Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money In The Summer

Donald asks…

How could we make money this summer?

My friend and I are both 13 and we are in search of money making this summer so dar we have come up with the idea of a lemonade stand/ bake sale will have started a brainstorm and have gotten no where please and thank you give us your ideas

Nagesh answers:

You can join McDonald, KFC, Domino’s,..etc as a part time job and you can get money easily in summer vacation.

Best Of Luck.

Ken asks…

How do I get money for summer school?

Hi, i’m in middle school and I need money for summer school this year cause I didn’t do that well, but my parents told me they wouldn’t pay for it. I REALLY WANT TO GO TO SUMMER SCHOOL, how do I get money so that I can go? If it helps I live in New Jersey.

I don’t have a license to sell stuff, and i’m to young for a job!

Nagesh answers:

You can be self-employed and market your skills. The information in the web sites I give you below have a number of good ideas for those who are too young to obtain a work permit.

Job Ideas for Teens 15 and Under

Ways to Save and Make Money (for teens)

The Self-Employed Teenager

The Self-Employed Teenager

Examples: A million years ago when I was a teen I babysat, was a summer nanny for a mother with 3 young children, and I taught swimming to young children. None of those jobs were with a business. I was self-employed. Once I was old enough to obtain a work permit, I worked at the unglamorous job of grill/fountain staff at a root beer stand.

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Best wishes

John asks…

What are some good techniques for writing a donation letter?

I want to go to this summer program/camp. You can earn college credit and looks good on my college application. It is somewhat like a “once in a high school life chance” because few are selected to take advantage of it. The only problem is … it is about $2300. My mom won’t pay for it and I can’t get that much money by summer (I am going to be a junior…but right now I am 15…no job for me…..) My idea is to write to certain businesses for a donation. What are some good tips to include in my letter? Is there certain businesses that I should send my letter too? Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

I’ve had experience using this method. I’ve fundraised about 12,000 in a matter of a couple of months.

This method is simple. You write letters. By writing formal funding requests to local businesses you can make a substantial amount of money in a short period of time. You start by creating a letter, simple as that. The first paragraph of your letter should explain the mission of your organization and how it helps the community. The second letter of your paragraph should explain what you want from the organization. Is it money, supplies, or both? At the end of t his paragraph you want to let the business owner know that you have attached additional information on a separate sheet of paper that outlines your budget and how donations can be made. The third letter of your paragraph should explain what you are willing to do for this organization or business. Will you include the names of all donors in your fall newsletter or on your website? Let them know you can provide proof of attendance, once you graduate the program you will send them the graduation certificate (or some other form of proof).
Once you have written your letter you must write your attachment. The attachment should be an itemized budget of your organization that pertains to your fund raising request. Let them see how much money and/or supplies you need. The more detailed the itemization the better. Some businesses will look at your itemization and decide to contribute all of one the funding for one item (i.e. If I donate so much money that will cover their food expenses). You should also include your contact information and who checks and donations should be made payable to. Once this component is complete you should have two pages total: one page for your funding request and one page for your itemized budget.
The next step is to compile a database of local businesses and organizations. Using an Excel file is the simplest way to perform this task. You should have Type of Business, Name of Business, Mailing Address, City, State, and a complete nine digit Zip Code. You can use your local phonebook and the internet to compile this database. It is important to start with local businesses, the home grown type. They are most likely to contribute to your nonprofit. Then move on to businesses related to your nonprofit. Once you have these two categories complete you can expand your list exponentially to whomever you think might have money to donate. Don’t limit yourself, nearly every section of the yellow pages is worth considering. In addition, please do not forget your local college or university. Each department within the university should receive a letter as each department has funding to give. Remember, the more letters you send out the more money you will get donated.
You can now complete the process by sending out your funding request letters. It is important to know that your process is not fully complete. Once you receive donations you will want to keep an updated record of donors and send thank you cards. If you keep up relations with your donors you can build a relationship that will allow you to ask annually for the same donation.
This donation request method has been proven productive and efficient. So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and start making some money!

Steven asks…

What is a good summer job for an educator?

I’m only an educational assistant. I have a B.A. in Spanish and English and have two semesters left in my teaching licensure program. I mainly need to make money this summer; I’ll be working as a sub in the Fall. I don’t want to work in restaurants or customer service anymore. Any other ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Summer programs will look great on your resume. Also, advertise for private tutoring positions – the money is great! You could also try retail, especially an arts & crafts store or someplace else you would come into contact with kids. Michaels hires people to coordinate kids activities; you may want to look into something like that.

Betty asks…

What are some good fundraising ideas for high schoolers?

Durin the summer of 2007, me and my friends are deciding on a Senior Road Trip and we need some help with finding some ideas to raise money, so that our parents don’t have to come out of their pockets.

Nagesh answers:

You can bake things and sell them or you can do a car wash…..

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Monday, December 15th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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