Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Kids

Thomas asks…

Should I give my child money for good grades?

Report cards just came out and the other moms have a set amout of money kids are getting for A’s and B’s. Nothing for C’s or lower. What do you think? We are talking middle school kids.

Nagesh answers:


Kids have to learn to be responsible for themselves and take the consequences. Parents shouldn’t be buying them off at this age.

However, there are some things you can do . First, no going out during the week except for sports games they are in or concerts of their school etc. And they have to come home right when it’s over.

No TV’s in their rooms, no computers in their rooms( when they need the computer for homework have a centrally located computer say in the kitchen where you know whether they are doing homework. ) No cell phones in their rooms, no ipods in their rooms. This is during the week. This should help them make better grades if that’s the problem.

The weekends can be different if they have made decent grades.

I know you are not going to like these ideas if you are a kid but you will learn to grow up and isn’t that what you want?

Helen asks…

What r some good ways to earn money in the summer for a kid?

does anybody have any creative ideas for earning money for a kid?
i am trying to think of jobs like pet-sitting and stuff like tht not online stuff for a kid to do if any one has any other more creative ways to earn some money

Nagesh answers:

There are so many ways to make money!

Best Idea I think is to look around your area and see what needs doing? Think about how you can help as many people as possible.

Maybe its walking dogs, your car wash idea is great because you can really work it. You can put up signs and get peoples attention.

You could make things and sell them door to door.

People pay good money to get their garages cleaned out. You could make great money doing that. I have told some people about Money
Smart for Kids. Its is software for your computer, it only costs $9.50us and it has 101 money making ideas and advice on how to do them, so you can get out and make it happen!!!

That would be a great thing to ask mum and dad to help with :O)

Best of luck with your mission I think you are amazing! More kids should be like you, maybe your the next young entrepreneur!!

Donna asks…

I need ideas for a good community service project for schoolHELP!?

what are some good ideas that can help me receive community service hours but do something big and meaningful at the same time? like raise money for kids in haiti or africa or get food for the poor in my local area things in that area. how do i start? what do i have to do?

Nagesh answers:

Organize a food drive or go help at a food bank. Another good thing to do it find a single mom who could use a few hours free of her kids and offer to take them to the park to give her a break and then instead of pay ask her for a note to say you have done those hours. Find an elderly person and help them with yard work and again ask for a note.
Good Luck

William asks…

Any ideas for what weird things would happen to a vending machine?

I have a project for my film class where we have decided to film a vending machine with a personality. It will talk and eat people’s money and kids will stick their face on the glass etc. Any ideas for what it could do or say, or something that could happen to it?

Nagesh answers:

Give away free sodas, ppl will like it better.

Maria asks…

How can I cheer a bullied student up?

There is a student in my high school who because of a recent incident has been getting bullied/picked on constantly. I want to buy him something nice that could cheer him up. Please say any ideas, money isn’t a problem, I am willing to spend up to $10,000. Maybe more. I’m not kidding about this, please help to give me ideas.

Nagesh answers:

Don’t buy him something. Talk to him in school. Be his friend. That’s well worth more than any item.

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Saturday, June 14th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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