Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money In The Summer

Laura asks…

What should I do to make money during the summer?

I’m not old enough to work, but I want to do something to make money to go shopping and things like that. I don’t live in a neighborhood, my neighbors are pretty far away, so I can’t walk to town, or to a store or anything. Any ideas of things I can do to make money, like babysitting….???

Nagesh answers:

There are lots of things you can do!

If you are artistic, you can sell your artwork.
You can …

– pet sit
– baby sit
– walk dogs
– offer to clean other people’s homes or run their errands
– be a mother’s assistant (watch the kids while she makes dinner)
– do yard work for others
– garage sale!

But most of all, if you want to make money, you need to promote your business! If people don’t know you’re there, they won’t hire you. So pass out flyers or post them at the local library or grocery store. You say your neighbors are far away? Are they close enough to ride your bike to? Think of ways to work around this set back … You could even sell some old toys and such via the internet!

You can do it!
Best of Wishes,

George asks…

Does anyone know any ways for teens to make money over the summer?

I’m 13 and i live in New Jersey. I’m unfortunately too young to get a real job and cant think of anything else to do. =/ I have considered babysitting and a lemon aide stand but i don’t really know anyone to baby sit and i don’t live in that busy of an area so the lemon aide stand would take a long time to make money. If anyone has any ideas plz help me out!! thxx =)

Nagesh answers:

Don’t fall for anything online.
Don’t give anyone any personal information – you will regret it.

Charles asks…

How to make money this summer?

Hi, I’m only 13 and I live here in the Philippines. Can you please tell me any ideas that you know for me to make money?

Nagesh answers:

If the labor laws are such that 13 is old enough to get a job, then get one. Its the only way to truly “earn” money…

Donald asks…

How can my 17 yr old make money on summer vacation at grandmas in Illinois?

Grandma can’t pay him for work around the house, but he needs to earn about $600 by the end of July. McDonalds might be an option (fastfoods) but what other ideas does anyone have? Someone mentioned out of state workers have better chance of getting jobs in Illinois.

Nagesh answers:

Mowing of yards. Actually pays pretty good but it is hot hard work
especially if grandma lives in a neighborhood with elderly people they are more willing to pay to have someone cut the grass or basic yard work.

Steven asks…

Summer Business Ideas for 16 year old who needs money.?

I will be turning 17 in July.
I have recently been absquatulated from my part time job.
I want to open my own business when I am an adult and see this as an opportunity to develop my entrepreneurial skills.
I have thought of these already:
Car Wash: I cant rent any space to do a car wash and I don’t think it looks good to ask to use the clients water supply due to the fact that I will have to go door to door.
Yard Work: Its incredibly unfortunate that I am so allergic to spring and summer time, because I do not mind doing yard work, but it gets hard to plant flowers and cut grass when my eyes are watering so bad I cant see.
Baby Sitting: I’m looking for a more professional job other than baby sitting and I think most parents have baby sitters and don’t plan on switching just for the summer.
Online Source: I have looked online to make money, and each one turns out to be a scam. I am so sick of people suggesting online surveying or “click ads and make money“. SO NO ONLINE SOURCES!
Dog walking is an option, although maybe as a last resort.
House cleaning/ pet sitting: I don’t think many people who go on summer vacations would trust a 16 year old male to watch their house.
Advertising for small businesses: I thought that maybe I could contact small businesses around my community and offer to hand out flyer’s for them at a cost.

Brainstorm all you can!
Quantity not quality!
I need a way to make money this summer in order to pay for my gym membership which I am on a contract for another 8 months, as well as my cell phone, due to the fact that few, including my own family have telephones anymore.

Nagesh answers:

Get a job

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Friday, July 27th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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