Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money Fast For Kids

Donna asks…

Thinking about fostering kids 0-3 yrs what do u think? fast! – read all-?

Okay, so im 11 and i got my parents to think about becoming foster parents cuz i prayed about it, and i feel that our family would be ready, and that we would all really enjoy it, and its a good cause and i love kids and we could def care for another little kiddo runnin around the house lol. so right now ( they’re not foster parents.. yet.. hopfully. lol ) its just me 11 yr old girl and my little broski ( brotherr. lol ) age 9. i love my broski.. sure i tease him and i play wrestle with him, but he knows i love him and i know he loves me. its all good. i have 2 parents mom and dad, thought id add that cuz u jst cant kno nowadays, and we have a 3 bedroom house, my broski’s room, my room, and downstairs my parents room, but every night i sleep in my broski’s room cuz.. well, hes 9 and scares easily so.. u get the picture. so theres 2 beds in my bro’s room, his and mine, and then in my room, theres my bed. so basically i have 2 beds, one in my room and one in my bro’s room. so with fostering rules are: boys in one room, girls in another. so if the foster kid was a boy he’d sleep in my bro’s room and if the foster kid was a girl she’d sleep in my room and we’d move the other matress into my room and id stay with her in my room. and we have enough space: my bro’s closet is full of old clothes so i’d help him clean it out of course, and half of my closet in my room is my stuff, other half is my dad’s. he dosent use his closet in his room cuz he just hasnt moved the stuff, but he will if this ends up rlly happening 😀 .. and we know most of the rules:

1- Boys and girls sleep in seperate rooms.
2- Foster kids CANNOT be homeschooled.
3- You have to be able to afford the child your fostering without the help of the allowance.( so they know your not using the kid to get the allowance money.)
4- You have to pass health/cleanliness inspections, fire safety inspections etc..
5- You have to have the room for the child’s clothes toys etc.
6- You have to have enough beds.
7- Have to go through all the training/classes
8- Have to be able to let go.. no matter how much it’ll hurt. </3 ( extremley hard for EVERYONE. admit it lol.. but its do-able. :/ )

Any other rules/requirments? help would be veryy appreciatedd. thnx <3
P.S. No hater zone pleasee, srry if i cant spell EVERYTHING right, im 11. lol and this isn't me just bein like hey i got a random idea! lol this is something my little broski and my mom, and (not so much my dad, hes got a bad cold, so hes been resting/working. ) so we think we're ready. and today in the car my mom said "why would you want to share mommy and daddy with another kid?” i said “because, its not like u wont still be our mom and dad, and u will still love us just as much, and its not like you’ll just leave us behind in the dust to make sure the foster kid is perfectly happy or anything, sure the foster kid will be getting a lot of attention, especially at first, but a lot of the attention the foster child will be getting will be from us too.. its worth it mom. where do kids even go if they cant get foster homes?” she said “i guess they go to an orphanage sorta thing.?” i was like “okay, see, look at it this way: our family could save a kid from going into a lonley orphanage.” she was like “i know honey. trust me. i know.” = end of conversation.
And yeaa, it does sound like its just what i want, like its all about me, and my opinion. but thats not how it really is.. my mom actually kinda does want to i guess, and so does my broski. i was just putting down what i knew for sure: my own opinions/thoughts on it.

Nagesh answers:

Well first they have to get a license or something from the judge to be foster parents. Not to be mean or anything, but that little conversation you had with your mom doesn’t seem like she wants to be foster parents, I mean it just sounds like she is happy that you feel this way about it but it doesn’t actually sound like she want’s to be a foster parent. More kids, comes more responsibilty.

George asks…

How do you teach someone to handle their money?

My fiance is terrible with money. His mother did everything all wrong while he was growing up. (details on that at the end). We both lived with our parents when we met and just moved in together recently after getting engaged. I knew his spending was bad but I had no idea! He makes a lot less than I do and he spends way more. I only ask him to pay the phone bill an groceries since the house is in my name and he has car insurance and his cell phone to worry about. Half the time he can’t even handle that! He keeps coming about a penny away from overdrawing his account and he doesn’t even care. He always just expects things to work out (meaning he expects me to pay things or give him money if he runs out). I told him before we moved in together that I couldn’t afford to support us both and he said he understood but he won’t stop spending. He forgot to bring a change of clothes one day when he met me after work in town so he spent $55 on a new outfit after getting a million new things for christmas! He spent over $150 on himself in the first half of january and now he can’t afford groceries until his next paycheck. He understand that he can’t stay in the house if he doesn’t help me but he doesn’t understand how much his little gadgets and snacks actually cost. He blames it on his income. I’ve laid it all out and shown him what it all adds up to before and he still doesn’t get it. He just insists he can handle it then when I tell him we need groceries he suddenly can’t afford it. And when holidays come around he gets upset that he can’t afford a gift for me. I tell him all the time that he has no excuse and I’m not listening to his complaints because he wastes his money. How can I get through to him? I love him and want to marry him but I can’t be the only adult in the relationship.

About the mother:
She spends money faster than she makes it and taught her kids the same. Anything she can’t afford goes on her credit card. When he was 13 she made him get a job so that he could put a downpayment on a truck when he turned 16. Every paycheck she took $80 for the truck fund and let him keep $20. So the only money he saw from his paycheck was spending money. If he needed to use that money for something else his mother just didn’t give it to him and paid for whatever it was herself. When he turned 16 and picked the truck he wanted (which he could have paid in full) she wouldn’t let him get it because she thinks that only brand new vehicles are safe. She picked out a much more expensive one and bought it herself using his money for the downpayment meaning he owed her for the rest. Instead of letting him make monthly payments she would randomly come up to him demanding $500. She also didn’t let him have access to his bank account until he was 18 and wouldn’t take her name off of it until he was 19.

Nagesh answers:

You have to be more firm with him. Next time he cant afford to by groceries, show him once more, his income and outgoings. Next show him how much he has to spend in one month for himself, then break it down in to four weeks.
Firmly tell him, that this is his last chance. He only has 20???dollars a week to spend.
Now, he can spend it all in one week or save some for next week, but whatever happens he must not, repeat MUST NOT, spend more than 80??? Dollars per month on himself.
Give him, say, three months to prove himself, if he cant do it chuck him out. You cannot possible marry a person so selfish. If you do, you are telling him its ok to do this.
It may have been his mothers fault initially, but he’s a big boy now and must take responsiblity.

Linda asks…

Harvest Moon Animal Parade~Earning Money (I NEED HELP!!!)?

okay so i’ve been playing harvest moon my whole life and im in love with the series, and about 3 months ago i bought Harvest Moon Animal Parade for Wii… and im married to Luke and i want to upgrade my house again so i can have kids, and sadly, i really need some help finding easier ways to make money and get material/wood/stone faster…. Any ideas or tips? Thank you!!!! ~♫

Nagesh answers:

Well you might already be doing this… I don’t know, haha. But this is what I do – I always buy the most expensive seeds I can find at the beginning of each season (but make sure it’s the kind that regrow). I get 40-50 seeds, or as many as I need to fill up the entire planting area. It’s totally worth it in the end, plus they keep regrowing! I get rich pretty fast by doing that. Ummm and the best place to fish is near that bridge leading to the Horn Ranch area. If you can find that perfect spot, you’ll get a lot of money for the fish you catch there. Sorry that’s all I got. Hope I helped a little bit 🙂

Michael asks…

easy ways to make money online?

i’m 13 so getting a job is out of the question.
i’ve been trying to think of ways to get money fast. (my goal is $3000.)
are online surveys safe? if so, how much do you get per survey? i’ve been thinking about signing up for but i have no idea if it’s safe or not.. and the last thing i want is to mess up our paypal account.
if online surveys are NOT safe, what other ways can i make money? they have to be online, because, as i said, nobody around here would hire a 13 year old kid.. plus transportation would be a major problem.

Nagesh answers:

All the money making tricks, tools, e-books and courses available here:

Laura asks…

How to make 350-400 dollars relatively fast?

Ok, so here’s the story. I’m 12, in 7th grade and I need around 350 dollars relatively fast. I tried out for cheerleading and I made the squad but it costs 799 for spirit and not even compition. Its an outrageus amount of money! We’re not poor, but shelling out that much money will affect my family. I don’t want my parents to spend that much on me because i have a little brother and sister. I was going to try to get half the cost so it woulden’t be too much for my parents. Any ideas on how to make half of 800 dollars??

Btw, I’m not sure what category to put this under…

P.S. I’m already a babysitter and petsitter but don’t get much jobs because people think im a lot younger then i really am and dont want a “little kid” to watch their kids or pets..

Nagesh answers:

Bank, gun, mask. Easy money. LOL jk you should tell them how much it will mean to you and how you will try to pay them back. I usually works.

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Thursday, January 3rd, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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