Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Legally

Mandy asks…

How soon can my car be reposessed?

My payment was due on the 13th, but I haven’t been able to make the payment due to a family emergency. I am planning on making the payment on October 1st, when I get my annuity money, but until then I have no way to pay it. I have not ever been this late on my payment, but am worried that they will come take my car. How quickly after a missed payment can they repo my car legally? I live in Ohio.

Nagesh answers:

Each lender is different, but usually, you have to be about 90 days late on your payment for repo.

If you make your payment within 30 days of the due date, it probably won’t even make it in your credit report.

I would still call the lender and let them know that your payment is gonna be late.

Charles asks…

how should i go about (legally) fixing my school?

our school district is going through a period of “normalizing” and it’s completely ruining school for the entire district. over the past two years they have gone from offering 10 class periods, having an hour and a half long lunch, having open campus and having completely separate (and working) a days and b days, to having only 8 class periods, two separate 40 minute lunches (with half of your friends in the other lunch) closed campus to freshmen and sophomores, (and 40 minutes isn’t enough time to even go anywhere for lunch as a senior or junior anyway) and a messed up a/b/c day where you have some classes some days and all classes c days.
this awful schedule affects the entire district, and they make it worse and worse each year.
not a single student or teacher i have talked with is satisfied with this plan. from what I’ve learned from teachers, they even have to work an extra class for equal pay. they were about to fight it but the administration said they would have to teach the extra class even on the old schedule, which made them back down.
their “excuses” for changing the schedule to this are these: to lower traffic incidents that occur at lunch (which is going to happen more now that people are rushed for time) and that students didn’t buy from school lunches, which cost the school money (kinda their fault, not ours) among the usual “it’s better for your education” crap. how does offering TWO LESS CLASSES benefit us? that’s two credits over 4 years i could be losing.
Here’s what i can do:
i can organize a doubtless formidable inter-school alliance against this. if it catches on, theoretically it could include 50% of the student body of each school. that’s a formidable force.
we can contact the administration. though we have and they’ve never listened, a few thousand letters might make them change their mind.
we can organize parents. this one might be less than the students. but still, with maybe a thousand angry parents , we might get something done.
here’s what i need:
1. a method of organizing. i can start a facebook group i would imagine would gain membership quickly. but i don’t know how to gain support from everyone or organize petitions, boycotts etc.
2. i also need leadership. the elected school officers would do nicely if i can persuade them, but that might not be a possibility, so i need a group who can communicate and lead all three schools in the district.
3. i need to know what actions to take. I’m not necessarily a legal professional. i do know that there’s almost no chance we could get a major boycott in, but we can bluff one (though i doubt it will be necessary) but i don’t know what we should do or how we should negotiate etc.
4. finally, we want it now. we’ve endured this for 2 years now and it needs to stop. we don’t want to see it in 2 years when we graduate. we want it back.
thank you.
ok, i live in wyoming, which is the only state that’s completely loaded despite the recent depression we’ve had. so no, financial crisis is not the issue, we spend tons on education and that hasn’t stopped or slowed. besides, i see no financial benefit in these classes.
also i don’t mind change, but when it impairs mine and my classmates education capabilities, i fight back. i could live with 40 minute lunches and closed campus, but 2 less classes is not ok. those are just other things they messed up that i thought i’d mention.

*********also stop responding without reading the whole post, and if you argue against me, come up with good points.**********

Nagesh answers:

Sounds exactly what my high school schedule was like, and we all lived and managed to get our lunches LONG before 40 minutes. You really dont know what you are talking about…..and should actually try it out before you start to dissect it. No matter WHAT you do…its not going to change a thing. You have no voice in public school. So i suggest you just get use to the fact that things are changing, and probably changing for the better in my opinion.

Edit: no ones really arguing with you. So theres no “good points” to be made. I guess i just dont understand why these two less classes are so important….. You will get the credits you need to graduate so there shouldnt be a problem with this.

Ps: FYI yes i read your entire rant….

Jenny asks…

Can a divorce lawyer legally cut a deal with the opposing spouse for creating a more favorable outcome ?

Let’s say a man has $500000 in assets. The wife who wants a divorce isn’t clear on how much he actually has, but she knows she is entitled to half in her state if she goes through the court. She is being pressured by her attorney to come up with more money to pay her legal fees. Her attorney tells her to just sign an agreement entitling her to $100000 and the divorce will be final, but all along this attorney could have requested by order of the court that his fee be paid by the husband. The wife was not made aware of this possibility and the husband pays the attorney $100000 for making this deal happen. Is this fraud or malpractice? Or legal in any way? It seems like a bribe. I have a friend who feels this is what is going on in her divorce. Also can she be bound by an agreement to settle for an amount which is not yet determined? Like signing that she will accept a cash settlement and the amount will be determined after she signs (just to get the deal done quickly since she desperately needs living expense money at this point) Yes this actually almost happened. I just don’t know how this could be legal. Example..she says ok I’ll accept the settlement and signs. The next day the husband gives her 10000. What recourse would she have?

Nagesh answers:

If she signs it and later finds evidence that her lawyer acted on behalf of the opposing party in any way, not only is the agreement null and void, but her attorney can and should lose his license.

That said, she needs a private investigator and/or another attorney.

Thomas asks…

Why are we punishing the US Citizen Tax payers with higher debt than cutting a few expenses easily by?

Making a few adjustments that will save us and are legally our right to change. Before anyone goes on a ‘racist’ rant please note that I am Latina. With that alone I know I just discouraged those who wanted to quickly call me a racist. We can save the Tax Payers around $2.63B a year or $26.3B each decade, which helps any way you want to cut it. Which Programs and what changes are we talking about? Only two federally funded programs.
How much can we save? The numbers below are based only on Illegal immigrants using this system not US citizens who are the children of illegal immigrants.
Migrant and seasonal Head Start programs operate in 39 states and serve more than 30,000 illegal migrants and 3,000 children of seasonal farm workers. Migrant and seasonal Head Start programs serve children from 6 months to school age and also provide a variety of health and transportation services. This Federally funded program has an annual $6.8+ billion dollar budget at an average cost of $7,222 per child. Do the Math and that will come out to $238,326,000 in savings. Much less money that we, the Tax payers, will have to grind out and avoid our own default.
More than 15 percent of California’s students are children of illegal aliens, as are more than ten percent of the students in Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, Nevada, and Texas. More than five percent of the students are the children of illegal aliens in Florida, Georgia, Kansas, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, and Washington.
Defenders of illegal aliens assert that the cost of educating illegal alien students is offset by the taxes paid by their parents, but study after study shows that immigrants cost taxpayers much more in public services used than they pay into the system via taxes. This is particularly true of illegal immigrants, who are disproportionately low-skilled and thus low-earning and are much more likely to be working in the underground economy or providing contractual services and not withholding taxes.
How much does public education to illegal immigrants cost us? The numbers below are based only on Illegal immigrants using this system not US citizens who are the children of illegal immigrants.Statistics from 2005 show that the costs for the entire US were $11,919.9M or Just under $12B. Let’s say on an extremely optimistic hypothetical number that Taxes from illegal immigrant’s offsets the cost by 80%, that would still leaves a balance of 20% or $2383.98M or just under $2.4B.
For those Bernie Sanders fans who claim that the Government is evil because they want to cut funds, Sen. Sanders fails each time to mention the facts above and just wants to keep spending other people’s money. So call me heartless or whatever but I know numbers and we have to save ours. Comments?

Nagesh answers:

That would be a good start.

Mark asks…

I need help! my girlfriends dad is abusive and hit her?

Please respond intelligently.

My girlfriend’s dad hit her the other day and this has happened before. he has hit her mom and her brothers and sisters as well. they can’t call the cops on him because he is over here on a work visa.

he get’s mad over nothing because he is bipolar and he flips out and get’s violent and say he is going to take them all back to turkey but then he doesn’t do it… I love her and I’m not going to give up on her. she is 19 so legally she could leave but she doesn’t want to leave her brother and sister and mom.

Frankly I think her mom should divorce her dad and take half the money but I dunno how that works since her mom and dad are Muslims I don’t think its halal to divorce. they are very afraid of him though and even my own mom is afraid of him because he has enough money that he could probably have me killed if he wanted.. I am dead serious about wanting to marry her and have children but I’m scared that he will try to hurt her.

everyone I talk to says I should just leave her alone. but I love her.. how can you leave the love of your life to be beaten by somebody. I don’t even know him but I’ve tried to learn as much as I can about him and how he thinks so he would like me but now he says he’s not gonna pay for her to go to college and instead make her move to turkey and live in the mountains… this is insane.

how can I save her, I’m not giving up…. She says if he makes her move to turkey she will kill herself.

I think she should secretly pack her shit. and run away with me. I want her to change her name to a boys name and marry her at a courthouse changing her last name to mine and very quickly erase her past identity so he cant find her.. I know she will miss her mom and sister but if she stays there either she will kill herself or he will continue to beat her and one day maybe kill her.. he has pushed her down the stairs and smashed her head into the wall before.


she lives far away and hew dad doesn’t know about me.

Nagesh answers:

I don’t care where this man is from, where he works or anything about him other than the FACT he IS an abuser! He could very badly hurt someone, cripple them for life or WORSE! Someone HAS to stop him & put an end to this for good! Who cares if he is here on a work visa?! Obviously, he doesn’t care about anyone else that’s for sure, so why should anyone even worry about him?! He would be better if he was sent back to his homeland & IF the others didn’t want to go, he couldn’t “make them” go. Your girlfriend could get a restraining order taken out on him & he would NOT be allowed anywhere near the home or have ANY communication with them. They could get a permanent Restraining Order against him & NEVER have to worry about him again. EVERYTHING would be taken care of thru the court system. I don’t know if she has any “marks” oh her from this last episode with him & your girlfriend, but if she does, she could go to the police & get that Restraining Order taken out immediately. She then would go thru her local Family Court where a Judge presides & she would have already told her “story” prior to going to court as she would be assigned to someone who would have her “case work”. I’ve been thru this, I KNOW how it works. She WOULD have the law on her side, there is NOTHING he could do about it to even fight it. IF the WHOLE FAMILY would just “band together”, ALL of them go to the police & tell their story it would all go thru Family Court & be settled there very quickly & easily. They honestly would have NOTHING to fear! Please talk to her about all this as she DOES have a way out, she CAN get protection & NOT have to worry about anything. I mean this in all seriousness. THIS IS her way out, the way out for ALL of them if only they would do it! I SO wish you the best, you’re more than welcome to email me if you’d like…:)

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Friday, October 26th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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