Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Teenagers

Mandy asks…

what are some simple ideas to make good fast money around my small town for a teenager?

Nagesh answers:

There is no way to make good fast money without skills that people will pay for. And even then, it still takes time and it’s no longer simple. The only way to make good fast money is to already have a lot of it and sit back and watch the interest/dividends roll in.

That said….what can you do?
Can you help stock shelves at a grocery store?
Can you do yardwork?
Can you wash cars?
Can you take care of kids?
Can you help people hauling trash etc?
Can you build things?
Can you fix computers?

George asks…

Easy ways for a teenager to make money?

Hi, I’m 15 and cannot yet become employed where I live. I was wondering if anyone had any good ideas for ways to make some money without doing the internet quizzes that never seem to work. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Although there are ways to make money online, most people are better off simply getting a job at their local McDonalds, Starbucks or Wal Mart.

If you are hell bent on finding a way to make money online however then you need to avoid:
– Anything that wants you to pay money
– Anything that promises you will get rich quick
– Anything that makes you uncomfortable

Those things tend to be scams.

If you have a bit of spare time you could try GPTHQ (a site like cashcrate but imho better because it pays more and has a paypal option) or, if you have a lot of time and a typing speed of 35 WPM with 99% accuracy you could try freelance writing.

Good luck – I hope this helps.

Stay clear of scams!

Thomas asks…

Any Ideas on how I can make money?

I’m 16 and I’d really like to make some money so I can take some financial stress of my mother. The only problem is, I have no idea how I would do that. I am, in fact, aware of the normal ways a teenager could make money (babysitting, mowing lawns, getting a job, etc.) but there are a few obstacles in the way.
1. I go to a college prep school that does not offer work permits to students and, even if they did, I have a considerable amount of homework and don’t have much time anyway.
2. I am the manager of an extremely active club on campus and head of the costumes department in our drama program eating up more of my “free” time.
3. I can’t work with kids. I know this from experience. I was a camp counselor for a summer and failed miserably. Babysitting is NOT an option.
4. I live in a semi-rich suburb of Los Angeles and just about everyone has a cleaning lady or gardener (so I can’t clean houses, mow lawns, or much else)

Does anyone have any ideas?
Thanks for the great idea Lina, but my school and the middle school offer free tutoring by NHS students for community service hours.
You know, as entertained I am by that answer, that’s not something anyone wants to see.
Maliboo: I have checked with the school district and I CAN get a permit if I go visit the public high school, set guidelines with them, check in with them once a month, etc. However, I honestly just don’t have time for a job involving regular shifts.
I’m mildly offended (although I’m sure you didn’t mean to) that you would ask if I waste my studying time texting or on Facebook because, unlike many lazy teens my age, I’m actually trying to figure out a way to work. I’m the manager of an active improvisational club in our school, the head costumer for the drama department, and I’m practically a shut in because I have no time for anything else.
My summer plans are already booked. I have to get surgery with a 6-week recovery time and I’m either going to CalArts for a month for an extremely prestigious pre-college theatre program or, if I don’t get in, I have an unpaid intership lined up at an authentic costume shop.
I am receiving financial aid. I have since I was 11

Nagesh answers:

Sounds like you’re in quite a crunch. Maybe you could tudor some teens with a subject you’re good in. Other than that… I’m not totally sure. Good luck though!

Sandy asks…

How can a teenager make money?

Hi. I’m a 15 year old girl looking to make some money to pay for things for my horses. Does anyone have any ideas of what i could do? In the spring I am going to look into working at a stable near my house, but I could use other ideas, too. Any thought is appreciated! Thanks.
Also, in the summer I grow a vegetable garden and sell my extra vegetables. That brings in a few bucks.

Nagesh answers:

Get a paper round in the UK the usual pay is about £30

do car washing for neighbors and charge £3 for small cars and charge higher for the bigger cars and vans

buy sweets cheap and sell them at school for double the price

save lunch money

carol sing at christmas

save birthday and christmas money

ask for pocket money

keep all spare change, it adds up!

Hope this helped 🙂

Chris asks…

Ways for a teenager to make money quickly?

I need to raise about two thousand dollars so that I can go to this student leadership thing in Washington D.C. this summer. My parents won’t let me get a job, and they won’t pay for the trip, so I need to find other ways to raise the money. Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

It all depends on what skills you have. What you need is a variety of things to try out, and find what fits for YOU.

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Friday, October 5th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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