Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money

Ken asks…

money making ideas? (free money)?

ok i would like to know some low cost ideas for making money like puting candy crane machines in places and collecting the money does anyone know any other ideas to get some bonus income without really doing much

Nagesh answers:

Buy a few computers sell em on ebay for 400$ more than u bought them for, and sell one a week and make 400$ a week. Or sell more. Haha i <3 ur idea of putting the machines places but thats illegal believe me i tried. You can also ro a bank!!! :)!!!! Or sell money from babies!!! Hana get a famous persons autograph sell it. Make cookies throw them at people at football games and yell 3.00$$ each! Hahah good luck 😉

Richard asks…

Ideas on raising money!?!?

so me and 2 other of my friends just found out that the jonas brothers are doing a concert only 5 hours from where we live on June 27th and we want to go the tickets start at like 140 bucks and the most expensive is for like front row and thats like 900 some bucks so yeah it’s expensive and we wanna go so far weve come up with were gonna do a car wash and charge like 10 bucks per car and were gonna do a bake sale and babysit kids and do work around the house for money and save bottle since there like 5 cents each and keep all the spare change we find so yeah do you guys have any other good fundraising ideas to raise money!????

Nagesh answers:

Please don’t take the advise from the online survey bullshit. It is just as I said and you will not make any money otherwise every person in America would be doing it. They are mostly scams. Anyway, another approach would be to make flyer’s for your neighborhood offering babysitting or lawn care services. I don’t know what region you live but whether its shoveling, raking or mowing people will take you up on the offer. Or what can you do for your parents to earn extra money? The 3 of you could have a yard/garage sale and get rid of some of your stuff you have outgrown or simply don’t need/use anymore, maybe all the parents have stuff to thrown in also as long as you set everything up and do all the work.
Good Luck but please don’t do the online survey thing. 98% if not 100% of them are scams.

Linda asks…

Ideas for raising money?

Hi our 17 year old nephew was badly burnt in a fire on sunday he was airlifted to the burns hospital and we have been told not all his medical treatments will be cover by his health insurance.We would love a few ideas on how to raise money to help him

Nagesh answers:

Wow. I am sry to hear that.
I dunno what to say
but, maybe try doing yard-sale.
You might earn some money out of it.
Sry can’t think of better answer

Lizzie asks…

Horsey ideas to raise money?

My friends from the stables and I are trying to raise money for one of my friend’s cousin, who has cancer and needs treatment in Germany.
We want to raise money by doing something related to horses. Some of my friends don’t have horses at the moment so we can’t do a sponsored ride.
Does anyone have any ideas of ways we can raise money at the stables??
Thanks so much, this means a lot to all of us!
Any suggestion is welcome!!

Nagesh answers:

A key aspect is to attract money from outside the stables. Horseowners already are burdened with expenses. (Hmmm, I didn’t tell you anything you didn’t know.) There is little money left over, even among the modestly wealthy, to put into Yet Another Charity.

Try to attract the people who wish they owned horses, but don’t. If you know of a tack shop that’s in or near a major shopping centre you could hold a Giant Monster Boot Sale, and the tack shop would help you with publicity.

Now I have no idea how far you are from Dorset, but the Great Dorset Steam Fair is coming up, starting 28 August. I’m certain that if you merely attended and passed out flyers for your own event, you would draw some good publicity. Note that the Fair has a heavy-horse section!

How to get there? Find the village of Tarrant Hinton on the map, head in that direction and follow everyone else to the show.

Here’s the trade-exhibit information:

Ahhh. It seems you’re outside London. Driving time on M3 should be slightly more than two hours.

Robert asks…

ideas for raising money, please?

my friend is in need of money right now and im looking for fundraiser ideas. so far, we like the idea of a yard sale (clothes, books, etc.), a bake sale (kinda lame but might work) and maybe selling stuff on ebay. How promising do these ideas sound and what are some other ideas?


Nagesh answers:

Run Errands:
1.Make flyers and let your neighbors know you are available to do any kind of errands for them.
2.Have the flyer reflect what you are raising money for.
3.Charge per hour.

Care Packages:
A good idea for college nights, or any other school events where AFS can have a presence
1.Bring a list of care package themes and their contents. Ex: make an International Basket with an assortment of food and candy from different countries. Can also include more typical themes such as: Chocolate Lover’s, Coffee Lover’s, Cookie Lover’s, Snack Bar (for the games), etc.
2.Bring an order sheet and/or a supply of the packages to sell directly to avoid hassle of order sheets.
3.Be sure to include AFS brochures and thank you notes.

Walk Dogs:
1.Make flyers and let your neighbors know you are available to walk their dogs and what you are raising money for.
2.Charge per hour or per block walked.
•Many people work long hours and would be happy to see their dogs get extra attention!

Car Wash:
1.Use your church parking lot or get permission to use the parking lot of a store.
2.Set out posters advertising your car wash and the price per car.
3.You and your friends could also do this door to door.
4.Get lots of friends to help and assign tasks.
5.Do a quick, thorough, and good job.
•Items needed:
oSponges and buckets
oGlass cleaner and soap
•Time required: 1 day
•Amount you can expect to raise: $ 100 – $ 200

Sell Used Books/DVDs/CDs on
Face Painting
Speed Dating
(Adult) Spelling Bee
Sell food (cookies, hand-made stuff)
Bake Sale
Board Game Tournament
Create a fun twist on a card tournament and do something that everyone can participate in. Have a Board Game Tournament. Pick a favorite, such as Sorry, Trouble, or Monopoly. Assemble 4 person teams that will work together to accumulate points or you can allow individuals to participate. Charge an entry fee for each team, in order to earn money for your charity. Give a portion of the proceeds as the winning prize or get prizes donated from local businesses. Decide if you are going to play with a time limit for each game so that everyone has the same chance and to keep things running on a schedule. Decide on any “House” rules beforehand. Set up bleachers for the audience and consider having a 50/50 raffle or raffle for door prizes. Definitely have a concession stand with coffee, soda pop, popcorn, chips, hot dogs, and bottled water to earn extra money.

Hot Dog Stand
Garage Sale
Dog Walk
Some kind of advice like..booth or something..?
Bingo Fundraiser

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Wednesday, December 24th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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