Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money Fast For Kids

Michael asks…

How can a teen make fast cash?

I’m 15 years old and I go to boarding school. I’m looking for ways to make some money when I come home for summer–or even ways to earn money on campus. I’m quite mature and I’m pretty smart. I’m good with kids and adults as well– which is why I babysit. The only problem is that I don’t know what else to do when I’m not babysitting. With times a changin’ it’s become quite strange to go door to door to ask for anything anymore. I also live in a neighborhood that doesn’t really interact with each other, but there’s ample opportunity to have jobs. Everyone is either young and has a young child, or is old and retired. I want to ask to help them with tasks and such but I don’t know what to do. Mowing the lawn and raking leaves is out. Period.

Got any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

How far is the nearest store? You could try starting a delivery serves to the people that cant get around to well. Walking dogs, house sitting, washing cars, pruning trees-bushes. Good luck. <(^;{

Nancy asks…

How can I make money?

I am a single mother of 2 small children. I live with someone, but that is because she offered to let me concentrate on my degree so that I could get it done faster and still have time for my children. I have always been very independent, I have been working since I was 14. Now I feel helpless and needy. My kid’s father is supposed to pay child support but only pays every once in a while a very small amount to keep him out of jail. I want to go back to work at least part time even. My oldest is starting kindergarten this fall, but I have a 3 year old. She has been in daycare before, and now I just don’t think that it is the best place for her. But even if I wanted to put her back in day care, I used to get assistance paying for it, because day care prices are so high, I just cannot afford to pay it by myself, the waiting list is very long now. So now my problem is that I can’t get a job without daycare and I can’t get daycare without a job! I tried to find a way to make money from home, but wasn’t very successful, all I ended up doing was finding a hobby. Any ideas??
While I realize some people have nothing better to do than to criticize people or make rude comments, but I am very serious about this. I don’t mean how could I literally “make” my own money, I don’t need ideas for hobbies, I am a college student and I have 2 children therefor keeping busy is not a problem of mine, and I definitely am not talking about anything illegal. Thank you for understanding that I wish for constructive advice. 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Farm ants.

Jenny asks…

What is a good way for a 15 year old to make money?

Please don’t say mowing lawns. No one ever has kids mow their lawns in my neighborhood. I’m thinking of actually getting a job somewhere instead of doing odd jobs. It seems to me like the best way would be to get a job at a grocery store, because they hire kids to bad groceries. There’s a Raley’s under a mile and a half from where I live, so it would be convenient. I think that would be a better job than fast food or something like that because you learn social skills and there is a lot more room for promotion. What do you think about this? Any Ideas?


Nagesh answers:

It all depends on what you want to do. Go online and find places that are willing to hire kids your age to work for them. Now i am your age too but i want to work at best buy because i am into electronics and all that shit, basically your average tech geek. But i have to be 16 to work there, so i am just going to wait. But if you decide to do this, be sure you find a job that you like, not one that pays low wages and not one that you are going to hate after 3 days. Just find one that you will enjoy and work yourself up to higher wages and promotions. Best of luck!

Sandra asks…

Good idea for a way to make some money on the side?

Hi all, I’m almost seventeen and I really want a car of my own. However, I don’t have a job. Nor do I want one. I’m not into the mundane jobs I could get as a high school student. I have been messing with computers since I was a little kid. I’ve taught myself html, css, java, visual basic, c++, perl, and php. I also manage my own Linux-based server at home and I have built multiple computers and study network and computer security frequently. Anyway, I have seen how people will pay Geek Squad (from BestBuy) hundreds of dollars to do absolutely nothing to their computers. I got thinking…what if I could something like that? My question is, do you think this is a feasible business idea? Could I leave fliers in upper-middle class house’s doors and offer a service to make Windows-based computers faster, secure wireless networks, upgrade hardware, or do any of the stuff the average consumer is too afraid/can’t do? Would you trust a sixteen year old with this? Even if I made a up contract? If so, how much money do you think is fair? Anything I’m not thinking of? Thanks for your input.

Nagesh answers:

Hello Shane
I believe you are on the right track, the average consumer needs help, and it is a good Idea. Advertise, door to door, you might considers running an add in you local news paper.s
I would trust a sixteen year old with this some would not so you will need to build a good reputation. I have been told a good computer tech gets $ 45 per hour for house calls but you will want charge 25 or 30 until you get a good reputation
set your goals and you can do it
good luck

Mandy asks…

How can someone under 16 make money?

I really want a new computer. Its going to cost me about 850$ i can probably get $350 of that from relatives/mom. I’m still $500 short and wandering how i could make that? I’m good with computers, and don’t really live in place where i can mow lawns, or baby sit, or do the “stereotypical” jobs of a 14 year old. Most of which are like things you probably did as a kid and are irrelevant…(no one hires a 14 year old to mow the lawn when they can hire professional mowers that have a fancy riding lawn mower, and will do it for the same price, do a better job, and faster). Or like babysitting for example, people are so paranoid these days that there is no way they would leave their beloved child with a 14 year old for a couple hours… Just trying to kill some of the 25 replies I’m going to get saying Babysit/Chores/Mow lawns/paper boy Etc.

Any Tips/Ideas of how i can make some cash would be greatly appreciated!

Prefer something i can do online.

Nagesh answers:

Check out a site called cashcrate. Com. I made nearly 90 bucks with them in one month, just from filling out offers and surveys. Check it out, and sign up below if it sounds interesting.

I know I’m glad I did — I’m on my way to over $100 in a little more than a month.

Http://www.cashcrate. Com/1804165

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Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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