Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money Fast For Kids

Thomas asks…

What can I do if ex is not feeding kids dinner before dropping them off?

My ex is playing games with my older kids again. He has them every other weekend and is a complete failure when it comes to providing for them. My biggest gripe today is that every pick up, on Sunday at 6pm, I hear that my kids have not eaten since before noon. It takes me and hour and a half to drive home from the pick up and my kids are hungry and complaining. That’s a loooong drive when you’re hungry. It’s hard for me to plan anything because after driving so long (3 hour round trip) & after working all day I’m wiped. To combat the complaining and need to feed them we typically stop and grab something from McD’s before the long trip home. It’s becoming an expense that I can’t keep up since I’m already dumping an extra $30 in gas every other weekend for the drop off/pick up trips (6 hours of driving per visitation).

I was packing them sandwiches and drinks, but my hours were changed and I simply don’t have the time to go to work, do groceries and make dinners and run out the door without being late. My schedule is all messed up and since Sunday is the only day for me to go shopping I’m feeling stuck. I would prepare food in advance, but if the food isn’t there, there isn’t much I can do. I only have time to grocery shop on Sundays after work before pick up.

My question: How friggin’ hard is it to feed them dinner before leaving at 4:30?! I do this every single time I drop them off. I rush home from work, cook dinner, the get home from school, I feed them and run out the door!! They are fed and I don’t have to worry about hearing complaints or buying expensive fast food.

I’ve already dumped over $2000 into a lawyer earlier this year only to have to start driving half way and not seeing the things that the ex agreed to being completed. I don’t have the money to keep taking this back and forth to court (even though he’s in contempt since he did not fulfill the court orders) nor do I have the time to drive 3 hours back to Cleveland to attend hearings.

Does anyone have any rational ideas? HELP!!!!
It’s a 3 hour round trip to go half way on Friday and then another 3 hours round trip to go half way on Sunday. We live 3 hours apart.

We do meet by fast food places. There are even a few restaurants in that area, but he won’t feed them. He’ll buy them something to drink at the gas station that we meet at and that’s it.
For the poster thinking that I don’t work 7 days a week – I work 12 days straight split shifts. I am pregnant and I don’t make enough money to pay a sitter to watch my kids at night so I can go to the store and shop. Hence, the reason I go on Sundays when I have the time. My time on Friday is spent driving home. Oh… and I live in the boonies where people roll up the sidewalks at 6 pm.

Nagesh answers:

I didnt even have to read the entire thing. Sorry to say that this man is a loser. You are a good mom who makes sure that her kids see their father no matter what. I do not understand why their own father cant give them food or at least money for food while they are with him. Another thing i cant understand even more is why he cant drive them back to your place when the weekend is over. This is that typical example of an overworked women who gets no credit,im sure. Maybe instead of your kids going to their fathers house for the weekend you can just find the time to do something special with them. Tell the father, until he gets his act together, he cant see his kids. That is a form of neglect in the courts eyes. Maybe you can file something just to be on the safe and i like how the poster above me is trying to make this your fault(sarcasm) that is really sickening…what a shameful thing to say.

Robert asks…

trying to decided on a title for my book any ideas for one?

this is some of what i have tell me ideas of titles and wht you think:) prolog
every day is a mystery now i use to think i had my whole life planned out. get married, have children watch my children grow up and get married and have children of there own i never new it could be changed in a split second, but then again in the world we live in why wouldn’t i expect that.
my life is pretty different now, always on the edge constantly uprooting and relocating just to hide secrets from the real world… .its not a life i have imagined but its my life and i would never nor could i ever change it for the life of me …
my name is Arabella Caroline Marshetta I’m twenty two years old as a human and as a vampire I’m two hundred thirty eight years i was born and raised in savannah Georgia July fourth seventeen eighty three, and i was considered one of the most beautiful girls in savannah i was a true southern bell beauty brains and a heart of gold or so i made it out to seem that way. my family has been around for a very long time four centuries to be exact .and have made a direct point to make sure my family is well behaved and stays under the raider. but that’s kinda hard when your trying to control a whole bunch of new born vampires …. which is near impossible but not quit there yet so it is possible . you have to move fast think quick and teach when ever possible . or else your secrets never stand a chance. my family revolves around Alot of secrets and Alot of money, but when you’ve lived for four centuries you learn the trick of the trade and .when there’s no need for human food all the time well you have plenty of time to put money
in saving stock and bonds and what not… any ways as i was saying my families secrets are more rare then others like us mainly because there’s a lot more then others like us. people don’t understand us we are the biggest contributors to funds in town and are family is known as the marshettas the biggest family
in the south next to the claybarn family they have us beat by four kids.
waking up in that Georgia heat was horrible absolutely indescribable…… .but i remember it like it was yesterday. sitting on the front porch sipping sweet tea in barely any cloths . as a matter of fact I had on one of daddy’s under shirts that he gave me and a pair of his trousers that he never had worn . he thought i was being over dramatic as always but of coarse i wasn’t it was the hottest summer in Georgia yet! daddy was talking to his friends about war and politics, i don’t understand why he try’s to bare listening to the craziness he hate politics and since grandaddy died in the war of independence he is not to keen on the whole subject of war . he didn’t have to fight be cause he was the only boy .
me and momma where sitting on the porch discussing my birthday ball. its very big deal considering i was born the exact day a year after the war ended . so we always went over bored . i was turning fifteen and to my family it was time for me to start settling down and looking for a suitable husband well that was there job according to them . i had different views on the subject . but there was one slight snag to that whole ordeal everybody from Georgia to Virgina new who i was and had a place for me in there hearts but never for marriage, back then my name was Arabella Caroline Joehansen people personally knew me as miss arie . which was cute but my daddy called me that so at times very awkward ….so as i stood where i was then a rock in a hard place who wanted to marry the town harlot . so on my fifteenth birthday i made a decision i never saw coming.
I was going to move away and start fresh on my own explore the world if i had to . i was bound and determined to find a husband with out my parents help or with out them knowing of my past and i would be damned if i was marring someone from my past or someone my parents choose for me . i believed in true love and i was certain i could find it on my own . so i left Georgia and headed for Massachusetts on July fifth seventeen ninety eight, that was the day i never thought id look back on Georgia .making it to Massachusetts was the easy part the hard part was being on your own alone in a city full of strangers who talk funny and don’t understand a word i say . I’m not that country i was certain of it but to them i was .and to top it off they were so mean never smiling or laughing always had a stick up there but or something .i lived there for five months working is a sewing shop for this lady miss Trisha . she was a god sent! she gave me a place to stay and a job she said i reminded her of her self when she was my age which i found very touching . because miss Trisha was a beautiful blonde haired blue eye lady who had a mind of her own and was not afraid to speak it!
heres my email if you lt me know if you want more :

Nagesh answers:

1. This is REALLY good so far!! 2. Im not very good at names of books but i no ive read books where the title of the book comes up alot in the story. So when you finish writing the book, look back and see if you repeated a word alot. You can also think about what the book is about and try to put it all in a few clever words. Since the main character is a vampire, try having the title about or having to do with vamires. Hope this helps!! 🙂

John asks…


Hey !

Well i want to buy a Mac Notebook and i have half of the money but i need a fast way to make some more.

I live in Australia so don’t say go get ….such and such from Walmart! Cause we don’t have that here :O

Well what are some jobs i can do im turning 13th in September but i need some more moneys 🙂 So waht can i do i want to get a job but im not allowed yet and also anything like mowing lawns i cant do :O Yeh so any ideas not anything like lemonade stands and stuff. Good stuff :):) Im very creative and good and artistic things :):):):)

Any ideas 🙂
Thanks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Ask around on your block for people who are potentially going out for a weekend or a week for vacation or something. Ask if you could get their mail for them, take care of their pets. Look for couples who BOTH work full time and ask if they’d like someone to take care of their gardens i.e. Weeding, planting, harvesting, etc or washing whatever dishes they didn’t do the day before. Look for single moms and ask if they want someone to take care of their kids while they look for a job/while working. You need to LOOK for opportunities, not ask for them to come to you.

Helen asks…

Sims 3 Ideas?

– Sims have more age levels baby-toddler-kid-preteen-teenager-young adult- adult-elder ( with more days in them)
– Toddlers can now go anywhere with the family (in the car, and anywhere else with a stroller and car seat)
– Bigger Houses
– You can now watch Teenagers and kids go to school ( have there schedule, make there classes, have teachers, principals, and classamates, lunch time, recess for kids, study hall, and subjects)
– Sims can now drink when there eating
– Sim Teens and kids can have projects and reports due on a certain date
– Sim Teens, kids, and young adults can get grounded from parents
– When buying clothes, its not in big amount of money ( like a top is $200, make it like $20)
– More variety of food ( and more specifty)
– Sims can now lay on there bed doing there homework or watching tv ( on stomach)
– Sims can now visit neighbors and friends by walking or by car
– When at the grocery, can get specific food like (eggs, milk, water, snacks, frozen food seperatly) in a caridge and a toddler seat incase toddler is along.
– Other sims can now contact there friends or family with a cellphone when there not home
– More Realistic Jobs ( Eye doctor, gynecologist, singer, song writer, producer..)
– More Aspirations
– You can now actually make food from scratch instead of watching your sims do it themselves.
– Sims can now have real sicknesses ( Cold, Fever, etc.)
– More realistic (functional) objects ( printer, flower pots, drawers, cell phones, etc.)
– They can drink bottled water
– They can go to the mall with friends or family together ( with more people in it. Instead of like 5 sims, make it 50 sims plus npc’s.)
– Sims can go get there hair done and nails
– There can be amusement parks ( carnivals, fun places) with FUNCTIONAL rides ( bumper carts, ferries wheels, rollercoasters, and other places)
– Real Fast Food Resturants- Mcdonald, Burger King, Wendys, and others. ( With EDIBLE FUNCTIONING FOOD)
– Sims can now customize their hair styles ( Girls= Hairbands, ponytail, curly, straight ( with curly iron or FUNCTIONING hair tools) Guys= haircut styles)
– Sims can now have doctor and dentist appointments ( functioning and real seeing when having tooth pulled or having a shot)
– Sim teenagers can now go through adolensence ( Liking others, making choices, etc.)
– In Building mode= sims can have skylights to houses, more gardening tools, etc.)
– Sims who have cars can now fill there cars with gas at the gas station when tank is empty
– Parents can now teach there sims how to drive ( age stages= teenage to young adult)
– Sim Adults can now play the lottery to win million to a billion dollars
– Sims can go to movie theaters ( LIVE AND FUNCTIONING) can buy popcorn, drinks, or anything with friends, family or all together
– Can have a DVD Player and buy rentals at movie stores
– In the summer sim kids to young adults can have summer vacation for 3 weeks in sim time.
– The clock is now in minutes instead of seconds (except when there sleeping time goes to seconds and speeds up till morning)
– When sims wake up at 6:00am, it is now morning instead of at 7:00am
– Sims can have braces when going to the dentist
– Sims can have a walk-in-closet
– Sims can now live in a culdesac (round circle or dead end with houses around) or in a private driveway (with a neighbor at the otherside)
– More realistic skin tones
– When a sim mom is pregnant can now rush to a hospital instead of giving birth standing up
– Sims can live in apartments (functional and paying rent)
– Sims who are in school or college can now choose after school activites (see next idea)
– After School Activites= HipHop Dance Class, Step, Choir, Chess, Art, fashion, sports, etc….)
– Sims can celebrate hoildays on there sim calender! ( Halloween, Thanksgiving, Easter, Christmas, New Years, St.Patrick, and more) (or make an expansion pack for that)
– Sims can eat ice cream during summer and spring
– Can now choose more specific clothing ( have a tie, this or that pants, etc..)
– More split-leveled houses
– Sims can now have an ethnictiy and race ( Black, African, Spanish, Irish, Russian, Asian, You name it!)
– Sims couples can now go on anniversarys every time there marriadge day comes
– Sims have functional bicycles, scooters, skateboards, bus)
-**Most Important** have seasons, pets, vacations, and colleges too like Sims 2 (can be expansion packed, or in the game all together)
– Sim couples who are married can now get divorced and sim couples who are bf and gf can break up anytime
– Can have lawyers
– Health Insurance
– When Sims Sleepover can now have the option to make your guest sleep instead of them staying up all night
– Sims have the choice to smoke or not ( Teenagers can experience that in adolensence.)
– Have REAL SPECFIC FUNCTIONING STORES= Walmart, Target, Best Buy, Toys-R-Us (Dosen’t Have to have those names but have those kind of stuff)
– Toddlers can now go to daycare instead of being home with nanny
– Sims who are still in school must go through their grades ( Preschool=Toddler, 1st-6th=Kids , 7th-9th= PreTeens, 10th-12th=Teenagers, College= YoungAdults.)
– When going on vacation you can now see your sims in the airplane traveling still controlling them.
– Have Freckles depending on your ethnecity or race.
– When sims who are in school comes home with homework they have diffrent subjects to complete (Math, English, Social Studies, etc..) And can actually help them with the homework
– When a sim dies can have a funeral.
– When its a sim’s b-day can go to places like the amusement parks or resturants instead of having a party at home. ( And functional ability to have gifts from friends and family)
What do you guys think of this? And where can i tell maxis about these ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Obviously you should go to

—-It has been revealed that sims can walk around the neighbourhood without any loading
—-You can take designs from furniture and walls etc. And use them for other objects etc.
—-Instead of personality points you choose 5 personality TRAITS e.g. Caring, nice, naughty, kleptomaniac (there are about 80 to choose from).
—-the mood bars have been toned down a bit because ea noticed they were declining too rapidly and it was hard to explore the sims life without worrying about the moods of sims all the time (does this make sense, I tried to explain all of this nicely).
—-the sims look more lifelike as seen in recent pictures (I think they look like humans in ‘Bee Movie’)

Not much has been posted and that is all i can tell now but you can sign up for information at

Hope this helped!

Donna asks…

My ex is back but with two kids…do i even want to go there?

i broke up with my ex 10 yrs ago & recently saw him in a bizarre run in while out of state. long story short, he let me stay with him for a couple of days when my accommodations fell through. (a lil history…) we dated for a little over 2yrs. although i loved him very much, i broke up with him a yr after i got out of college. he cheated on me and got the girl pregnant. worst part about it, i was in the same situation with him but we decided not to have it. the other girl decided to go through with it. 5 years later he met another female, they dated, lived together, had a baby and then broke up. now he has a 10yr old & a 3 yr old. we’ve spoken off & on over the yrs and its been brief but cool. i could always tell he was sorry about what did & didnt happen between us & he still cared very much for me but we never spoke about the past.

fast forward to last week…we see each other and its like we had never been apart. it had been 8 yrs since we last saw each other. by the end of my stay he shared that none of the feelings he had towards me changed and he wanted to work on putting us back together again. he laid everything out on the table…the why’s, the sorry’s, i love you, etc, etc. so did i. very emotional nonetheless. he mentioned that his last relationship failed b/c the girl knew he was still in love with me. he’s even held on to all of the remnants of our past relationship pics, letters etc… so we agreed there’s still something there between us & we want to build on it & see what happens..with his hopeful goal of being married w/ our own kids within the next 5yrs.

my concern? we’re now mid thirties & he’s got two kids! both mothers are taking care of them but i have no idea what kind of problems this can cause later on if we do reconnect. i think the first girl is pretty stable but the second girl is not & i KNOW she does not care for me. then there’s the money factor. child support for two kids can make things pretty tight. i hope im not being selfish but in an already economically challenging time should i even entertain an economically draining relationship or just shut it down now? I’m torn b/c the vision of my perfect mate does not fit his current profile. but do we ever truly get our perfect mate? i’m getting older, have no kids & im not in a steady relationship…& at the end of the day i still care for him. what should I do???

Nagesh answers:

Don’t do it. He cheated on you, got 2 other chicks pregnant and then told one of them that he loved you all along??!! I don’t belive he was that in love with you i think he is just hoping to get a convenient relationship to replace the other two he has screwed up. Forget this tool. Seriously. You don’t need to settle for this kind of hell. It will be hell, give it 6 months and you will be stuck for life and not in a good way. Run!!!

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Sunday, December 15th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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