Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Online

Laura asks…

What online broker offers low minimum balances when initially opening an account?

I’m 16 and I want to start investing. The money I’m using is expendable, so I’m willing to take a few risks. HOWEVER, I only have about $1000. I understand the majority of the main online brokerage don’t offer minimum balances close to that, but are there any that have low minimum balances that would accept $1000? I know a fair bit about investing and I’m looking to make money somewhat quickly — not for the long-term. Thank you!!!

Nagesh answers:

In North America you need to be 18 years of age to invest. You can not open an account with a brokerage firm. You can have a parent open a custodian account for you, using your social security number and when you turn 18 the assets in the account can be moved to an account in your name

Many firms require a minimum balance of at least $500 but you’ll have to have a parent open and use the account for you.

All major brokerage firms provide their clients with on-line services, including trading platforms, latest market & financial news and research.

Customer need to select the site that is best for them. Traders have requirements in a site, while investors have other requirements.

Although most sites are geared to general securities and commodities, however customers may have special needs for the types of products they trade, and the markets in which they trade. For example I use Fidelity for investing. Scottrade for equities trading and ThinkorSwim for option trading

Remember, if you’re going to playh in the game, you must play by the rules

Betty asks…

My friends and I want to go on a trip to Europe, but we need to make more cash! how can we do this?

We are seven people in all, and want to take a trip to Europe over the summer, preferrably in July/August. Please don’t reply with online surveys, but actual methods of making money quickly, serious answers please!

Nagesh answers:

Why not consider how to make the trip as cheap as possible or even get it to pay for itself? If you just want to get out and you are really cash strapped, try looking into jobs as seasonal farm hands — just remember that countries like Greece, Italy, Spain etc. Are very hot in the summer. Usually the employers cover room and board (nothing luxurious) and will pay you enough money to cover the flight. If this sounds appealing at all, try looking for a small family grower and get them to arrange work visas (not a problem for seasonal agro workers).
Or you can try contacting private-run hostels in places where you would like to go if you can barter work for accommodations. I live in Prague (Czech Rep) and as there are tons of travelers and tons of hostels, they send some of their own people out to the train stations to recruit backpackers to come stay with them. The plus here is that you wouldn’t need a visa for this sort of arrangement, and you would be free to roam the city at night – not possible if you are out at a farm.
I know the flight tickets are terribly expensive, so check out Air Hitch. Imagine hitchhiking at the airport runway … Well, you will be inside the terminal but they will get you to Europe and back and it is the cheapest way to go. It is how I got my one-way ticket in this direction and it was the best $200 I ever spent.
If you Airhitch, stay at hostels for free in exchange for “volunteer work” and stay away from expensive cities and tourist traps, I bet you could make it fine with a budget of $1500 per person for the whole summer. And if you do not make that much come late June, consider staying in a cheap city like Prague — and remember cheap does not mean uncool.
I haven’t told you how to make more money, but I have told you how to save a bunch — hope I’ve helped! Have fun!

Ruth asks…

ive been workin this dead end job for about a year and want to start my own online business?

i have all the info on how to get started and the product. i just dont have the resourses. any ideas on how to get the money quickly fo start up?

Nagesh answers:

The article “How to Raise Money to Start a Business” provides ideas on where to get resources to start a business:

Personal Savings
Family Members and Friends
Venture Capitalists
Angel Investors
Industrial Banks
Credit Cards
Small Business Investment Companies
Business Development Commissions
Life Insurance
Money Broker or Finder

Another option may be microloan providers (they give smaller loans up to $30K I think), and SBA has a list of accredited microloan providers

Sharon asks…

How can I find more coupons for online shopping?

I want to save money for my online shopping, I have heard that there are a lot of online shops with coupons given off, how can I find them? Are there any biggest?

Nagesh answers:

If you want to save money when doing the online shopping, you should never miss of using google search. For example, you can search PickEgg coupons in google, which is the easiest way to start looking for online sources of coupons. This helps you quickly locate those coupons you most frequently use, or the ones you need at the moment. By the way, PickEgg is now offering very large amount of coupons.

Maria asks…

How can i make a lot of money quickly?

I need money badly. I have a job but i am not making enough money. I am eighteen years old.

Nagesh answers:





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Sunday, February 2nd, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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