Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Kids

Michael asks…

What are some ways to raise money for charities ?

Okay,I’m 13 and I want to raise money for poor kids or charities or whatever.
And I can’t ask my mom or dad for money,so I want to raise it my self,and people I know will want part of the money,and not even care for the kids.
And I really wanna do this and maybe someone might show me on tv or the internet ! That will be so cool !!!
But I really wanna do that,any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

I’m not sure if you’re doing it out of kindness or for fame but you can start by donating like old clothes, books, and toys to charities and food to food drives.

Richard asks…

Can you help me come up with ideas for my school’s fall fair?

My school is having a fall fair to earn money for kids in poverty.We’re supposed to come up with ideas for activities for the fair.The kids who will be playing will be from kindergarten to grade 6.We’re looking for activities like target games and stuff.So far we have no ideas!Please help!I would really appreciate it.

Nagesh answers:

Do something with a POC (Pirates of Carribean) theme (fun).
Sell Tickets for various kiosks:
Coin toss into treasure chest with varying sized stuffed animal gifts
Black Pearl fright ride
Brainstorm other ideas related to POC movie takeoff for games

Carol asks…

What are some good ways for young tweens/teens to make money?

I need some good ideas for kids to make money. A lemonade stand won’t work. I want something that will attract people to buy or use for. Baby – Sittng might not be best either.

Nagesh answers:

Hi D,

As a teen these days, we need to learn how to be independent, and earning our own money is very good practice for us so we’ll know the importance of self-reliance and the value of money.

Many of us usually look for part-time jobs, especially during summer, to save money for our summer expenses since some parents usually don’t give allowances when there’s no school.

There’s a lot of ways for teenagers to make money and here are 7 that I think are pretty easy:

First way for teenagers to make money is doing work at home for your mom and dad. You can ask your mom and dad if there are certain things or task you can do at home like gardening and cleaning and negotiate it to them on how much the payment will be of you do the job.

Second is a garage sale. If you have lots of stuffs and junks that you don’t anymore like your old books, clothes, toys, comic books, magazines and other stuffs. You can also ask your parent if they have something to sell and make sure to ask permission from them before you sell stuff at home and suggest that you are willing to sell the items with a commission.

Third way for teenagers to make money is selling their own products like their artworks and handcrafted items. If you are good in cooking or baking simple foods, you can also try selling pastries and refreshments.

Fourth way is home-tutoring younger kids. This job may require a good amount of patience since you will be dealing with much younger kids but aside from earning money, you also get to help kids on their lessons.

Fifth way for teenagers to make money is selling stuff online. Teenagers can sell many things online. As I have mentioned from the third way on selling your artworks and handcrafted items, you can also sell them online on famous selling sites like eBay. You can also sell eBooks and articles online if you are very good in writing articles.

Sixth way is taking online surveys. Companies that are providing this job usually do not require age so teenagers can do this job.

Seventh way for teenagers to make money is babysitting. This is a traditional job for teenagers during non-schooling days. You get to earn money by babysitting little babies for a few hours depending on the work requirement you agreed to.

Obviously there are a ton of more ways but hope that gives you a few ideas!

Good luck!

Chris asks…

What are some good jobs to earn money for kids?

Im trying to find a job. I need some ideas of what to do, i cant do baby siting Because im to young the only thing i can think of is dog sitting/ dog walking. Got any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Take a look at this site

I don’t know how old you are, and it’s probably an American site, but gives you a few ideas!

Many young kids work at – Subway, Mcdonalds, Supermarkets,Target, K-Mart, Gas Station, Movie Theaters, Library, Pizza Places, Small Takeaway shops, KFC, etc

I lived in NZ for years and when I was 11-15 yrs old I would help out a few older people in my street, like washing their windows, a bit of housework, gardening etc….
I also had a couple horses and even sold them bags of manure (horse sh*t) for their gardens!

Also the minimum wage in NZ has just got up to $13 an hour, it doesn’t matter how old you are, you’re lucky !

Good Luck

Sandra asks…

How to plan ahead for wedding and saving money?

I’m 19 and engaged, however we are not planning to marry for a couple of years. Since we have the time, does anyone have any ideas on planning ahead? Any ideas on saving money for the wedding and our life together after the wedding?

Nagesh answers:

I could tell you how to be frugal like me.
How to save the money you have: Stay away from cigarettes! Use cantines instead of buying waterbottles or sodas, try to eat at buffets instead of restaraunts, shop for clothes & furniture at discount stores, use spiral bulbs instead of regular bulbs, when you buy a car buy a small efficient one instead of a truck or SUV, & if you ever build your own house order white roofing instead of the usual dark. Another somewhat frugal habit is using progressive grammar like me (ex & instead of and, 2 instead of two) when you’re writing papers instead of writing everything out.
How to make a little money: Collect cans & other scrap metals & take it up to your local metal recycling place that pays you. If you have any books or DVDs you don’t want anymore sell them to Half Priced Books (but you have to have a drivers license to get paid). When you pass by vending machines look in the coin slots for coins. In my experience 1/10 of them have coins.
If you’re a kid & some of this doesn’t apply to you, saving on electricity still saves your parents money.

I believe that this world would be a much better place if everybody was frugal & I hope I am helping people by answering these questions. If you don’t wanna pick me as best answer then please let me know if my advice has helped you.

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Monday, October 20th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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