Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money In The Summer

Betty asks…

any ideas to make money under 13?

im 13 years old its summer i need money because i dont get an is there any things i can do to get cash & not 5 dollars i mean some money.because i cant get a job.and if it helps i live in florida so consider the heat.

Nagesh answers:

Nobody likes to pick up dog poop, it might sound gross but there are professional companies here in AZ that will come to your house and clean up every couple days.
All you need are some disposable gloves and a garbage bag and you are good to go!
Other ideas: Dog walking, lawn mowing (takes equipment), car wash (you could do this at thier home) cleanup (leaves, garbage, etc)
Just be careful and make sure you talk it over with your parents first.
Good luck

David asks…

How can a pre-teen make money in the summer?

My sis and i were wondering if anybody had a good idea *that doesnt cost alot to start!* for a way to get money in the summer. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Leverage. Its when u pay others to do work for you, but you still make profit.

I say you should mow laws.

Look for yards that need to be cut. Charge $20 per yard and hire 8 friends to mow 10 lawns each person for you . 80 yards being mowed times $20 is $1600. But you have to pay your workers. Take $600 from the $1600 and pay them with that. Each employee is being payed $75 a day and you have $1000 profit. One day of hard work makes u one-thousand dollars.

If u find success, you may want to do what most entreprenuers do and expand. Maybe during the summer you can post fliers asking for teenage workers to get paid to mow lawns, stating that they can make roughly around $15 per hour (which is way more that they would normally get paid by working at McDonalds). Who knows, maybe you can reqruit more than your previous 8 workers and have 80, which multiplies ur profit of 1,000 dollars to 10,000 a day.

John asks…

any ideas on how to make money 4 d summer?

Any ideas on how to make money for the summer in ireland as a 15 year old kid in the countryside with no jobs anywhere near me? with poor people near me 2? :/

Nagesh answers:

Sadly not unless you can find someone who’d like you to do a few chores for them.

Thomas asks…

Any Ideas on how to make money for Summer Acting camps ?

Yeah i live in san bernardino, an hour away from l.a and i feel like all this opportunity is so close to me yet so hard for me to take advantage of right now. Now i’ve been really wanting to go to some type of summer acting camps as in maybe SOCAPA or Performing arts camps, but the only problem is i have no where near 1500-1700 nor do my parents. I’ve been trying to get a job recently but it’s not looking promising :/. I’ve got about 4 month to make something happen so does any one have any sources or any ideas where i can raise some money or get a sponsor ?? Because this isn’t just a dream.. it’s a lifestyle i’m willing to wholeheartedly pursue 🙂
thanks so much.
Oh and do expensive camps like that, look good to agents on your resume ? thanks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Well im not a pro @ making money but you can sell some of your junk (garage sale) and if your old enough then maybe you can get a job or have your family pitch in some money or have a bake sale sell things on ebay ware you can name the price of your items and well that’s really all i got sorry this probably didn’t help but well i hope it will!!!!

Ken asks…

How to Make Money in the Summer?

I’m 17 and going to be a senior in high school. I want to make some money this summer but i can’t get a real job because my parents say the i have the rest of my life to work and that i should have fun now. I’ve been working for my brother with little jobs but we don’t work often and its not very much money. I’m just wondering if anyone has some ideas for me to make some money this summer. I also have basketball open gyms, lifting, and alot of camps this summer that will take up alot of my time.

Nagesh answers:

You dont need your parent’s permission to work. Just grab a part time job at Mcdonalds, you’re 17 and it’s summer! Your parents should be encouraging you to work, they sound pathetic, tell your mom to cut the cord.

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Thursday, March 21st, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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