Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Teenagers

William asks…

What is a good way for a older teenager girl to make money?

Please don’t give me stupid answers like prostitution. I don’t have time for a part time job and I will have my N soon but I really need some money. I just need some ideas of how to make money, like babysitting or something.

Nagesh answers:

If you’re 13 or 14 …

On school days you can only work up to two hours a day, one hour before school and one hour after school. In the school holidays you can work up to five hours a day by for no more than 25 hours in a week and for two weeks of the school holidays, you cannot work at all. On Saturdays, you can work up to five hours and two hours on a Sunday.

If you’re 15 or 16 …

On school days you can only work up to two hours a day, one hour before school and one hour after school. On Saturdays, you can work up to eight hours and two hours on a Sunday. In the school holidays you can work up to eight hours a day, but no more than 35 hours in a week and for two weeks in the school holiday, you cannot work at all.

Don’t forget that if you want to get a full time job, you have to have left school first. If you are 16, you need to wait to leave school until the last Friday in June.

If you are under the age of 16 you have a permit issued by your local authority and signed by your employer in order to work legally.

What you can do

Have a think about the best ways to find a job. Shops, restaurants, supermarkets and hotels often employ young people.
Make some enquiries to see if there are any paper rounds available near you. You could also consider delivering leaflets.
Ask your family and friends to see if they have any pet sitting, dog walking, gardening, cleaning, car washing or baby-sitting that you could do for them. These aren’t classed as ’employment’ so you will not need a permit.
Make sure that if you do get a job you think about your personal safety when traveling to and from work. Is there reliable public transport or can an adult take you and pick you up?

Mary asks…

What are some ways for a teenager to make money?

Okay, I’m 15 years old, and I could use some money. I have my permit, and I’ll be getting my license soon. I want a car, and my mom wants me to get a car too. Apparently she doesn’t trust me in hers. I need to make some money. Technically, I’m legal to work at a lot of places, but no one wants to hire a 15 year old. I’ve tried working at houses around the neighborhood, but in the last year, no one seems to have any money. Anybody got any ideas or places that might hire me?

Nagesh answers:

Yeah I’ve worked with some 15 year olds and they’re mostly not good. I worked with this 15yo blonde chick once with a nice round butt, we got along well.

Mark asks…

What are some good ways to make money in the horse-world?

I’m a teenager with a horse of my own and is in need of some cash for a new helmet. Dose anyone have any good ideas to make money in the horse-world? Thanks

Nagesh answers:

Work at your barn or sell some of your riding equipment you don’t use anymore. If your barn does riding lessons you can offer the use of your horse in some lessons for some money

James asks…

Ways for teenagers to make money?

I am not old enough to get a real job. I help with chores around the house but I am not making enough money. Babysitting is not an option either because there are not any young children around where I live. Any ideas on how to make money?

Nagesh answers:

Pet sit, walk and bathe dogs, house sit, clean houses, mow lawns, garden, do chores for the elderly, garage sale, lemonade stand, bake sale, collect cans or scrap metal, pickpocket, panhandle. Buy and sell stuff online for a profit. If you are good with your hands you could build stuff out of wood (birdhouses, chairs, etc.) and sell it. Or, you could paint or draw and sell that. Ask your parents if they will pay you more for the chores that you do.

George asks…

How can teenagers make money fast?

I’m fifteen and too young to get a job and I need a lot of money by this summer to go on a trip with People to People Student Ambassadors. Does anyone have any ideas for me? Thanks in advance!
If my mom had enough money to pay for it than I wouldn’t have posted this question, and I’m sorry, I wasn’t sure which category to put it in.

Nagesh answers:

Im also 15 and here’s how much money I get in a month:

-$40 Allowance ($10/week)
-$15 – $20 babysitting for PAC meeting at an elementry school for 1-2 hours.
-$60 for cleaning my grandma’s apartment ($30 every 2 weeks for 2 hours of work, vaccuming,moping, dusting,bathrooms stuff like that)
-$10– $30 Tutoring ($10/hour)
-$50 for garden work in the warmer months.

Total: $125- $200 per month

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Thursday, February 14th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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