Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money
Ken asks…
Any ideas for some money?
I am saving up for a new macbook which I need as soon as possible but I am also a pretty big sneakerhead and I don’t really have money for new shoes..
I’m 14 so I can’t really get a job and my parents (even though we have a lot of money) won’t give me any and my mom won’t let me like sell my stuff on like eBay ..
Any ideas to make some money ?
Nagesh answers:
Go and do some labor kid. Good god, go help a farmer out, thats how i got my money.
Jenny asks…
any ideas for raising money?
My school is an inner city private school. there is hardly any funding so we never can afford good equipment books anything. Its a good school that is trying to make it affordable for low income students attend private school. That’s why i want to do something good for my school by help raise money for them. They want to build a new school since our school is practically falling down but again no money and well they’re talking millions! But i believe every little helps so any ideas?
Nagesh answers:
Every year my old school did something called the holland festival. It was a festival with games, food, a silent auction, and a live auction. Every family would donate something for the auctions and classrooms would bring in stuff for themed baskets to auction off. Each year it made roughly $100,000. You can also look online for fund-raising ideas.
Sandy asks…
Competition ideas to make money?
Hi I have a website which I sell handmade products on. To increase traffic and earnings I would like to run a some kind of competition to win one of my products. Can anyone recommend some competition ideas which require an entry fee and are based online. I thought about a raffle; the user chooses a number between 1-49. No duplicates. The winner would be the person with the number matching the last national lottery ball. Problem with this idea is that it limits the amount of participants to 49. Is there any other competition ideas anyone can think of?
Thank you all
Nagesh answers:
SEO is a great tool for increasing traffic to your site. Making sure that your website is accessible by many different keywords will also increase the traffic, and ultimately, your earnings. However, why can’t you have a raffle with more than 49 numbers? If not, could you do more than 1 raffle that includes maybe 1-49 x however many raffles to equal up to the bottom number you need for the increased revenue? The downside to your idea is that you’re already a site that’s selling items, so how appealing can you make the idea of using a method of increasing sales that includes an entry fee. It’s almost like saying I need a way to have people spend money when they could spend money anyway by making a purchase? Just an idea.
The link below is to the google search of increasing web traffic:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=9aad8ba49e1f6fd3&biw=1276&bih=686
This link is about increasing revenue to your site:…1c.P6Hi9WTlU60&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=9aad8ba49e1f6fd3&biw=1276&bih=686
Steven asks…
Marriage money ideas ?
I work and my wife is on social sercuity, she gets a check once a month and I get paid weekly. I give my wife all the money to handle the bills and I want to know how to split the bills to have our own spending money, theses the bills we have together, rent, power, cable, water, credit card, car insurence, life insurence, xbox live, daycare. With these bills how can we split them, I feel like I want to have some of the money I make to buy things like she do, how do some of you married people do it? We been married 7yrs and I let her have the money to pay the bills and anything else that need paid
Nagesh answers:
Here’s how we did it, when money was tight BEFORE children, and we were renting our 1st apartment. Put each one in the envelop, mark them.
We put aside $50 a month for groceries. But, I have no idea how much you spend per month, that was in the 70’s. This is 2012.
We put aside 99 cents a week for a double feature movie multiply that how often you go per month. Again, if you can’t afford a movie, watch them @ home.
We put aside $350.00 monthly rent. If you can’t afford rent, live with your parents until you both can afford rent.
Don’t owe nothing for Credit Card. If you need to use Credit Card for everything, make sure you pay it all off every month. If you’re paying MORE per month, start cutting down, even if you don’t have money for entertainment, but you need to compromise somewhere. Don’t spend more than you make.
We didn’t have phone bills & cable until after we owned a house.
Put all your money in one account, and anything leftover goes for: car, Xbox, stuff you don’t really NEED tomorrow.
Wife is unemployed, she should be keeping that extra money for day care instead of giving it to someone.
You guys need to cut down on your spending!
Ruth asks…
Date ideas without money?
I have literally no money. I tell my girlfriend that I would take her out on dates often and have that romantic part of the relationship if we had money for it. She says going out for a date doesn’t require money and that I have no imaginaton. To her, cuddling up and wathing a movie together isn’t romantic. It’s ignoring each other and watching a movie. She refuses to go on walks for even ten minutes because it’s “too cold”. Based upon this information I know a picnic is out of the question as well. I have tried cooking her breakfast in bed, but she either insults my cooking, or says she isn’t hungry first thing in the morning, and ignores it. I’m At a fucking loss for ideas, because every free idea I get, she shits on it. The last time we went on a date and she felt special, WE PAID TO GO OUT! Any advice?
Nagesh answers:
It’s always free to reevaluate the relationship. If she puts down EVERY idea you try, that’s just mean. She doesn’t sound like a very happy person.
But, if you truely love her, here is one idea. You have to buy groceries, so get some frozen pizza and some wine. Do you have candles? Music? Have a candlelit picnic in your living room. If you think she’ll put down pizza (it’s just cute) then make her favorite food for the picnic.
Another idea would be board games. It gives you the opportunity to talk while doing something entertaining.
Good luck!
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