Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money From Home

Susan asks…

What is a good way to make sopme extra money from home without an internet connection?

I would like to make money from home what can I do?
I dont’t have internet at my house,
any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Deliver have to bag them and fold them at your house but then of course you have to go deliver them which doesnt take long

George asks…

Any legit ways to work from home to supplement my income?

I’m looking for ideas that I can make extra money from home, I have a baby so I don’t want to get a job away from home. I’ve looked into a few but they are all scams. Any help or idea would be appreciated!

Nagesh answers:

These are call-center companies. Jet Blue airlines hires through one of these companies for customer service representatives. If you look up these companies, here on Y!A or on online message boards, you will find that these are legitimate companies. They might not have jobs available in your state, though.

Another website to check out is for data entry, transcription, and scheduling jobs.

Donna asks…

How can you make money at home?

I’m looking for legitimate ways to make money at home online. Does anyone have any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Start sending your resume out to nearby companies. Include in your cover letter that you have an office an home and prefer to work remotely from it.

Richard asks…

What is the best way to make money from home?

I am a father of two little boys and I stay home with them both while my wife goes to work and makes out income. I am looking for a way to make money from home. I have a lot of free time o my hands and would prefer some way to do it on the computer. I make websites (nothing too fancy) and I know alo about computer systems as well as carpentry and parenting.

Anyone got any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

I would see if you can design and maintain websites. Many people myself included do not know how to do this.

Sandra asks…

How can I earn $75 per day five days a week from home?

I’m looking for ideas on how to earn money at home so I can be a stay at home mom for my newborn. I need to earn $75 per day five days a week to pay the bills.

FYI: Insincere answers will be reported as abuse.

Nagesh answers:

What you are asking is close to impossible to find in this very difficult economy.

You answer will probably spawn lots of scams – do not pay attention to them.

You may want to do a past question review for questions similar to yours on this forum – there are hundreds, probably thousands. Read the answers – most are scams, but some are very down-to-earth and sensible.

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Saturday, August 9th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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