Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money On Ebay

Donald asks…

Ideas for what would actually sell on ebay for extra money?

It is hard to have a home based business…is there anything that you know of that actually can be sold on ebay for extra money?

Nagesh answers:

There is a market for everything and anything on ebay. I sell magazine clippings (or used to, I no longer sell on ebay due to changes I don’t agree with) but, even selling magazine clippings, I would sometimes make 300$ a week (sometimes if the right buyer came along, I made that within an hour)

What I suggest is this, choose something you like, (books, clothing, music etc…) search for it on ebay and see how the sales/bids are with that item.

Like I said, there is a market for everything.

Good luck 🙂

Charles asks…

money making ideas?

i need to make some money i can make crafts i’m sure, but what do i make i have lots and lots of fabric, ribbons just lots of craft items. i can use to make things i’m not a seasoned sewer but i can do stitch or two so if anyone has any ideas i’d love to hear them if you know of a craft site that will give me ideas i just need money making ideas and since i have so many crafting items i wanted to use what i have does anyone know of a site on how to make easy handbags. i just need to start so yahoo family help thank you all inadvance please no smart alics i’m serious i know i repeted myself many times

Nagesh answers:

If you have fabric and ribbons, you can make hair accessories for adults and little girls. I love doing this myself and I sell them on ebay when I have time. You can also sell on which only allows for the selling of handcrafted items.

I will provide you with some free instructions for various types. The important thing is, if you decide to sell them online, you’ll have to take very good pictures, of course, equally as important is making sure your items are of a professional and durable quality.

Here are some ideas and instructions:
(just for general ideas of how professional items should look, there is a pattern but she doesn’t allow for it to be used to create items for sale)
(almost the same headband as the previous link but you can use this pattern and be able to sell the finished items)
(lots of instructions for many different things)

I’m sure you can find even more free instructions by doing an internet search of the idea that interests you most. Use your imagination to embellish the items to make them your own personal style and design.

Here is one more link to how to photograph your items properly so they standout and are more attractive to buyers:

Hope this helps and good luck!

David asks…

Making money from Ebay?

Someone I know makes a good profit from Ebay buying from charity shops and reselling on ebay.
I want to do what she does but I don’t want to ask her for advice as I don’t want her to think I am stealing her ideas or getting the best stuff from the shops befoer she does.
What kind of things sell well on Ebay, what should I be looking for?
I don’t want to make a living from it I just want to make a small amount of money.

Nagesh answers:

A good way to see what sells well on ebay is to put an item in that you want to sell, and then on the left handside of the page you will see a box that you can tick saying completed items then click on show items and it will bring up all the same items that have sold recently and the price they went for.
I have always found that toys sell quite well. If yu are buying clothes it good to look for well know labelled clothes. Good luck

Susan asks…

How can I earn money?

I’m 13. I live in England and I just need to earn some money!
Any ideas?
Morning paper rounds are not an option.
Thankyou 😀

Nagesh answers:

Idea’s to make money:
– Evening paper round.
– eBay your stuff.
– Boot sale your stuff.
– Make cakes and sell them.
– Dog walking.
– Leaflet distribute.
– Baby sitting.
– Car washing.

TIP: Make half an A4 piece of paper leaflet about your services and post them around your entire neighbourhood for odd jobs.

– Sunday Cakes for Sunday Roast Dinner Evening Desserts at £2-3 a large cake.
– Baby sitting at £5 for 2 hours.
– Car washing for £3 per car.
– Dog walking for £5 for 5 days a week.
– Also offer any other jobs like lawn mowing or morning papers for the elderly.

TIP: The cheaper it is, the more likely you are to get people willing to pay for your services and you’ll have regular customers.

No one will employ you at 13 due to health and safety reasons; insurance.

If you want a good start at 16 for a job, start volunteering at a local charity shop now for work experience, especially in this economic climate and immigrants taking jobs, you’ll have a better chance than someone who hasn’t even bothered to think of this idea.

Laura asks…

Ebay Question- What can I sell from my home at ebay?

I’m trying to earn some money for a horse lease/saddle and was wanting some ideas on what I could sell on Ebay for a pretty good profit.


Nagesh answers:

I have a store on Ebay called TheStudioLoft and I started out by doing the same thing; I’ve sold coffee tables, mud benches, vases, and now I sell mainly designer purses. I even sold a metal rooster (kitchen decor)!

Anything in GOOD CONDITION that you can ask at least 30 dollars for is a good bet (remember the steep fees Ebay & PayPal charge).

Your best bet is to get on Ebay and window shop for your own comparison; you can get some great ideas by checking out past auctions and how much they sold for.

Good Luck!

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Saturday, December 13th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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