Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Home

Michael asks…

How to get rid of acne and their scars quickly and naturally ?

I want to know how to get rid of acne and the scars they leave quickly

Anyone know some home remedies that can help?

Nagesh answers:

I was also suffering from lots of Acne all over my face. I can understand your pain. I tried everything. Many Antibiotics, Accutane etc etc. I consulted dermatologist. These medicines works only for 2-4 days. I wasted lots of money.
Try this one. Only following things worked for me. I am writing to you becoz i know this Acne problem is very annoying. I was also very very depressed.
1. Take proper diet. Avoid Oily, Spicy, Diary products, Sugar, Coffee, Tea until u get clear face. Drink three Ltr water in a day
2. Make sure u sleep at least for 8 hour(In Night). Dont sleep in morning.
3. Most important step> Take a Nutmeg mix, crush it and make a paste with fresh water, Apply this paste all over your face in morning after bath for 1 hour. After an hour wash your face with warm water. Do the same process before bed.
4. Only use Cetaphil or Emodel Cleanser instead of using any face wash or soap. Use this cleanser only twice firstly in morning before applying nutmeg paste and secondly at night before applying nutmeg paste.

(Note: At the very first time apply nutmeg paste on a very small portion of your face to check that it suits you or not. You would feel little bit irritation but its normal becoz it will heal your acnes)
Best of Luck!
And Wish You Will Get a Clear Face As Soon As Possible
Take Care!!

Lizzie asks…

What is a legitimate online work at home service?

My friend is disabled, and would like to work at home from online. She would like to work 15-20 hours a week, and make no more than $250 per month. I would like a legitimate online work at home service. I don’t want to give her personal information out without knowing it’s legitimate. I’ve looked up on Google, but I’m not sure which are legitimate. Please help, Thank-You. 🙂

Nagesh answers:

There are several legitmate, no fee jobs that she can do from home. Most people in the United States are unaware of the unlimited possiblities of scam-free homebased jobs, mainly because there are so many scammers out there that prey on people desperately seeking jobs at home. You may come across opportunities that ask you to pay to get started and they know that you are desperate to find a job quickly online so you will pay to start making money quickly from home.

Avoid craft assembly and data antry jobs at home. Normally you have to pay some type of fee to get started and most likely you will never make that money back in return.

There are real jobs that she can do from home for free. Here is a list of jobs that you can take a look at:

1. 1-800 Flowers hire homebased call takers. This is seasonal.
2. Alpine Access hire customer service representatives to fulfill tasks for their clients. You can set your own hours.
3. Sutherland Global hire customer service representatives as well as technical support assistants.
4. Cloud10
5. Embarq
6. Hilton
7. Home Shopping Network (HSN)
8. SCI Live
9. LiveOps
10. Teletech

You can find real work at home job reviews at

This lady has taken the time to review real scam-free jobs at home and legit homebased opportunites. Everthing is scanned on her site and I am sure you will find it useful.


George asks…

How can i Raise money to buy a car?

I need to buy a car. But money is coming slowly through small jobs like 100 a month but i want to buy a car b4 the school year starts. and I have applied for jobs everywhere in my town but no one is interested in me. so i was wondering how i could make so easy money real quickly,any ideas?
and i have no credit nor do i want to have to pay off a debt before i even get a job

Nagesh answers:

There aren’t any home based businesses on the web that aren’t scams. However – there are plenty of things you can do as a home based business. Go to Yahoo Finance and search for ‘home business’ and read their article on the top 25.

YTB travel business and Treasure Trooper is a scam. In fact YTB is under investigation by the SEC and IRS, as well as being reprimanded for violations within the industry for false advertising and recruiting irregularities.

If RippedWalletFrancis posts – he is a major spammer – please be wary. He has been banned repeatedly for massive TOS violations, but he keeps creating new accounts and spamming.

I had a nice talk with Josh Kopac, owner of Ripped Wallet. Francis has had hisaccount suspended, and I have been asked to report anyone from Ripped Wallet that posts on here against TOS of Yahoo and of Ripped Wallet.

BTW RWFrancis – are you 13, 14, 15, 16 or some other age? Your story keeps changing depending on the age of the question.

Robert asks…

Any suggestions for how to make money from home please?

I’ve got a full-time job but I’ve been thinking about setting up some kind of small home business I could do on the side- in evenings, weekends… I would appreciate some suggestions (workable ones) for what sorts of things I could do that can make me some much needed extra cash. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Have you thought about doing some selling online? Selling other peoples products, not your own, and you pocketing a commission from the sales you make. Its worth thinking about because everything’s set up to help you get started fairly quickly at very little cost. I’m actually selling online part-time myself and I found this website helpful – and you might too, as it has some good info about how you can set up an online business from your home & earn money. May be an option for you to look at.

Chris asks…

What are some tips to cleaning your home efficiently?

Not necessarily quickly, just efficiently. Please include things to do that may save me time later on. I’ve been cleaning my house for years, and consider myself quite good at it, but maybe there are other tips or tricks I haven’t thought of.

Nagesh answers:

I have a bucket in each room with windex and rags, trash bags and furniture polish. All I do is drag my vacuum with me and pick up each room as i go. Also I spent a good chunk of money buying bins and boxes to really organize all the rooms. Saves a lot of time, especially with kids when the see a box that has a picture of a car on it, and they know to put the cars in that box. (Things that aren’t in the playroom just have a label.
I also have signs in my kid’s room, the bathrooms, and the kitchen that say
It takes just as long to put something in the right place as it does the wrong place
as a reminder.
If I walk into a pigsty, I change the sign to say
YOU HAVE FIVE MINUTES. I never have to wait.

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Saturday, February 15th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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