train fare makes back up another 400 a month).

However, you can find some brilliant places within walking distance of the sea front and the station and Brighton’s a much more manageable city in terms of size – you can walk pretty much everywhere, the buses are efficient and there’s absolutely loads to do here.

Brighton also has a burgeoning music scene and there’s always loads of local bands gigging in pubs and clubs. Have a look at and for an idea of what’s going on.

As for funiture, forget shipping it, you can furnish a place dead cheap at Ikea or with secondhand stuff and if you’re renting, a lot of flats come furnished anyway.

Only downside of Brighton is the salaries are much lower than in London and you may find it harder to get work. If you can afford it, my suggestion would be to commute to London if you’re pretty near either end of your train journey (Brighton to London Victoria or London Bridge). That way, you’ll get the best of both!

Good luck with your move.

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Sunday, February 19th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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