Your Questions About Make Money Quickly And Legally

Jenny asks…

How to protect assests of elderly ? HELP!?

MY grandfather owns his home and has savings. after a gas leak…grandmother is now in a nursing home at $300/day and his future living situation is up in the air.(still in hospital) perhaps will also have to be in nursing home, maybe in home care. grandmother sole named in will and mentally not there…..medicaid won’t pay till all assets drained. at $600/day it will only take a year and a half to lose a life time’s savings. is there any way legally to get grandmother to be separated from assets? so it doesn’t all go so quickly for them….they have potentially 8-10 years left…it would be sad to be reduced to social security checks in such a short time…NO ONE in our family is out for THEIR money..we just want to make right decision. Any help is appreciated…they live in NJ if that matters.

Nagesh answers:

Honey you need to seek out a good elder law attorney and I would not sell the house if you do you will have to use that money up as well.
Has Grandma been found incompetent yet If not you may be able to get her to quick clam deed you the property to you. That way you could rent it and then you could have income to pay for care.
Was Grandma or Grandpa Regular Military severed war time service if so they could be entitled to aide and attendance benefits this not only cover the veteran but the spouse for care in Nursing homes assisted livings and home care.
I work in homecare and help people everyday setting up care inn the home. You really need to watch out as Medicare has a 3 year look back on the money so becareful or you can mess this up and they will use every dime and your folks will soon be without.
Hope this helps Diane

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Sandra asks…

Best way to buy this house? Personal loan? Business Loan? Elderly family members want it gone!?

An elderly friend of the family is looking to sell their home for 130k. They purchased it back in the 50’s for 60k. It is in need of EVERYTHING…new roof, flooring, kitchen, drywall *currently paneling* but it has ALOT of potential, sits on a wooded lot and surrounding homes are selling for around 200k. I doubt anyone would get approved for a FHA loan for it. They own the home outright. The house has been sitting for sale for over 2 years since it is in need of updates and renovation.

I am looking to turn this into an investment opportunity for myself and them. Ive had several contractors in, and they estimate around 30-40k would fix up the home nicely to sell for around 200k.The current owners have NO credit. My husband and I have credit around 650-720’s. Our combined income is around 70k/year.

1) Can I apply for a ‘personal loan’ (instead of a mortgage loan) to fix up the house (even though the note is not in our name). if we would need the note, is it transferable to us until we get the loan/repairs are made WITHOUT tax implications for either of us?

2) Can I apply for a ‘business loan’ for 40-50k making an LLC for ‘home renovations’, keep the house in their name, renovate, sell, and pay back the business loan ?

2) Should they ‘sell’ us the home for say, 50k and have THEM pay all the repairs from the ‘sale’ and then reimburst them when I would sell the house? *tax implications?*

They are looking to sell the house sooner than later since theyre in their 80’s, want to use the money for living/traveling (they live with family now so they dont rent or own another home) but with the conditions its in now.. its going to continue to sit.

I would be asking for 15% of the sale price of the home in return for handling the contractors, design plan, marketing/selling aspect once its complete so its win win for each of us- we just need to know the best way to legally(and quickly) get up the 40-50k to make the renovations.

Any/All input appreciated !!

P.s Worst case scenario if the house ‘doesnt sell’ for the 200+k we’d like it to, asking 180 (current listing price plus cost of renovation) would STILL be a steal in this neighborhood.

Nagesh answers:

In todays real estate market things can and do go bad in a hurry. If you can’t afford to buy it outright or with a good mortgage and complete the renovations, you should pass on the deal.

Steven asks…

sex?????no she force me do it.?

my brother and sister’s,after all u encourage,here are the things i did,that sister that told me god said and whatever that i am her husband,i find so difficult to believe,but in order not to disappoint her,or make her unhappy and backslid
from the faith,i goth married to her,but we separated just after one month o=
f marriage,cos she does things i never asept of her,to the estend of her troll back at me the ring i gave her on wedding day,cos after the marriage,i was financially broke then,i cant even regain it,but she said she cant stay in the house with=
me,cos there is no money to live with her as house wife,
precise she has taking some money from my ministry account and open for here self a shop,well after all this i was frustrated and ask myself,how can a cChristansister changed in all her character just after noticing that the man is complaining of financial break dawn dawn and all she can think is that she should quickly gather little money that her hand touches and establish herself?? well she is out of my life now.i have the woman that i have=
been dreaming about all my life,she is now with two kid,for me.what do u s=
aid,i need some one to tell me what he or she feels in this situation please,cos i just have the happiness i have been longing for immediately i am with a woman as husband and wife.
with this woman i am living with now.although not legally marry her,the one=
i legally married,i never found happiness in my life like this one i have
got now.PLESA ENCOURAGE.HAVE I DONE SOME THING WRONG?in all i regnice god in all my doing.

Nagesh answers:

Dude I couldn’t read past the 3rd line your English is just so bad.

Carol asks…

for those of you who did’t click on my link?

The Truth


The Truth Contact Public About Me


Ok, so I’ve heard so many people tell me that illegal immigrants are evil criminals who do nothing but steal and commit acts of violence. Well, I’m here to tell you not to believe any of that crap. The truth is, most illegal immigrants come to the united states in order to achieve a better life. Most of them live in poor families and cannot support themselves in Mexico, so they flee to the United States for help.

Most illegal immigrants are said to disrespect our laws and pay no mind to them whatsoever and that it can be seen in the way the come by the millions illegally into the United States. The truth of this is all they know is that America is a beautiful utopia in which they can achieve many things and earn money. They don’t see how breaking the law can even compare with saving their family from poverty and possible death and starvation.

I’m not sure how many people reading this are religious, but for those that believe know that God gave the world to us as a present. Every inch of the land belongs to all of us and we all deserve rights to the world as it’s the gift from God. No human has the right to tell another human that a chunk of the world is “theirs.” I realize that some sort if boundary is definitely necessary, but our strict immigration laws make it extremely difficult and time-consuming for an immigrant to come in legally. Know that these people are desperate and need saving soon. If you were a desperate Mexican living in a poor neighborhood with a poor family to support it would seem a lot better to just cross into the United States than go through the wait and effort to get into the United States.

I hear so many Americans now days talk about how illegal immigrants need to “get off their land” because it is theirs and they deserve it. Well, I know this may seem a little harsh, but if you were born into this land, you do not deserve it anymore than an illegal immigrant. Why? Because you did nothing to get into this land but be born. Immigrants are required to go through long acceptance processes in order to obtain citizenship. I believe tests, the knowledge of the English language and history of America are also necessary to get into the U.S. All most Americans had to do to obtain citizenship was to be born. That’s it. Once, my school history teacher made my whole class take a citizenship test to see if we knew what immigrants where required to know and most of the class was stunned. We needed to make it open book in order to complete the test! Immigrants are required to study these facts.

My point of the whole paragraph above was to point out that if being born within the U.S. is the only requirement to become a citizen, then what makes anyone think we deserve America? The only ones that deserve it are the ones who work for our country. The ones who stand up and do something. The ones who give without taking and give back to the community. Our ancestors deserved this country. The least we as Americans can do is to allow others to experience America as well. We need to help them gain citizenship and make immigration laws less of a strain. Not one person deserves America, we all deserve it as a whole. The illegal immigrants are just here to lend a helping hand and to live better lives. Please, do not deny them of this.

Now, I know many people try to say that the whole issue of immigration is all racist white people. This is very wrong. Although many people do get very racist when involving this issue (ex: all wetbacks need to get out!!). It is a sad day when things like this turn into a racist issue. It starts off with legitimate arguments, but then quickly turns ugly. If you visit “Yahoo! Answers” on the Immigration page, you will see much racism in one little forum page. I’m not saying all people against illegal immigration are racist, but I definitely see it every day. Notice how the KKK and are very anti-illegal immigrant. Please do not let their train of thought catch on. Racism leads to no good at all.

Many immigrants just want a piece of what America has to offer. They fight hard to get into this great land. Why stop people from achieving their happiness? Is it not an inalienable right to have the pursuit of happiness? They are merely pursuing their happiness. No one’s rights are being denied when these people enter the United States.

The great thing about illegal immigrants is that they put millions of dollars into the economy. Most offer cheap labor for work you would probably not do yourself. They do this because they have lived in poverty and are willing to work for virtually no pay in order to just get a little money to live. These people are not greedy. A large number of illegal immigrants can be found building houses, doing yard work, cleaning houses, washing clothes, picking fruit, taking the role of janitor at schools, and much more. Illegal immigrants are good for the economy.

The downside to illegal immigrants is that they cannot pay taxes because they are not legal so they, unfortunately, also take from the economy. That is where amnesty comes in. This is a pardon from the government to the illegal immigrants for their “crime” of crossing the border in order for them to become legal citizens. Doing this would set them free from their fear of getting deported and will also enable them to pay taxes so they will only give to the community. There has been amnesty before and nothing bad happened last time so we can be sure for the same thing to happen again.

A lot of focus has been put on illegal immigrants lately and this makes no sense. These people are here to live and work in America and we want them out? America needs to focus on more important issues. The people who complain about illegal immigrants committing crimes forget that citizens, too, commit way more crimes than illegal immigrants do. Why not focus on those?

In my opinion, the best thing that can be done is to give citizenship to the hard-working beneficial illegal immigrants and deport the takers. Deport only the bad and keep the good. Also, to make the immigration process a lot smoother and more efficient. Besides, while most of us worry about the illegal immigrants already in the country, many other things are happening right behind our backs. Let’s focus on the real criminals and not just some people coming to the U.S. to work.

(e-mail me please and send me more ideas for this site)
the above is a copy of what that link lead to for those of you who were too scared to click it or just didn’t click it at all
the wueastion remains the same: what do you think? agree or disagree? why?

Nagesh answers:

I completely agree with you.Desperation is what makes people from all over the world come here,though its true that people from mexico have it a bit easier because of geography.But everyone has the same struggles to endure here.What i don’t understand is why most on here talk about illegal mexicans and then claim its not a racist thing.What about illegal irish,chinese and russian immigrants?What about the talk of protecting the border with canada? All i hear is mexico mexico mexico.During the marches there were flags from el salvador,guatemala and many other latin america countries but it seemed that many on here just remember the mexican one.As far as the massive deportation goes I say go for it.Why not start with every american here whom isn’t 100% native american.Because wether you want to admitt it or not all of you are descendants of anchor babies.and yet your ancestors made the trip here regardless of the vast ocean seperating you and not one of you bothered to “fix” your own country but yet are quick to judge others.

Mary asks…

I need to know my rights as the person at blame in an accicdent.?

I was driving down the road when I had to make a sudden stop, it happened very quickly, now I slammed on the breaks and slid into the rear end of this mans car. To begin with this car doesn’t even look like it should be on the road. I dented his bumper. There is not alot of damage to the car that I caused. I gave him my insurance and license. Which I have had only for a month now. He called me that night asking for $1500 if we didn’t want to go through insurance. Which I don’t cause I would be paying thousands as apose to hundreds. I went over to give him the money and his mother is saying that she doesn’t want to sign a release nor take my money because what if three days from now he wont be able to work. This man will not go to the doctor. So how do I know that he can’t work? What I am saying now is I will give him $1500, or go through insurance and that way he wont get anything. Can I legally say no to giving him money for injuries if he does not prove that he cannot work by showing my something from his doctor?

Nagesh answers:

GO THROUGH YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY. They are running a scam on you. There is nothing from preventing them to blackmail you further. Your insurance will not raise that much. It is is your fault because you slid into him but did you get a police report? Chances are he does not have insurance. Without a police report, your insurance will bully him and most likely the case will be dropped.

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Thursday, July 5th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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