Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Legally

James asks…

How do I raise my credit score 100 pts in 6 months LEGALLY?

We have had some bad luck in the past, but money is coming in quickly and will continue. We would like to buy a home valued at 150,000 in next 6 months. My credit score is only a 540. How can I get that up to a 650-700 within the next 6 months LEGALLY. Please no spam links. Only answer if you have had experience with quickly raising your credit score.

Nagesh answers:

First thing is pull your credit report!

Examine it carefully, are there errors? If so you need to dispute them.
When you correspond with a credit reporting agency do it certified mail. I have herd too many stories of mail claiming to be lost! Make sure they fully comply withe the Fair Credit Reporting ACT.

There are a couple of other things that can help raise your score very quickly. The ratio of your credit used to your available credit should not exceed 50%, if it does your score suffers. If this is the case, see if you can either pay down you balance or get you existing credit limits increased.

Keep all your accounts current! As the length of time since you were late you score will improve.

What if there are judgments against you? Fist make sure that are really yours, if not challenge them. If you do own a judgment, you may need to get that cleared up.

Lenders will require that judgments be satisfied before the will give you money. But just paying it off, and having a satisfaction recorded, could hurt. My understanding that activity on a judgment, even satisfaction can lower your credit score. So you may want settle with your creditor, get a properly certified satisfaction piece in hand, but not have it recorded.

Some of the other answers, say that credit-repair companies are all RIPOFFS. Many are! My understanding is that the very best credit-repair is done by individuals (not usually attorneys) that charge 1 to 2 thousand for the process. The process can take up to a year or so. I do not have any referrals to offer your. The best I can say is search, contact, and verify the quality of their work!

If you have judgments against you, I may be able to help.

Thomas asks…

What is stopping tow companies from towing legally parked cars for profit?

They see a car, know the owner has money, so they tow it and say it was “Illegally” parked.

Nagesh answers:

There are laws.

In the State of WA the Washington State Patrol regulates the towing industry. Only tow truck companies approved by WSP can engage in police contract tows which would include towing illegally parked cars. The WSP also regulates the fees that towing companies can charge.

If the illegally parked car is on private property such as an apartment complex, then any tow truck can tow the car regardless if they been approved by WSP. The legal responsibility would fall to whoever signed the authorization.

The WSP can inspect any towing company, regardless if they are on police contract or not, for violations. As a towing owner you must provide proof for every car that you towed that you had legal authorization to do so. The law requires log books to be kept by drivers and dispatchers and all information must match. Violations are very steep.

WSP is very thorough and catches violators regularly. Violators don’t last long in this state as they are quickly shut down.

I would assume that every state governs towing in a similar fashion as mine. Do a search for your states towing laws. Should also show the rates that towing companies are allowed to charge as well.

Richard asks…

How do I turn £1500 into more money, quickly, legally and relatively risk free?

I needs mon£y$

Nagesh answers:

Take it to the airport currency exchange. You might get close to $2,000 American.

Charles asks…

How quickly will paychecks be garnished out of a bank account attached to a judgment–immediately?

Imagine someone opening new accounts all over to elude a crooked collection agency! What if it’s a joint acct in the OTHER person’s SS#? How would they find it & legally attach it in the 1st place?

Nagesh answers:

If someone has a judgment against you, they can use that judgment to attach any bank account with your name on it, even if none of the funds belong to you. Thus, joint account owners woud be wise to pull their money out of joint accounts.

There are many ways to track down assets, including file court papers to make the creditor supply a list of bank accounts and other assets.

Mandy asks…

how can I double my money in 30 days?

how can I double my money, legally, ethically…what is the quickest and greatest return on my investment?

Nagesh answers:

Doubling your money in thirty days isn’t investing – it is speculating – which is a polite way to say gambling. If it was possible to achieve such returns legally and ethically – revealled in a short pithy answer, why doesn’t everyone do it?

If you want to see the value of your investment move this quickly, you should buy “out of the money” call options on a well-traded stock There is a strong chance you will lose your entire investment if you guess (wrongly) the direction of the market unless you are great at market timing!

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Thursday, October 3rd, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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