Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Home

Sharon asks…

I am 11 and want to make money?

I want to buy a amazon kindle but i have to come up with my own money. How?

Nagesh answers:

General Strategies on Saving Money and Earning More Money

Save as much money as you can! You’ll be surprised as to how quickly you can save a lot of money!

Here are a few suggestions:

Ways To Save Money & Ways To Earn More Money (Updated on 08/13/2010)

Don’t go out to eat. Example: don’t eat out at fancy, high-class restaurants. Instead, eat at a fast food restaurant or cook a healthy meal at home. It is much cheaper than the alternative.

If you are a teen or a young adult, you might want to hold a bake sale. You can have your other friends help you out, so that you can help attain your goal of saving and/or making more money.

If you have a habit of buying new clothes very often, then resist the urge to buy new clothes for a little while. You could potentially save a good amount of money.

Take personal finance courses online or at a high school or college/university.

If you are a teen or a young adult, you may want to have a dog-walking service.

To help you manage your money, try

Talk to a customer service representative at a bank or other financial institution and learn more about financial instruments.

Don’t go out to watch new movies in theaters. Watch movies on your TV at home. Rent movies using Netflix.

If you are a teen, you may want to think about babysitting. You can babysit your neighbor’s children.

Don’t spend too much money when going out with friends. Have a budget in mind before you actually meet up with your friends.

If you are a teen, you could try to mow the lawn. Many of your neighbors probably want their lawns to be mowed at a fraction of the price that they pay others to do the same work.

Invest your money in a CD (certificate of deposit). You can hold your money in a CD for 6 months or even a year. It generally pays more interest than the interest you get from a traditional savings account from a bank.

If you are a teen, do chores around the house. Your parents will appreciate it and you might get some money for it.

If you like to invest your money in the stock market, then you may want to invest your money in a commodity, such as gold. The value/price of gold is expected to increase in the future.

If you are a teen, then make sure to save the money that you get from your allowance (if you get an allowance).

If you like to invest your money in the stock market, then you may want to invest your money in specific large-cap and medium-cap companies that you trust. Apple (Stock Symbol: AAPL) and Google (Stock Symbol: GOOG) are two such stocks where you can choose to invest your money.

Try to sell something of value that you are willing to part with. Sell your old stuff on websites where many people make purchases, such as ebay or craigslist. You could also sell your stuff through a garage sale or a yard sale.

Try to hold a donation drive where your family, close friends, neighbors, and other acquaintances will be able to help you out and donate a little bit of money. These people will include your parents, brothers, sisters, close friends, relatives, grandparents, neighbors, and other acquaintances.

If all else fails, borrow money from other people (parents, brothers, sisters, close friends, relatives, grandparents, neighbors, acquaintances, etc.) in order to get a short-term loan.

Nancy asks…

Should I spent my birthday money or save it?

My aunt gave me 1000 dollars in savings bond today and told me to save it for college. But I’m really obsessed with getting the new xbox 360. Should I secretly spend the money? I know my aunt would be sooo disapointed in me if I did it, but then again im really obsessed with getting that piece of junk. Please help guys.

Nagesh answers:

Save your money for college

You’ll need it

If you want to know some ways on getting your money to buy your new XBOX 360, here are some tips:

General Strategies on Saving Money and Earning More Money

Save as much money as you can! You’ll be surprised as to how quickly you can save a lot of money!

Here are a few suggestions:

Ways To Save Money & Ways To Earn More Money (Updated on 08/12/2010)

Don’t go out to eat. Example: don’t eat out at fancy, high-class restaurants. Instead, eat at a fast food restaurant or cook a healthy meal at home. It is much cheaper than the alternative.

If you are a teen or a young adult, you might want to hold a bake sale. You can have your other friends help you out, so that you can help attain your goal of saving and/or making more money.

If you have a habit of buying new clothes very often, then resist the urge to buy new clothes for a little while. You could potentially save a good amount of money.

Take personal finance courses online or at a high school or college/university.

If you are a teen or a young adult, you may want to have a dog-walking service.

To help you manage your money, try

Talk to a customer service representative at a bank or other financial institution and learn more about financial instruments.

Don’t go out to watch new movies in theaters. Watch movies on your TV at home. Rent movies using Netflix.

If you are a teen, you may want to think about babysitting. You can babysit your neighbor’s children.

Don’t spend too much money when going out with friends. Have a budget in mind before you actually meet up with your friends.

If you are a teen, you could try to mow the lawn. Many of your neighbors probably want their lawns to be mowed at a fraction of the price that they pay others to do the same work.

Invest your money in a CD (certificate of deposit). You can hold your money in a CD for 6 months or even a year. It generally pays more interest than the interest you get from a traditional savings account from a bank.

If you are a teen, do chores around the house. Your parents will appreciate it and you might get some money for it.

If you like to invest your money in the stock market, then you may want to invest your money in a commodity, such as gold. The value/price of gold is expected to increase in the future.

If you are a teen, then make sure to save the money that you get from your allowance (if you get an allowance).

If you like to invest your money in the stock market, then you may want to invest your money in specific large-cap and medium-cap companies that you trust. Apple (Stock Symbol: AAPL) and Google (Stock Symbol: GOOG) are two such stocks where you can choose to invest your money.

Try to sell something of value that you are willing to part with. Sell your old stuff on websites where many people make purchases, such as ebay or craigslist. You could also sell your stuff through a garage sale or a yard sale.

Try to hold a donation drive where your family, close friends, neighbors, and other acquaintances will be able to help you out and donate a little bit of money. These people will include your parents, brothers, sisters, close friends, relatives, grandparents, neighbors, and other acquaintances.

If all else fails, borrow money from other people (parents, brothers, sisters, close friends, relatives, grandparents, neighbors, acquaintances, etc.) in order to get a short-term loan.

Lizzie asks…

How to make money quickly?

So I’m headed off to college pretty soon – within 2 months – and I need to make some money so that I can afford to live on campus. I refuse to live at home even though it is an option. What are some legal ways I could make some money fairly quickly in today’s economy?
Please do not suggest becoming a call girl. That is not going to happen.
I have held temporary jobs before. They were just seasonal so after the season was done the store shut down.
I do have a job currently but it is changing ownership and I am unsure of how much longer it will be available.

Nagesh answers:

There is no quick way. Your first year in college and maybe even your second should be spent living at home if you have the option. Why? Free food and bored unless they start charging you for rent. Relieable place to come back to. Living away from home can cost anywhere from 400 to 800 a month. Finding work now and saving up the majority of the money to when use next year when you move out would be the wisest option.
But like I said two years would be even better, because of all the money you can save.
By that time as well college will start getting a lot more difficult. Once your Gen Ed is done your classes will most likely become much more time consuming and a job will be much harder to hold with the amount of schoolwork you have.

Robert asks…

Whats the best way to make alot of money?

Im not keeping this money for myself.The money i make is gonna be for abused animal shelters,child education & to prevent hunger in this world.Im not gonna raise much myself but i can get help. ! 🙂
any tips?

Nagesh answers:

General Strategies and Techniques on Saving Money and Earning More Money

Save as much money as you can! You’ll be surprised as to how quickly you can save a lot of money!

Here are a few suggestions:

Ways To Save Money & Ways To Earn More Money (Updated on 08/17/2010)

Don’t go out to eat. Example: don’t eat out at fancy, high-class restaurants. Instead, eat at a fast food restaurant or cook a healthy meal at home. It is much cheaper than the alternative.

If you are a teen or a young adult, you might want to hold a bake sale. You can have your other friends help you out, so that you can help attain your goal of saving and/or making more money.

If you have a habit of buying new clothes very often, then resist the urge to buy new clothes for a little while. You could potentially save a good amount of money.

Take personal finance courses online or at a high school or college/university.

If you are a teen or a young adult, you may want to have a dog-walking service.

To help you manage your money, try

Talk to a customer service representative at a bank or other financial institution and learn more about financial instruments.

Don’t go out to watch new movies in theaters. Watch movies on your TV at home. Rent movies using Netflix.

If you are a teen, you may want to think about babysitting. You can babysit your neighbor’s children.

Don’t spend too much money when going out with friends. Have a budget in mind before you actually meet up with your friends.

If you are a teen, you could try to mow the lawn. Many of your neighbors probably want their lawns to be mowed at a fraction of the price that they pay others to do the same work.

Invest your money in a CD (certificate of deposit). You can hold your money in a CD for 6 months or even a year. It generally pays more interest than the interest you get from a traditional savings account from a bank.

If you are a teen, do chores around the house. Your parents will appreciate it and you might get some money for it.

If you like to invest your money in the stock market, then you may want to invest your money in a commodity, such as gold. The value/price of gold is expected to increase in the future.

If you are a teen, then make sure to save the money that you get from your allowance (if you get an allowance).

If you like to invest your money in the stock market, then you may want to invest your money in specific large-cap and medium-cap companies that you trust. Apple (Stock Symbol: AAPL) and Google (Stock Symbol: GOOG) are two such stocks where you can choose to invest your money.

Try to sell something of value that you are willing to part with. Sell your old stuff on websites where many people make purchases, such as ebay or craigslist. You could also sell your stuff through a garage sale or a yard sale.

Try to hold a donation drive where your family, close friends, neighbors, and other acquaintances will be able to help you out and donate a little bit of money. These people will include your parents, brothers, sisters, close friends, relatives, grandparents, neighbors, and other acquaintances.

If all else fails, borrow money from other people (parents, brothers, sisters, close friends, relatives, grandparents, neighbors, acquaintances, etc.) in order to get a short-term loan.

Michael asks…

How can I make legit money at home?

Nagesh answers:

I think the best way to make money at home is by having your own home based business.
There’s not much difference in the time it takes to build a business vs. The time you spend working either a part time or full time job. If you calculate the hours you put into working for someone else, the pay you receive compared to working the same amount of time in your own business and how much more you would be making, it makes more since to have your own businesses. Rather it’s a home based business, or a traditional store front business.
To me, having a home based business is economically better. It costs less to start up, and you don’t have all the over head expenses as traditional businesses do. Just about everything in your own home is a tax write off. Most home based business cost under $500. Plus you have the same opportunity to make the same amount of money, higher profit then you would in a traditional business.
If you put in the same amount of time you would at your normal job, it won’t take you that long to build a business up and make a sufficient amount of income. About the same amount of time for your first check from your ordinary job, which is about two to four weeks, depending on if the company you work for has this waiting period that a lot of them do, where you actually work 3 to 4 weeks before getting paid. It usually takes about two to four weeks to start bringing in an average income. Four to six weeks to increase that. (I don’t know any “job” that gives you pay raises this quickly), and about three to six months to be self sufficient. Again, this is based on the effort and time you put into it.
Most people start their business on the side if they don’t have a cushion to live on while they build their business because they have full time jobs and run their business on the side. When their business reaches the income level they desire, they put their normal jobs down and continue with just their business’s income.

I don’t have much to go on with what your interests are. So I can only try and help you out by refering you over to a few different businesses to take a look at. I’ll tell you what my husband and I have had and enjoy doing for over six years now. I can also refer you over to my blog on my 360 yahoo page on “home based businesses” There are over half a dozen different ones to take a look at for more ideas.

We got involved in the Telecommunications industry. We picked this one because the income opportunity is just incredible, and to me it’s more practical. We partnered up with a 15 year old world wide company that offers services that people use every day and pay for anyway. They are registered with the BBB. They’ve also been featured in several magazines like USA Today, Success, Fortune etc. Inc 500 also rated us the 22nd fastest growing company in our first five years. We are world wide with headquarters in in Farmington Hills Michigan, Carolina, Canada, Europe, Australia. So it’s a pretty good sized organization to be involved in. We offer services like Local and Long distance telephone services, Internet, digital, video, VOIP, Satallite TV, and all the major cellular phone providers like Sprint, T-Mobile,Verizon, AT&T, Nextell, Alltel etc. As well.

How many people do you know, or know of around the world that uses one or more of these services? Service that people are not going to give up on because money is tight they’re going to pay their utility bills then purchasing the top brand of soap when they can easily run to the dollar store and buy a package of 4 for a dollar instead of a bar for $2 sort of thing. You know what I mean? We save people money on services that they are already using and paying for, and offer them services that they don’t have, but would like to. As an example, say they have a local and long distance telephone service and Internet, I offer them a lower plan, they accept and Every single month these people pay these bills that they are going to anyway every month, we make a percentage every month. Same thing with cell phones. You can provide a phone cheaper (say an LG, or Blackberry, Wing etc) and they extend their contract through you, every month they pay their bill you get a percentage. You get paid every single month for these services over and over again. Once their on a service, everytime they pay their bills each month, you get a percentage off it. This is a very profitable business to get involved in. A lot of money involved in this industry, This is all done in your home by telephone or Internet., or both.

If you’d like more information, your more then welcome to email me at anytime at

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Thursday, October 16th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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