Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Teenagers

Richard asksā€¦

Jobs for teenagers or ways to make money?

I am a 14 year old girl and am looking for a way to make some money. Where I live there are very few jobs available for people my age so I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for ways to make money? Even better maybe you live in Jersey and could help me out?
Thanks xx

Nagesh answers:

Oh there are lots of ways (:

Enter contests! The more you enter, the greater the chance of you winning!
Set up your own business, it could be anything – Lemonade stand, pet sitting business, dog walking, baby sitting…
Have a yard sale.
Sell old things you don’t want anymore such as clothes or CD’s. You could sell them on eBay or to charities.
If you’re skilled in the cooking department, make your own cakes/biscuits and sell them around your neighborhood (:
Do you have a birthday/special occasion approaching? Ask if you can have money instead of other gifts.
Create your own website and allow companies to advertise on it. I think it’s $1 per advertisement click.

Hope I helped.
Good luck and have a nice day šŸ˜€

Lizzie asksā€¦

Best ways for teenagers to make money for them self?

I’m 17, fed up of boring repetitive jobs. I have already made money from selling manure to local gardeners. Any other ideas to start a micro-business for good money? Need gap year/university money!

Nagesh answers:

The first thing would be to NOT reply to all these ripoff solicitations.. They are scams, and they make money signing you up for their Ponzi schemes.

The old tried and true was is the only way for a 17 year old. Until you have an education under your belt, get rich schemes are just that.. Schemes…

Get experience under your belt, and with time you’ll figure out what you want to do…

Carol asksā€¦

How can teenagers make money?

Hey, i just thinking of making some extra money for this guitar i am trying to save up for, its kinda expensive. So if anyone has any ideas, surjestions (hope thats spelt right) please answer
Thank you

Nagesh answers:


George asksā€¦

A group of 7 girl teenagers need money to go to flagstaff for a couple days during winter break, money ideas..

So me and 6 of my friends are going to Flagstaff, AZ from Chandler, AZ. We need money making ideas for a 3 or 4 day vacation. We’ll need money for gas, shopping, hotel rental, and other stuff. What are some ideas you have to make money for those things, So far we thought of Car wash and bake sale.

P.S. How much is the cheapest dishsoap, cakemix box, and frosting in AZ?

While we’re at it, how much should we charge per what ever we do, ( $=car, $=cake)
teens as in 13 sorry, there will be 3 or 2 adults. sorry for the miss understanding

Nagesh answers:

If you atleast 16, why don’t you get jobs. If there are 7 of you, then it shouldn’t be a problem to get money together if you plan on sharing a room and driving up together. You can always babysit, housesit, pet sit, mow lawns, wash cars, offer to run errands for people, deliver newspapers, etc. Or how about everyone asks their parents for some money or to pay their way for a Christmas present? It shouldn’t take you more than a half tank of gas to drive from Chandler to Flag. Go to a WalMart with a grocery store, they are usually really cheap and buy generic brands. Cake mixes, frosting and dishsoap shouldn’t cost you mor ethan a couple dollars each.

Lisa asksā€¦

Good ways for a teenager to make money?

Hi, I’m 14 and I really need some money at the moment, Can anyone give me ideas for making money on the net that doesn’t take up loads of time like 5 hours a day and is relatively profitable. I have good knowledge of HTML, CSS2 and I’m ok in photoshop. Please don’t say the obvious ones like lawn mowing or paper round as I have already checked and I can’t. Cheers!

Nagesh answers:

Dont listem to the guy who say sexy car washing at only 13 there are so many perves around and teen males only want one thing so watch out.

If you are 16 try to do community jobs like household chores, babysitting, mowing lawns, washing cars, paper round and working in local shop.

When you have started earning save your money and buy the essentials like clothing, entertainment and social life.

To make money online you can:

-Sell products on ebay
-Do online surveys
-Start a blog and sell ad space
-Offer a service like writting, web design etc
-Buy a ready made website turney from Ā£20 on ebay

Good luck in the futher.

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Wednesday, April 11th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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