Your Questions About Make Money Quickly And Legally

Richard asks…

How to make money as a teenager?

I need to make some money and want a job. The thing is im to young to have a job legally. But i have things that i need money for. No not a computer or a toy. Im restoring a truck and even though the truck is common and parts are cheap. The money i saved up for the project was quickly spent. I have done odd jobs like cutting grass and even did some automotive work. But in my small town there is nothing. My lawn cutting jobs have been taken by a 34 year old guy. My automotive work is done now by a neighbor of mine does it for free. I have no income and don’t want to eat into my savings. I am willing to work and don’t mind getting dirty or working long hours. So my question is do you guys have any tips on finding some jobs for teens?
that sounds great but i live in Florida =( I would love to shovel driveways.
I did start with a job and made decent money. But then these people took my jobs and i cant find any others. Believe me Ive looked everywhere but now with all the people being layed off none is looking for a kid to do anything=(.

The guy who took my job does it for free… He does it for free because he thinks i was a bad person and took it right from under me. Now his “free” mowing job sucks. He misses tons of spots. Mows over everything and doesn’t stop. Makes other people do the work. He also doesn’t mow for weeks!

I talked to the people about getting my job back but they love him because he is free……

Nagesh answers:


It’s free.You can start making money from home in the next few hours.No skills needed.

Ruth asks…

How To Achieve Fast Income?

Ok. Here’s the deal. I lost one of my jobs and made a pretty poor check at my other because I couldn’t enough hours in in time. So, I was wondering if anyone out there knows of a way I can get some money pretty quickly, and LEGALLY!!! I just have to make rent, two car payments, insurance, and the reg. bills… Thanks you guys if you have any suggestions I would greatly appreciate them. Thanks…

Nagesh answers:

The Best Referral Money Making Site !!!Look!!!

Just yesterday I talked about waiting for the first payments from within the next days. Today the payment is alread here! I just checked my statistics and there were the holy words “Payment sent”. After only 28 business days, meaning 2 days faster than expected, I received $158.62 in my Bank Via Alertpay account. It was a flawless process and I´m really happy.

For the next weeks I´ll try to buy some more referral packages until I make good daily money. I´ll use a great portion of my earnings for re-investing (provided that I make enough cash).

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Maria asks…

What would you do in this situation (moral dilemma)?

A couple years ago, I had an issue where someone had charged like 9,000 on my credit card and almost emptied my savings (in total they took like 13k) while I was out of the country for a semester. It took me years to get out of the mess I was in because of this, and I ended up having to settle with my credit card company pay 5,000 (4,000 of which I hadn’t charged).

My old roommate invited me to dinner tonight and admitted he took the money because he had a gambling addiction and debts to cover. He gave me a check for 4,000 and said he would pay me the full 13 over time. I didn’t tell him I forgave him or anything, and I was so pissed that I just made small talk and got out of there.

I don’t want to call the cops on this kid- he’s on a student visa (he’s a Canadian citizen), and I don’t want to get him deported or anything. Also he’s a law student with a fiancee in the US who plans on practicing in the US…if I go to the cops, even if the school decides to overlook the ethical violation, the ABA wouldn’t, and I don’t want to cause trouble for this kid when he sits for the bar. I know attorneys often handle large accounts and there’s no guarantee that he won’t embezzle from client in the future if he felt ok doing it to a friend in the future, but I really only care about getting my money as quickly as I can at this point.

But I’m really pissed- my financial papers are in a safe, so in order to get to it, he had to have stood over me one day while I was opening it and saw the combo, which meant he planned to do it at some point and my semester abroad was just the opportunity. I trust that he’ll pay me back though but I know it’s going to be a few hundred every month or something- probably the same as they would make him pay back if I took him to court anyway. Also, I had been building credit since I was 16, and now I’m lucky if I get a credit card with a $500 limit. Since I settled and everything I won’t fix my credit score even if I do take him to court.

I talked to my dad about it, and he said the guy is new in recovery and you don’t want to create more problems for him by bringing the law into it, plus it would just take longer to get paid back (to be fair- my dad is a psychiatrist who focuses on addiction medicine so I think he’s being too empathetic, but it makes sense). In all honesty though I don’t care about his recovery I just care about my money, and I don’t feel bad for that because he violated a HUGE trust when I extended him so much respect while he was living with me. Also, to add to this whole mess, my dad told me he was called by my roommate who asked for 3,000 dollars to cover his “health insurance”. He was paid back, but I was never told about this and it kind of pissed me off that he went to my parents instead of his own because I don’t even go to my parents for money anymore (his parents probably knew about his problem and wouldn’t give him money).

Am I making the right decision letting him pay me back? I’m going to get a contract written up to make sure it’s legally binding.
yeah he called my dad about the money a few years ago. Also, he’s paying the full 13k but I was really only down 9k after settling. We haven’t discussed interest yet but I told him I’d meet with him later to discuss terms and get a contract drawn up.

Nagesh answers:

If taking him to court is not going to help your credit at all then don’t worry about it. Continue with the having him pay you back thing because by him going to court, if he were arrested or sued he wouldn’t have the money to pay you back for quite a while. If you just want your money back, then definitley just wait because good things come to those who wait. If this man is truly sorry maybe you will get lucky and he will pay like interest or something…if he becomes a lawyer and makes enough to do that.

Steven asks…

Need some extra cash ?

Firstly if this doesnt work i will personally send you a doLlar to your paypal account just email me at

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Nagesh answers:

Typical SPAM and FRAUD statements.

Donna asks…

How can I quickly and easily quit smoking?

Ive tried the lozenges, but that lasted about 6 hours before it was just like “nuh”.

Ive been smoking for 3 years, and just thinking about quitting smoking, makes me want a smoke.

The main reason I want to quit, is that I want to be an actor more then anything else in this world, and Ive been on multiple movie sets and the stress of wanting to have a smoke is so annoying. And I just think it would be so much more easier if I wasn’t smoking.

Im only 16, and the way I see it is, If I quit now before Im legally able to buy smokes, then I know that If I have an intense withdrawal, I cant go down the store and buy a pack.

Plus I like the idea of having money 😛

I don’t want to try the patches, or gum or any medication.

I was an idiot when I was 13 and should have listened to my mother instead of snickering when she said that one day I would have wished that I listened to her.

The only reason she started allowing me to smoke, is because she didn’t want me to go up to strangers to ask them to buy me a pack.

What have you done to help you quit smoking?

If you don’t smoke, don’t answer, because you don’t know what its like.

Thanks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Oh hell i am like you… I haven’t stop however, some time of my life, i almost made it for 3 days not smoking.. Then as a celebration I tried again.. Then here I am again in the battlefield.

It’s true , just stop. Think of healthy things and not smoking . Be busy and happy.Look for other friends that could inspire you. Expect that you will get depressed. If you feel that, take a sleep, or take a bath. Eat candies.

And the most of all: Once you made it for at least 2 – 3 days, NEVER EVER try to SMOKE again FOREVER.

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Friday, January 25th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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