Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Home

Sandy asks…

How do I move to college, aka get a job and apartment in another city?

I am a senior in highschool and am leaving to college sometime in early-mid july! I am excited but supper stressed. I am going to santa barbara city college (which is a 2 year) and my parents are paying for tuition, but i have to pay for everything else, rent, food, gas ect. money is going to be TIGHT. I need help figuring out how to do this. I live 5 hours away from santa barbara, so i dont know how to go about getting a job and apartment down there before or really quickly when i get there. i cant be staying in a hotel for a long time wasting all my money, i need to get a job and an apartment asap. so how do i do this? should i apply for jobs in advance? how do i get an apartment without being in town? i have to take trips down? also any tips for saving/making money quickly would help! thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Wow! You have a lot on your shoulders. I understand the stress factor you have working right now.

Why so far from home? If this is a 2-year community college, couldn’t you go to school closer to home? The best solution might be to go locally while you work, save and live with your parents for another year.

The very best way to save money is to plan, create a budget and stick to it. As much as you want this move, the best move is not to move. Get some money in the bank.

Work at the best paying job you can find that will give you enough time to attend classes and study. School itself can be a full-time job. If you overburden yourself you are severely limiting your options. If you flunk out because you are stretched too tight you’ll have a rough time even getting accepted at another school. From then on it’s a downward spiral.

Give yourself some slack. Don’t try to cram it all in right now. Limit things such as entertainment, cell phone charges and do not get started on the credit card runway. Pack your own lunch, for instance. No gym memberships, take a walk. Be creative with your wardrobe. “New” should not be a part of your vocabulary right now. Pinch those pennies and keep your room at home. If he loves you, he’ll come to see you.

Oh, yes. And offer to help Mom and Dad with the expenses. They’ll love it.

Donald asks…

what jobs can i do around the house or neighberhood to get lots of money?

i really want lots of money really quickly to reach my goal of five hundred dollars.(to get a dog.)
what do you do to get money?please give me some answers!

Nagesh answers:

My suggestions it to look into work from home opportunities…
You can make TONS of money and work from home. This is whats going to give you the most flexibility and what ever you do goes to you!

Hope that helps 😉

Ken asks…

good ways to make extra money?

i need a way to make a little extra money quickly. any ideas that dont include needing an initial investment, needing a home phone, babysitting, animal/house care, selling bodily fluids, or driving? thanks guys!

Nagesh answers:

Getting a part time job just about anywhere, putting out flyers for a local business, cleaning windows for a local business, house painting (you ask for money down for your initial investment), selling fresh baked cookies and coffee, making crafts from recycled materials, curb picking – cleaning and selling items you find in your neighborhood on garbage day, making party favors (they supply materials), personal help for seniors learning to use the internet, taking in a boarder or roommate, begging, cooking for a housebound neighbor, lemonade stand… Since I don’t know your age, sex or skills, and because there’s a lot of limits on what you’re willing to or can do, I’m not sure what direction to go in here!

If you have a home computer, you have more options. There’s a fair amount of work available even from home, on your own schedule if you look for it.

There are so many ways to make a little bit of money fast, depending on what a little is to you.

Good luck!

Charles asks…

How do i make money quickly?

I need money to pay back my friends and to help my sister out with her son who is one now.

Nagesh answers:

Tutoring, child care, pet sitting, dog walking, web design, information researcher, freelance project coordinator.

There is also a company called West At Home Agent that is legitimate they are an online call center for clients such as direct tv, home shopping network, etc. They pay like 10 cents or more per minute– not a lot of $$$, but it’s legit work at home. I was going to do it until I found out how much they pay for beginners.

Mandy asks…

How can i get rid of my sty quickly with home remedies?

i need to get rid of my sty on my left bottom eyelid, without spending any money. I need to get rid of it ASAP. Got any help?

Nagesh answers:

I would spend the money or go highjack some Eye Wash from the local drug store. Don’t get caught!!!!

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Wednesday, November 27th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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