Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money

Daniel asks…

I need good ideas to make money?

Please no online money making junk.

I came up with a few ideas babysitting, house cleaning, then i thought about selling something i love to do… Selling fish there is a lake by my house and if i catch fish make a good ad and go house to house selling fish that i kept frozen in my freezer. I’ll clean them and gut them. And freeze them in bags and sell them by the pound. What do you guys think?

Nagesh answers:

Check out this link for some legit ideas to make some extra cash:

If you like fishing you should check out the worm idea on that site.

Jenny asks…

How do you make money off blogs? any ideas on making money off the internet?

I know some people get paid to write articles, make reviews, sell things. But I want to know how to start. Where do I find online article writing jobs? or blog writing? I want to start, but I dont know how to proceed. Thanks. How much do you get paid writing articles?

Nagesh answers:

There are several ways to make money off the internet. My personal favourite is affiliate marketing but that is just one way.

If you are running a blog the idea is also to run promotions for other peoples products and by referring them to a site such as Amazon then you will get a commission if they buy. There are also sites that will pay you if the visitor volunteers details such as an e-mail address so that they can then send them information.

There are numerous different ways of monetising a website. Putting Google ads on is yet another possibility.

Now to your original question “How do you make money off blogs?” The idea is that to make sales you obviously have to have visitors. These visitors have to be interested in what you have to say if you want them to be regular visitors and you have to offer them what they are looking for if you want to turn them into customers.

To get visitors in the first place you need to have an internet presence that will show up on the search engines.
Just as an example say you were running a website on photography. If people put “photography” into google search then millions of sites would show up (922,000,000 to be precise) and the chances of yours being found would be minute.
However if you included a page on your site describing photography for pensioners then there are actually only 2 sites on google UK that have exactly that term in their title. A lot more show up if you put photography for pensioners but put it in “” and only 2 do. Now you have leverage to get to top of google. No good of course if nobody is searching for that term (Google statistics tells me that no one is) but you get the idea.

You would then describe photographic books aimed at older people (there are some out there) and direct them to Amazon where they could buy them. Each page on your blog would be targeted at a different small part of the market where you have a far better chance of being found.

Google like to see fresh useful content too so by regularly updating your blog and encouraging comment and interaction then you improve your ranking. There is far more to it than that of course but I think I have rambled on enough.

Donald asks…

What are some good ideas to make money?

I’m 14 and looking for a way to make a little extra money.

Nagesh answers:

Sell unwanted things or any thing that you don’t use at home. You can do freelancing kind of job online.

Sharon asks…

good ideas to make money on the internet with webpages?

I WANT TO learn how to create a webpage and make money!

Nagesh answers:

You can create a website and use Google’s Adsense to help you advertise:

David asks…

I need ideas to make money for feeding my pet?

During the summer, I mow my neighbors lawn, and I always buy my dog’s dogfood in that time. However, during this season, my parents always end up feeding my dog. It doesn’t seem fair. There is no snow to shovel, so that is not an option, but I need ideas for making enough money to feed my dog on my own- my parents COULD pay, but it just seems wrong to me. I am old enough to take care of it myself…

I need something that does not require much time- even though I’m homeschooled, I still spend hours each day doing school. I have the same hours as school kids, so please think about that when answering.

Thank You in advance…

Nagesh answers:

Well there a number of different things you can do depending on your age. If your old enough to work, I recomend you work at some place close to you. You dont have to work much, just work maybe a couple hours on the weekend or so. If you dont want to go out and get a job then I suggest you sell stuff on E-bay. If you dont know what E-Bay is, it is an online auction/marketplace that makes it very easy to buy and sell almost anything. I make alot of money on E-Bay by buying items such as Legos at garage sales and selling them online. For example, I bought a $10 pirate ship at a yard sale and sold it for $297.00 on ebay. Buy in bulk, and then sell the Legos pieces individualy. You can also sell clothes on ebay. Visit your local thrift shop or garage sale and try to buy name brand clothes. Wash them, iron them, and then sell them for more money online. I hope this helps and Im glad to see that you are responsible enough to want to take care of your own dog rather then let your parents pay for it. Maintain this same type of maturity and attitude and you will go far in life.

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Sunday, June 24th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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