Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money Online

Betty asks…

How can i earn money online without any credit cards and outside U.S?

I want to earn money online without credit cards and paying something. I want companies to just send me the money via money transfer or something.

Nagesh answers:

What are talking about, welfare for residents outside the US? We have enough problems dishing money out to undeserving people the way it is…

You could get this….

It’s this new idea

a lot of people have one

it’s called

a job

Carol asks…

How can I make some money off the internet?

Can you guys give me some ideas or links for making money online? I’m 14 years old and I’m very good with computers. I can moderate a forum, edit video, handle a webpage, and many other things. I am a hardworker and good at taking directions. I also play a lot of video games so something relating to gaming would be preferable. I’m also not looking for a 30k per year job I just want to make a little spending money.

Nagesh answers:

If you’re good at computers, get creative and make flyers, business cards, newsletters, etc for small companies or anyone with a service or business. You’d be surprised at how many people require someone for this. I am 14 years old and a few weeks ago I worked really hard making flyers for this business and I passed them out everyday after school. Now I have a bunch of people interested in paying me $50-65 for designing a flyer.

If you are interested in this, make sure it’s something you like, otherwise you won’t do a good job. You said your a hard worker, so in order to start something like this you have to put a lot of effort. Familiarize yourself with different softwares like Adobe Indesign and Illustrator and do lots of thumbnail sketches and practice before advertising your service and getting started.

Mandy asks…

What is a good way to make money online?

Looking for good ways to make money online as I just lost my job last week. Any ideas guys?

Nagesh answers:

Earn income working very few hours…

You can choose when you want you work!

Training is given so no need for experience…

We pay every Friday too!


Nancy asks…

Where can I find ways to make money online? My 5yr old has leukemia (cancer) and I need help with work & money?

I don’t know how to market my website and Send Out Cards hasn’t worked for me either. I’m desperate to find a honest way to make money online. I’m not very good at selling, but willing to try.

Thanks for any ideas or input. I pray something good comes from this ?

Nagesh answers:

My mom and I just started with a company called GNLD. We haven’t gotten anywhere in it yet, but the people above us have been doing it for a while and were able to quit their jobs and just work from home with the company. Also, my brother is signed up but doesn’t do anything with the business, but people signed up under him, so he gets money when they buy and sell products. Seems to me like it’ll turn out really good, so I thought you might be interested. Here’s the website: if you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer them. Just email me at brittagnld(at)

Also, the people above us in the business have a daughter with a brain tumor. There is a product we have called Tre that they said helps increase the production of T-Cells. They give their daughter lots of it each day (half a bottle but that seems kind of excessive to me) in hopes that it will help her get better. I actually take it to keep healthy. It’s juice, so even the three year old I babysit likes it. They recommend taking an ounce a day here it is if you want to check it out: and if you start with the business, you can get a discount on the products.

My mom also said to tell you about PhytoDefense which people think helps with cancer, this is also sold through the company

God bless you! I’ll be praying for your 5 year old. I have a friend who has cancer too so that’ll help me remember. Good luck with making money!

Sandy asks…

What is the best legitimate way to make money online?

Iv looked at many different ways of supposedly making up to £50 an hour posting links and taking surveys online but none seem legit and I`m not giving them any details. Does anyone actually know legit ways of making any money online??

Nagesh answers:

People are wondering here and there to find ways to make money online. There is no hard lesson to learn. The most effective and easier way of making money online is simply to start your own blog.

A blog is a simple website that allows you to post your own articles, views and information organized into categories. Follow following simple steps to start making money online right now,

Step 1: Create a blog

Step 2: Build it up

Step 3: Put some ads on it

Step 4: Put some affiliate links related to your topic

Step 5: Start promoting your site to forums, social bookmarking sites, directories and other blogs.

This is so simple. Nothing big or difficult to accomplish. I remember one of my friend just started a blog about Tennis Game. He was so fond of it and he just thought there might be more people around the globe that are equally excited about Tennis. Hence he started sharing his own ideas on his blog at blogspot. Now he earns around $800 to $900 every month from just Google Adsense. It is that easy.
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Tuesday, November 25th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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