Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money In The Summer

Michael asks…

How can a teen make money in the summer?

How could I make money in the summer. I want to save up and start using my own money to go shopping because my parents and grandpa always buy me things and I want to start buying myself things. Thank you!
(please don’t say to work at a resturant because I’m not old enough to work)
@Poisssonfish I’m only 13, and I think the minimum age to work is 16

Nagesh answers:

The minimum age to work (for someone other than your family) is 14. In most states, it’s 15, though. As a 13 year old, you might be able to get a job busing tables at a local restaurant. I know someone that did this even though the minimum age to work in that state is 15. If that won’t work, here are some other ideas:
-get a paper route
-babysit, pet sit, or house sit
-make and sell jewelry, birdhouses, etc.
-have a garage sale, bake sale, or lemonade stand
-collect cans and bottles to turn in for cash
-mow lawns or garden
-do chores for your parents, neighbors, or relatives
-tutor younger kids in your favorite subject
-sell old toys, books, video games, or clothes on eBay or craigslist
Good luck! 🙂

Donald asks…

How much money will we need for a week in Ireland?

We are going to Ireland this summer for 7 days on our honeymoon. We have never been to Europe and have no idea how much money we will realistically need. We don’t want to go crazy spending money, but we also don’t want to sit at our hotel all week. We already paid for the flight and hotel so that is not an issue. How much money do you think we will realistically need? And should we use traveller’s checks, cash, or credit cards?

Nagesh answers:

You can now use your ATM and credit cards at ATM machines to withdraw cash from your own accounts, but you need to check with your bank that your cards are suitable, and what the charges are – ATM cards are the cheaper option usually, but credit cards can be quite expensive, so I would only use that as a last resort. Don’t bring large amounts of cash, it’s only inviting trouble, traveller’s cheques are expensive to use, and of credit cards, Visa and Mastercard are the most widely accepted, but you will need a PIN number to use them.

If you are staying in or near Dublin, don’t bother hiring a car, use the public transport instead. For Dublin, I think €200 per day per person spending money should be about right, as long as you don’t spend have the night skulling pints and don’t eat at really expensive restaurants every night.

If you are in a more rural area and don’t have a hire car, you might find you need the same anyway for the local taxi/hackney service, but if you are going to a well-known spot, it’s likely there will the local tours available.

Remember that the Republic of Ireland uses the Euro (€) and Northern Ireland uses the Pound Sterling (£).

Sandra asks…

What are some ideas for the summer to earn some money?

I’m probably not old enough for most hiring jobs.
I need some ideas to earn money.
*Jobs to to do for parents
*Volunteer ideas
Just some simple ways to get some cash or spend time over summer break.

Nagesh answers:

Click bank like that..

Steven asks…

What are some ways for me to earn money for band?

So my high school marching band went to Indianapolis last season and we’d like to go again next year but we need to finish paying off the large sum of money it cost to go. I don’t doubt we’d be able to pay it off but I’d also like to find ways to help prepare funds for next season as well. We already sell fruit, nuts, candles, coupon books and do gift wrapping. What are some other ideas for things we could do to raise money over the summer and in the fall?

Nagesh answers:

Try calender you already have a built in market your parents and grand parents my nephew got us for 5 at 25 bucks each

Thomas asks…

I’m a preteen looking for ways to make money around my neighborhood. What are somethings I can do?

I just want to have some extra spending money during the summer. I just would like some ideas of what I can do.

Nagesh answers:

Yard work and gardening is another good idea. Offer your services to cut grass, weed gardens and do general yard work for people, seniors especially can use the help in the summer.

Hold a car wash! Get a group of friends together and with parents permission start your own car wash.

Have a garage sale. Clean out your closets, toy chests and basements of all the toys/books you no longer use. You’d be surprised how much stuff you no longer use.

Check with the local employment agencies to see if they have any listings for youth. Occasionally camps and other organizations are looking for youngsters to help out.

Unfortunately there are laws about kids working so you have to be creative when you are young to earn a little extra cash. Get your parents involved too, they may have some good ideas. They may even be more encouraged to help you out if they see you trying to make your own cash instead of just holding out your hand.

Cooking meals


-cutting lawns

-landscaping assistant

-bagging groceries at the local store

-polishing silver

-DJ for parties

-clown for birthday parties

-gift wrapping

-lemonade stand

-cage cleaning

-cake/cookie bake sales

-face painting

-party planner

-taking garbage to curb for neighbors

-paper route


-delivering groceries

-errand boy (or girl)

-photographer or videographer for parties

-walking dogs

-house cleaning (so much per chore per day, or several days per week. Ex: vacuum twice a week=$4, dust three times a week=$5, mop twice a week=$4, so a month of these would total of $42.

-project painting house

-project cleaning out garage or attic

-pool maintenance

-baby sitting

-washing cars

-beautician’s assistant (washing hair, cleaning brushes, sweeping hair)

-cleaning out closets

-washing, drying,folding and hanging clothes

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Sunday, December 28th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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