Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Kids

Carol asks…

How do I make money for a kid ?

I dont want ways to make money online but I DO want ways a KID can make money at home and give me a bunch of ideas to make money for a kid PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nagesh answers:


Sandra asks…

ways for kids to make money – easy ways for kids to make money?

Can some one give me certain ideas on easy ways for kids to make money?

Nagesh answers:

Here are some of the ways your children can earn a small income:

Selling Baked Goods: There are a lot of children who love to cook. Teaching them how to make pastries such as cakes, cookies and brownies will be a wealth of fun for them and help them earn money.

Shoveling Walks: Many children make big money shoveling walks in winter.

Car Washes: Wash your car can be great fun for children because they will play in the water.

You can refer to this site if you wanna know more about the easy ways for kids to make money:

Linda asks…

Ways for kids to make money?

I am looking for good ideas to make money. I would appreciate it if you would answer. Thanks! 🙂
*No babysitting or online things please. I don’t really do that*
*Something for a kid between ages 10-13 please. :)*

Nagesh answers:

You could mow people lawns,take other peoples dogs for walks, you could collect bottles and bring them to your near by recycling place, or act like a blind person on the street and hope people feel sorry for you 😀

Ken asks…

I would like to raise money for a kid in my school with cancer. Any Ideas how to make money?

A boy at my school has cancer and I feel I should help. I need ideas on how to raise money for him. Please…
The school I go too is already raising money so everyone already knows about him and his cancer and we are all trying to help. I was thinking if I gave the money to the school to give to him it would work. Not sure…

Nagesh answers:

First of all I would suggest you be very careful in how you approach this. People can be very sensative in these kinds of matters. I would strongly suggest that you first approach the boy’s parents . Let them know how you feel about this young man and that you care deeply about this issue. Let them know you you don’t want to make a spectacle of their son and that you only want to help. Have a list of ideas of fund raising ideas that you have in mind and get their input on what they feel would be appropriate. You do NOT want them to feel like you are using their child’s illness to go ” HEY ! Look at ME every body, I’m helping a CANCER KID!” There are toooo many people out there that do that.
I think your desire to help this family is wonderful and so loving. When I read your question,I nearly CRIED and I wanted to HUG you!! I have several fund raising ideas that an organization I used to be with has used to great success, if you want to email me, please feel free to do so and I will share them with you. It would take a lot of space on here to post them.

Joseph asks…

How can kids make money?

I’m a kid who just wants to have money to buy things I want. But my parents don’t give me allowance and I’m too young fora job which results in having no money. So can any one think of some good easy ways for a kid to make money? In the winter other than shovel which I plan on doing. But ant ideas will be appreciated!!

Nagesh answers:

Walk dogs, paper route, mow lawn, rake leaves, bag groceries, do work for relatives, maybe close neighbors, maybe sit down and talk to your parents, tell them what you are trying to purchase, and i’m sure they will give you some ideas as long as its not illegal. Or they may somehow help you out. You never know

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Saturday, May 19th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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