Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Kids

Lisa asks…

How can I make some money during the summer?

I am thirteen, during spring and fall i make some money by reffing little kid soccer, but have no idea on how i can make some extra moneyduring the summer.

Nagesh answers:

Don’t hurry to get into the work world. I’m 15 and started to get work when I was 11. Once you’re in, you can’t get out. Just be sure you want to focus your time in making money. But since you ref soccer (I do that too), you should be no stranger to work.
If you have a myspace or a facebook, you can get your self and all you friends to check out my site. After about one or two months of serious work, you can get over $10,000 a month talking to your buds. It sounds impossibly but I can show you how. I made the site to tell other people what I joined to help me out. You never have to pay anything. Well, just look, my site will explain how it works.


Check it out if you want

Ken asks…

What is the big deal with spoiling a child? I buy my kid lots of toys and clothes?

and ppl think he is a spoiled brat. Well my kid isnt a brat and he is well behaved. Why is it tht people think because you have money your kid is a rich brat…get to know the kid first people!
As a child I was dirt poor and now I have the lifestyle where I can provide everything for my son *toddler* and people say he is spoiled (I dont think he is, I say he’s blessed) Rich or poor, just cant win!

Nagesh answers:

There’s nothing wrong with spoiling your child. You’re the parent, you know your kid best than anyone else.

For me, though, and this is my opinion. I want to show my children love in other ways. Most people associate love with giving of material belongings. I do give my kids books, toys and clothes but I am conscious of doing it only when they’re deserving of them. Otherwise, they get my time, attention and outings.

I show them that I love them in different ways. It’s important to me because love does not always equal material things. Besides, they have to earn what they get otherwise they may grow up thinking that the world owes them something. Nobody owes them anything and they won’t get anywhere unless they work hard, right?

Spoiling a child can happen in different ways. Not just material belongings. A child may be a brat because they don’t get positive attention at home and so goes around misbehaving because that’s the only way they get attention. The best way to avoid this is through lots of positive reinforcement.

Most people do tend to think that children whose parents happen to have money are spoiled. It may be because they believe the children don’t learn to be appreciative of what they have. Maybe because they think that the children don’t learn to sympathize with children who don’t have as much. As a teacher, I’ve seen many
“rich” kids being unnecessarily cruel to other children.

I’d say, go ahead, give your child what they want and need if you can. That’s our dream as parents isn’t it? However, it may be a good idea to also volunteer at a homeless shelter, or teach him/her to donate clothing or toys. Teach them about our social responsibilities and they’ll be even better than they are now.

Mark asks…

can help give ideas for a funding project for a school club?

i need some ideas to raise money for a school club.It has to be simple and can be done right away

Nagesh answers:

Not knowing what type of school club it is i’ll just gloss over a few top thing you can do….

1. School Car Wash…. 3 to 5$ and go to wal-mart and ask if they host it… Or an other larger store… Most of the time they will say yes…. Then once they say yes… Ask if they will be willing to “DONATE” some supplies to the cause… LOL 9 times out of 10 they feel backed in a corner they wont say no… Who ever you as got with 2 girls an one boy… The girls say sweet and boy say business… And you basically make them have to say not to 3 people and just you… LOL a little trick you can use in a lot situations…
*possible cost: 25.00 – 50.00
*possible gross total: $100 to 300
depending on and I hate to say it but how cute the girls are…I’m sorry I don’t make the rules… Looks sell…

2. Pizza — well there are places like pizza hut some times they already have a program set up … BUT this will mean you will have to sell, and most kids hate to do that…
*possible cost: ????
*possible gross total: $????

3. There is alway the a bake sell… If you call the “big stores’ you might be able to set up a table… Here is the key words and what to say… “WE ARE NOT SELLING any thing” it is on all a donation basis… Be will give poeple a chance to give what they have and not what you charge…. Just make small items, little zip lock backs of cookies and stuff.
*possible cost: all food is donated –
*possible gross total: about $75- $150 (based on what is donated)

5. If you like to grill, do it for a cause… But do it cheaply… Buy the cheap hot dogs and buns and the cheap soda and set up a buck a dog and an drink with the grill… Again location is key…
*possible cost: 25.00 – 50.00
*possible gross total: $100 to 150 profit

Last thing you could do that will not cost you anything but time and you have it on your school property is a YARD sale… And you can collect stuff that school will sell and you can rent space to others to sell stuff and have the paper run the ads for free..*possible cost: 0 – 50.00
*possible gross total: $200 to $1000 profit depend on items.

Please go to my blog and see if the google translation thing word and i’ll give you great ideas to get money!


Nancy asks…

What are some good ways to raise charity money?

My friend is running for courtwarming king(homecoming for basketball) but at our school we have to raise money for a charity, instead of just gettin the most votes. Any ideas for raising money?

Nagesh answers:

Here are some websites with loads of fundraising ideas:

Fundraising Ideas, Events, Donations, Auctions & Raffles

Joseph asks…

How can I raise money for a fundraiser (school project)?

im raising money to help raise awareness in darfur, the money goes to an organization to help pressure world leaders to help solve the genocide in Darfur. I need some ideas to raise money! If you want to personaly send money, ill accept money orders just ask for my address.

Nagesh answers:

In schools, have kids vote for their favorite teacher – where a penny equals one vote. Get photos of all of the teachers and put boxes or empty gallon milk containers under each picture (and label the container well) – then put them in a safe but easily accessible place, like the cafeteria. Make sure you get the approval of the school, first. Then have a little award for the “winning teacher”!

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Friday, November 28th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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