Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money On Ebay

Richard asks…

I have an idea on making money on Ebay…?

Well i’ve been thinking lately that i should try to make some money selling some stuffs on Ebay and here’s my idea. I would go surfing to look for products online that cost like let say $40 and then put it up on Ebay and sell them for $50. Here’s the twist, i wouldn’t have the product in hand yet, what i would do is wait for someone to buy the product and send me the money. When i get the money, i would go and buy the product on whatever site that i saw for $40 and then have them ship it to that buyer’s address. Thus i would make some money (around $5 due to ebay fees) and the buyer gets what he asks for.
Not sure if it’s original but i want to know if people think that would be acceptable and what would be the implications, legal etc. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Its called dropshipping. Tons of people do it. Its the oldest trick in the book, but for most people it doesnt work…especially since feebay is based on a feedback score now. If your shipment is late, and you try to explain that to a customer, they will often times give you a negative feedback. After about 3 in a month your suspended from ebay. Every time you get one, it knocks your listings down so nobody sees them. They will see people with 100% feedback or any feedback that is higher than yours….and if you arent selling over 1000 items a month, the powersellers listings will show up before yours anyways. You cant even list identical items anymore. So if you are selling 10 pairs of the same type of sneakers and same size, nobody will see 9 of them at a single time. Only 1, and when that 1 pair sells, another pair will show up in listings. People are changing the titles a little so its not exactly the same, but alas, ebay has a rule against this too called “gaming” and they will suspend your account if they catch you doing that too. So feebay is stealing peoples money and not advertising what they are paid to advertise. Basically, ebay has done everything they can this year to make sure that you, as a smaller seller, do not sell anything. Your listings will get buried where nobody sees them. I was doing it last year but I worked out a deal with a company in Taiwan to dropship for me. Theres a list of them at Its not profitable on ebay anymore. Im a powerseller. Last year, if I listed 100 items on ebay a day, at least 75 of them would sell. Now, if I list 100 items on ebay a day, about 5 of them sell, the other 95 put me in debt because FEEbay costs money to list. Maybe on craigslist or somewhere else it might work. Ebay ran all their sellers and buyers off by making stupid changes when the new CEO took charge this year. Its dumb to start a business there this year because they have already said they dont want ebay being a “flea market” anymore, which basically means they are phasing out small sellers slowly to bring in big sellers like and gm who just signed deals with them. Theres a list at of other sites to sell on and other ways to make money online without FEEbay.

Daniel asks…

Is ebay a good and easy way to make money?

I am considering selling some things on ebay in my spare time to make some quick and easy money. Is this a good idea and what kind of things shall I sell? Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Easy to do but not easy to make money.

Anyone who wants to make easy money needs to learn a basic concept. If it was easy money then everyone would do it and the profits from doing so would disappear.

Most businesses or jobs that are worth going after are not easy.

Charles asks…

What joblot or wholesale shall i buy on ebay to make a bit of money or get my business started…?

I’ve recently started a new e-bay and obviously im stuck for ideas on what to sell!

I need to either make some money or even my money out just to get the business going .

If you would like to see my ebay its as followed:

Many thanks,

Nagesh answers:

Hi Lewis,

Hope you will be fine. If you are interested to sell the leather equestrian goods on your ebay shop write me at

I am manufacturer of these items and can supply you the goods.


Mandy asks…

What are some really good items to sell on Ebay that will make lots of money?!!?

I don’t know what to sell on ebay that can make lots of money. Would you guys give me some tips and ideas on what to sell on ebay?! Thank you!!

Nagesh answers:

Ebay has a site that tells you what most people are looking for in Ebay in general and by category. It is call ebay pulse. I put the link below.

Robert asks…

I want to make money like those people who bought the PS3 and sold for a lot of money on ebay?

Has anyone heard of people making that much money on something like that? I really want to hear some ideas?

Nagesh answers:

There is no valid point in buying the new PS3 in hopes of making more money on EBAY. The purpose of ebay is to buy things for a cheaper price. Even on ebay you can get the new ps3 for cheaper or just buy it wholesale without having to wait for more to come in the stores. If you are hoping to make money on it, no one will buy it for more when in reality they can buy at the regular cost or for cheaper. Sorry to get your hopes up! =(

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Wednesday, January 15th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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