Your Questions About Make Money Quickly And Legally

David asks…

Can she sue me for alienation of affection in NC?

I legally separated from my abusive husband a few months ago and am obtaining a divorce after the one year mark of separation. A friend of mine left his wife because she was verbally/physically abusive to him in the past and treated him badly, ignored him, etc. He and I had spent a few days chatting on instant messenger, and his ex wife found them by breaking into his email account. Before he told her he wanted to separate/divorce, the conversations discussed how unhappy he was and how he was trying to make the right decision, but that he liked me as a person and could see himself happy with someone like me. Many times in these conversations, I told him to make his OWN choice, whether it was to stay with her or leave. He also said in these conversations he would NOT leave his wife specifically for me or any other person. However, after he told his wife he wanted to separate, he did tell me he loved me over IM and we grew fond of each other quickly. We hung out a few times before he moved out – but he moved out 4 days after he told his ex he wanted a divorce (he couldn’t get an apartment quick enough and they slept in separate rooms until then).Both he and I are legally separated and going through divorces, but can his ex sue me? I don’t have much money at all, and I’m still in college and live with my parents. I wanted him to do what was best for him and told him that, but since she has all the IM’s, I think she might take them to court. Either way, from what I have read, there has to be proof that the marriage was happy, and he was miserable and said he felt as though he were dying inside. They had recently tried counseling too and the last session my friend had, he told the counselor he intended to separate/divorce his wife. His marriage did not end because of me; I gave him advice and was there to support him as a friend. I can’t help it that we like each other now. My attorney told me not to worry about it and focus on my own divorce. Please give non-critical, kind advice! No one should be forced to stay in a miserable marriage like we were both in. Again, the IM conversations clearly showed that I wanted my friend to make the decision that was best for HIM, regardless of my feelings. I also showed concern for the feelings of his ex wife and wanted to make sure he was nice to her in the way he approached his actions. Help please!
I forgot to add that this is a co-worker, and all hang-out time outside of work was done within the 4 days after he said he wanted to separate from his ex. We did not hang out before he told her he was going to separate.
Oh, also, this is not a physical relationship, as neither of us agree to that. We were friends/co-workers for a while who grew fond of each other after our marriages were destined to fail. His ex knows that he told me he loved me and that he has kissed me, but that’s as far as it has gone, and none of that happened until AFTER he said he was going to separate and he was in the process of moving.
I was also told that the courts might question the fact that his ex got the IM’s by breaking into his personal email account, as that is technically illegal in the state of N.C.

Nagesh answers:

Basically you were married- he was married and yet you were speaking to each other outside of your respective marriages. To that degree you formed an emotional affair. If I were her I would sue you because you were the slut that stole her husband, if for no other reason then to drain your account in legal fees. Maybe if you could learn how to take care of your own husband you would not need to take someone elses!

Lizzie asks…

What do you think of this pro second ammendment essay?

I recently found it,it is not my own.

Change has no beginning and no end. Change is temporal and impermanent. Change touches the just and the unjust. Change can go as quickly as it comes. “Everything is changeable, everything appears and disappears; there is no blissful peace until one passes beyond the agony of life and death.” Times of luxury do not last long, but pass away very quickly; nothing in this world can be long enjoyed.”-Buddha.

“When individuals change, society will change. And when society changes, the whole world will change.” -Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Many things can change over the time span of the presidency with Obama in the White House. If Obama is as good as he say’s he is (There is no such thing as a honest politician) then the economy should slightly improve. He could stabilize the country or do exactly the opposite. He may act immediately of hesitate.

Obama proposes redistribution of wealth and raising taxes on rich people. The rich people worked hard all there lives to get and deserve their money. What more taxes do they want to place on them. All of them are still taxes even retired. So why raise taxes on them they deserve their money.?. The taxes should be even and fair. Shouldn’t they be able to enjoy the fruits of their labor?.

Obama has signed an executive order funding abortion clinics which in a way makes him a murderer. “The animal killers do not know that in the future the animal will have a body suitable to kill them.”-Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda,Bhagavad Gita. The same is said for the aborted fetus who is subject to the same principle. No person would want there tax dollars funding the killing of innocents. This executive order however make’s our hard earned cash go towards murder instead of improving the economy.

Abortion itself is wrong and why should it be supported.? There is no reason it should be supported. When a fetus is in the womb it doesn’t have the ability to disapprove. The fetus is simply is defenseless and cannot resist. Murder is wrong why fund it.?

Obama has signed an executive order closing Guantanamo Bay. Where will the criminal’s go.? If Obama is such a good leader than why would he shut down such a useable facility. What good would it do to send terrorists back to the U.S just so they could cause trouble on homeland. Where would he place all those criminals if he doesn’t simply place them in Guantanamo Bay.

There is no good reason to close Guantanamo. There has been not one murder at the facility since it has been opened and yet the growth of criticism increases day by day. A barrage of criticism it no reason to shut down the facility. Those who would have the detainment center shut down have failed to provide fundamental reasons for their cause. Shutting down Guantanamo down only serves to satisfy critics and nothing else.

Obama said he’s going to use diplomacy with the terrorists and that’s he’s going to close Guantanamo . Those terrorists don’t believe in diplomacy. They believe in what they believe even if it’s wrong. They don’t care to hurt innocent people and children who had lost there parent’s and have to grow up without parent’s just like what happened in 9/11. Those terrorists don’t care about us. So do you think we can give them diplomacy.?

Do you think if you give a tiger candy it wont kill you.?. Do you think that if you talk nice to the people who tried to attack the U.S and kill us they will listen to reason ?.

Obama may attempt to overrule the second amendment. Although from the pacifist point of view this is a good thing it does have strings attached, . According to the FBI, states with ‘shall issue’ Right-To-Carry laws have a 26 percent lower violent crime rate, a 20 percent lower homicide rate a 39 percent lower robbery rate and a 22 percent lower aggravated assault rate than states that do not allow their citizens to legally carry guns. Carrying a gun is a social responsibility. A person who neglects his duty to provide and contribute to the security of the his community is no better than the criminal who threatens it. Even though most people don’t carry guns the chance a victim armed with a handgun eliminates crime and provides safety.

“Certainly one of the chief guarantees of freedom under any government, no matter how popular and respected, is the right of citizens to keep and bear arms. “This is not to say that firearms should not be very carefully used, and that definite safety rules of precaution should not be taught and enforced. But the right of citizens to bear arms is just on more guarantee against arbitrary government , one more safeguard against tyranny which now appears remote in America, but which historically has proven to be always possible.” -Senator Hubert Humphrey, in “Know Your Lawmakers” Guns Magazine, Feb 1960.

Taking away the second amendment will change nothing. There will always be murderers except without the second amendment the vict
victim is has no defense. Even Jesus told the apostles to carry arms at the Last Supper. He asked : When I sent you without purse, bag or sandals ,did you lack anything?.”. The apostles answered “Nothing”. Jesus then continued : “But now, if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword , sell your cloak and buy one.” -Luke 22: 35-36

In taking away our arms Obama would leave us as infants surrounded by a gigantic pack of rabid wolves. As a Catholic I can confirm that even in the current Catechism of the Catholic Church the right and duty to use necessary force against aggressors is affirmed. “Legitimate defense can be not only a right but a grave duty for one who is responsible for the lives of others. “The defense of the common good requires that an unjust aggressor be rendered unable to cause harm.”-Catechism of the Catholic paragraphs 2263-65 (1997).John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, who disagreed on a multitude of issues, both saw that laws opposed to
that laws opposed to armed self-defense only supported criminals. It’s very important to remember gun’s don’t die , people do.

Even in the Bhagavad Gita Krishna apposes Arjuna’s pacifistic ideas because it’s was Arjunas duty to fight. One of our duties is to protect ourselves and our families. So why would you want your government apposing your duty.? Why would you not fight like Arjuna when Krishna convinced him to perform his prescribed duty.? Why would you not defend yourself against your attacker.?

Would you remain still and do nothing when your family is in danger.? Would you defend yourself like David and the Israelites when Goliath and the Palestinians attacked.? If you were Krishna or Jesus or Mahavira or Buddha or Mohammed or Moses or Zoroaster would remain a silent spectator if your devotee or disciple was being harmed.? How would the elderly defend themselves without the second amendment.? It is when you question morality you see what is right. The 14’th Dalai Lama
said “Acts of violence should be remembered and then forgiveness should be reached to the persons“. “But if someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, he said, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun.” “Not at the head where a fatal injury could result, but at a body part such as the leg.”

People have been anticipating change from Obama for a very long time. Well they have received change. When Obama entered office he immediately signed five executive orders two of which I have listed. More change can be expected if Obama has already signed three executive orders within such a small time period. Those who asked Obama for change have received it but that change isn’t good at all.

Overall Obama will bring change whether it be bad or good. Change is coming and always will come. As a tree sheds it’s leaves in the winter so shall the country. The citizens will be spectators to this. Change can come just like a wealthy village with successful crop may one day suffer
the opposite.

Criminals will always have weapons whether it be a gun or not the only difference without the second amendment the citizen’s with be unarmed.

I don’t hate or disrespect Obama it is just my opinion and this is a free country founded on freedom of speech. There have been many presidents who have claimed they can make changes but have they followed through.?. Obama’s campaign slogan was change but the big question is there going to be change or is it going be the same political cycle.
And that’s the whole essay I found tell me what you think and remember it isn’t my own.

Nagesh answers:

Seriously flawed.

Donald asks…

I’ve been betrayed by my family?

I’m going to try to sum this up as quickly as possible.

I’m 18. My boyfriend of 3 months is 28. My mother was fine with me dating him until I moved out and in with my best friend’s family. (Due to frequent fights I get into with my stepfather)

Ever since I moved out she’s convinced herself and my grandparent’s that my boyfriend is a terrible person that is trying to manipulate me or kidnap me or something. Now they’ve taken away my car which is legally, half mine. And tried taking my phone away which I pay for.

They try to make sure I can’t see him, they’ve drained my checking and saving accounts which contained money I earned and had been saving for college so that I wouldn’t have to work for the first semester.

On top of that, they are making threats to my boyfriend and calling me just to see if I’m with him, and if I am they’ll say something like, “You better tell him I’m half crazy and have a gun” or “Let him know that you have two uncles that have no problem kicking some ass.” .

He had nothing to do with any of this. The whole reason I moved out was because I cannot stand my stepfather.

The whole thing has just made my boyfriend and I closer. He has no ill wishes to my family and says that they just need time to adjust.

While I feel completely betrayed by my family. The only people I feel I can trust are my boyfriend and my best friend. I don’t feel safe unless I’m with them.

So I’m at complete loss as to what to do. I am very close to just disowning my family and filing a restraining order against them. My boyfriend says this isn’t the way to go, but I feel like I will lose it if my mother keeps showing up at odd hours of the night interrogating me on what I’ve been doing lately.

I’m 18 and legally an adult. I’m mature for my age and I am a full time college student. This whole thing is stressing me out to no end. If anyone’s got any advice. I’d love to hear it.

Nagesh answers:

(Is she paying for your education-yikes-that’s a different matter)
Write you mother a letter as to why you moved, tell her that your boyfriend is neutral in all of this and actually has your family and her best interest at heart and he doesn’t want you to disown your family or file a restraining order against them-but that you would be forced if it continues. Give mom your rules of visitation-call before coming and maybe days/or hours allowed. Tell her that you will not answer the door otherwise is she breaks the rules. You can also tell her (threat-that may not be founded on the law) to give back your earned money-or you will need to get the advise of an attorney (if their name was on it-you probably don’t have a leg to stand on).

If they keep calling you too much-and you have to get a restraining order against them-change your phone number. (otherwise, you could also tell them in writing them, I will allow X amount of phone calls a day from you-and if more, I will not answer-but they can leave a message-only if it is an emergency-and you will call back. You can also say-I will not answer the phone from this time to that time.

Changing your address may help too, so she will not know where you live-but again, she will know the college-but I’m sure the college will not put up with unwelcomed guests.

Please, Please, change your bank account-and research with that bank as to legal ways of getting that money back!

If she’s smart and she wants a future with you-she will listen. I can’t understand why some parents will not allow their kids to grow up. I would be proud to have one like you!

Your boyfriend sees the picture a little differently from you-I think he would have sound advise-before doing anything consult him first.

My husband is 17 years older than me, we started dating when I was 18 and we have been married for 19 years!

Robert asks…

How can you legally and quickly make money?

Nagesh answers:

A- play the lotery and have lots of luck.
B- Las Vegas
C- Get your burgler license and you know the rest.
D- Take ti easy, don’t let your situation drive you crazy, need mor ehead to thin about better things like a better work, get pais cheap, but honest and legal job.

Ruth asks…

How can i save up 600$ quickly legally?

I want to buy a D3200 or D3100 so i can start making videos and taking pics soon.
i already have about 130$ Saved but i need more.

i do graphic design but not enough to make it as quickly as i want and i also make beats and do studio time but thats not helping much either.
Any tips on how to make some quick money? also im 17

Nagesh answers:

The only way i can think of is money you get for free -borrow(instant)
slower method: little jobs(shovel snow, cut grass)($600 a week if lucky)
even slower:buy and sell($600 a week if lucky)
more slower:company jobs($600 a month)

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Thursday, October 18th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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