Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Kids

Lisa asks…

How do kids make money$$?

Ok im 13 and I need to make some money for christmass presents any ideas? I’m a little to young for a real job but pls help! Thank u:)

Nagesh answers:

Hey, I suggest u see for this.
I hope this will be resolving your problem you can also browse more for this on but i think you better look at what i suggested instead of wasting ur time.
Best of luck.

Chris asks…

kid-tween ideas to make money?

I’m looking for some easy ways to earn money, because I am saving up ! thanks :]

Nagesh answers:

Walk dogs, babysit, wash cars, mow lawns, yard sale, offer to do extra chores, if you live in a busy neighborhood you can even sell lemonade or cookies or brownies 😀

Ruth asks…

Money ideas for 3 kids.?

Me and my friends are trying to make a clubhouse or something and we need to know how much money we’ll need to make it. We have wood. tools and land to make it on but we just don’t have enough money to get nails and extra pieces of wood. We need ideas to make money, one of my friends is having a garage sail but me and my other friend have nothing to do. I was thinking about doing the old fashion lemonade stand, but i need something that would be easy and I wouldn’t have to spend anything on supplies and I already tried the lawn and house crap. I am not old enough to babysit, but i need something to do so I can make money for wood and nails. Please any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

10000000000000000000 dollars if you want it to be.

Charles asks…

Do you have kid money making ideas?

Hello, I’m an eleven year old girl who needs ideas for making money. I just moved into a new house, and this is my chance to make my room look really cute! Well, I’m in love with a Study and Loft bed from the most expensive store EVER……PBTEEN! (Which I have no idea why their prices are so high, girls my age look at that stuff, and feel bad because they can’t afford it, plus they are losing business because of how high the prices are!)

The economy is extremely low right now, and my family doesn’t have a lot of money. Plus, it requires a full size mattress, that isn’t included! I’m too young to babysit, too young to mow lawns, and all the common stuff. PLEASE, If you have any good ideas on how I can make money, please let me know! Thanks for listening!!

Nagesh answers:

Get your parents to do a paper route with you………..easiest money ever

Paul asks…

Ideas for a kid to make money for Christmas?

My little sister (14) wants to start making some money for christmas gifts for her friends. Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Sure! Here are a few:
Knitting, Crocheting, or Sewing (you could do this for money or give what you make to your friends)
Ask your parents if they would give you an allowance for doing more chores.

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Thursday, August 16th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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