Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Legally

Charles asks…

PLEASE ANSWER! How is the 1st chapter of my story?

Here’s the prologue: Clouds, soft, delicate. The citizens always told me that a cloud is to a lover. Clouds can move, you can feel them, but eventually, it will all fade away. Sometimes, there is that special cloud that stays with you, cushioning your deep dreams every night. My family and I lived on the side of the moon. This cloud would always follow the moon for some reason. The only way to live on one is to be born on it, which makes you a spirit. Humans cannot climb to be on one, they will fall through the stars, rip through the sky, and land face down in their bed. They will fall asleep and never remember what happened ever again. There is no explanation on why life is like this, for my grandfather and all the wise spirits state.

Then there are the spirits that live on the cloud on the side of the sun. They wear robes of fire, hearts of hate and souls of death. People wonder why there are eclipses. Eclipses are when the sun and moon fight for the Earth’s eye to view its precious beauty, and during
this time, the sun and moon cloud spirits are fighting. This is rare, and whenever there is an eclipse, food is scarce, and spirits are greatly afraid. I always just wanted peace, like there is on Earth.

NOT PART OF THE STORY: The prologue is in the view of a child who lives in the clouds. The first chapter is about a child who lives on Earth and dreams about the clouds. Say your opinion, thanks! :]
I always wondered, what are clouds like? Where do they go? Questions like these endlessly emerged from my head, and it spiraled. I eventually grew drowsy and silently slept. I knew
there was something out in the moon, stars, maybe even clouds.

This is a poor village we have, my parents and I are happy to have a small wood and straw home. It is shaped as a rather small tent and has rocks surrounding it. Although no one within 100 miles is wealthy, I am grateful for shelter, water, and food. Apparently, food is scarce, as my mother says.

The next day, my parents were panicked. My eyes spread wide as I listened to the thorough details that a local friend, Hanuko, spat the terrible news. There was a war in our village! Thievery was common here in this small town in Japan, but this time the community took action. They created arrows and bows, knives and whips. A large group of thieves arrived,
armed and ready.

“I must protect our village,” My father, Rukano, had bellowed with subtle pride. “Please, Kara,” He passionately said my mother’s name. “Create weapons, take care of our boy, and pray. It is all you can do while I am protecting us and everything around us.” Rukano had already equipped several 100’s of arrows, a couple of bows, and 5 knives. These were made long ago for emergencies.

“Goodbye…” Kara weakly whispered. She sweetly smiled, but my father and I could see the wistfullness in her eyes. A warm tear ran down my cheek, however, my heart felt cold and frozen as ice. My mother pecked Rukano a small kiss and limped away.

“Son,” My father ripped through the deadly moment of silence, which felt like hours of dead silence. “Stay strong and help your mother, I promise we’ll all be fine.” I had a slight doubt in his promise, but hoped to God that he was correct. “I hope this war is short, and very few die, goodbye now, Hyinu.” My dad marched away. It all happened too quickly.

You’re probably wondering what the thieves are stealing and why they are stealing. First of all, even areas that are not the wealthiest have valuable items and precious artwork. This place in Japan has a great reputation for traditional silk kimonos. Kimonos are in high demand, and they keep the village running with trade and money. When other areas buy all they can legally, and if they desire more, they are willing to steal. Our village obviously wants this to end.

Sometimes, I wish I could fly up to a cloud and escape Earth, for peace.

Nagesh answers:

This is good, although you’re telling the readers rather than letting them accually see it. I don’t know if you wanted us to edit it for you but…

My family and I lived on the side of the moon
I don’t understand what you mean by this. Is that good, or bad?

The only way to live on one is to be born on it, which makes you a spirit. Humans cannot climb to be on one
How? Why? What’s a spirit like? Do they have to be really kind, ect. To live on a cloud?

The citizens always told me that a cloud is to a lover.
Citizens of where? This word doesn’t really fit into this sentece; maybe use “people” instead?

Shelter, water, and food. Apparently, food is scarce, as my mother says.
The next day, my parents were panicked
that’s a jump. Try adding something to it to make it not so sudden.
“the following morning, when I climbed out of bed, the first thing I heared were my parents, whispering sharp, panicked…”

Hanuko, spat the terrible news. There was a war in our village!
Another jump. And shouldn’t this be before the parents being panicked?
Add something more to it.

But it’s got a very good storyline and it catches the reader’s attention.
Good luck!

Richard asks…

How can I get lots of money quickly and legally?

I need to buy sooo much stuff and I have no money what can I do?

Nagesh answers:

When you find out let me know since l have lots l have to buy also and my paycheck just ain’t helping much lol

James asks…

How do I make money with kindle eBooks?

How can i start making money quickly with kindle ebooks? i know that it takes quite a bit of time after you have a book up for it to start selling but i would like to know if it is allowed to copy and paste from other sources and put that up, and i would like to know how i can get the books more noticed.

Nagesh answers:

Write a book and get your publisher to offer it as an ebook.
You cannot legally make money from other’s efforts, it’s called copy right infringement.

Sharon asks…

What’s the easiest and quickest way to get out a bad tenant?

I’m trying to help out my grandma who is the landlord of a small apartment complex here in Sacramento, CA. She is smart when it comes to business, but when it comes to any legal actions she may have to take against her tenants, she is just plain clueless. She called me earlier and told me that she is having major issues with a tenant. The tenants haven’t paid rent in many months, an appearently are destroying the unit as well. How would we be able to het rid of these people quickly and legally? Any and all advise would be a big help!

Nagesh answers:

Go to your court house and file the proper paperwork to start eviction process.
The tenants will be served and have x number of days to come up with all the money owed or get out.

The court will give you all the details.

John asks…

How can I legally ask for donations at my store for another organization?

I have a dollar bookstore. I want to sponsor a school and ask people for a $1 donation which I will then turn around and give that many books to that sponsored school. Am I legally allowed to ask for dollars. Or do I have to ask them if they would like to donate a book to the school for $1? How can I legally do it with the school. Do they have to fill out any sort of tax forms or anything?

Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

I would think that you need a written agreement with the school. They would give you permission to act as their agent, in soliciting money. The agreement would say where and when you can do this, and other conditions. These might include how much you can keep for expenses, how quickly you need to turn over the money or books, how much advertising you can associate with the effort. Also, who gets to pick the books?

Since you plan to give books and not the money, then you are effectively keeping the profit you make on selling the books. It’s the same as if you (1) got $1000 in donations, (2) gave the money to the school, and then (3) the school bought $1000 worth of books from you at retail. This profit, like any other profit you make, is taxable income IMHO.

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Friday, July 19th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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