Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money

Donna asks…

Who thought of the idea of money?

Did this person just create his or hers wealth?

This person would of surely wanted to gain superiority and control the social value of everyone in the human race and put his or herself at the top of it.

Does anyone know who thought of the idea of money?

Was it simply created by one person who had a selfish agenda and seeked supriority?

Nagesh answers:

The money by itself is useless. Think about this, what would you prefer if you are stranded in an island a bag of fruits like watermelons, coconuts, grapes, eggs, and other food stuff, a fishnet, a spear to fish and other useful things OR a bag with $10 million dollars in $100 bills?

The idea of money came when society was becoming more and more complex and trade or exchange became more and more difficult because I would need more things that you would have or I could carry and stuff. Well, the very ancient government came up with the idea of
introducing a third object that all society agreed that would put a numerical value to stuff and was given by the government. That object became known as money and for the purpose of being it easy to carry, it was done a small object that could withstand the weather, trade, interchange of hands, etc like a metal and we then came to using gold and silver coins.

As everything have now value in respect to all others, money became very much importance but is important because WE and SOCIETY and the GOVERNMENT says is important and WE BELIEVE is important.

There are times that money loses that importance and society not longer believes in that object and money loses its value.It had happened before and it will happen again.Those times are called hyperinflationary times.It happened for example in World War II Germany during and after the war where people literary burned paper money for heating because it was cheaper than burning wood.

That my friend is the history of money.

Carol asks…

Any ideas for money?

I’m a 17 year od student and with big exams coming up I don’t want to commit to a part time job.
However I REALLY need some money.
Basically, I’m looking for easy money, doing anything, and fast.
Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Collect cans from family members and friends then take them and turn them into money at the recycling…..i took 7 bags last week and i got 15 bucks…..hey it is a start!

John asks…

Ideas for making pocket money?

im a teen and always seem to be broke
i hate doing the dishes so please don’t suggest i do housework!
any business ideas?

Nagesh answers:

There are only two ways to make money … Sell products or provide services. With that in mind, it’s important to brainstorm your talents and passions to create a business of your own that will use your skills wisely. Oh, sure, you’ve heard about babysitting and paper routes and starting a yard service. Those aren’t bad ideas but those may not be what you’re into. What are you into??? If you know a subject well, you can teach or develop a newsletter about it. People always want to learn things especially things that will save them time, save them money, or make them money. You could sell products and I recommend products that people either want or need … Video games, non-toxic cleaning products, food, energy light bulbs or programmable thermostats, etc. Check out your local newspaper for trends. Once you find a need and fill it with a quality product or service, it’s time to get the word out by being the “go to” person on the industry. Network with others. Know your competitors and potential customers. Develop a mailing list. Make phone calls or visit people to talk about their problems and your solutions. Advertising effectively. Donate time and money to charity to get your name out there. Write articles and press releases on your business and your missions. Check out Junior Achievements (link below). Check out the library for the various books written for teens and tweens on businesses. Realize that some huge corporations started at home like Coca Cola, Lillian Vernon, Dell Computers, Ebay, Microsoft, etc. Make sure you research how to start a legal business with licenses, permits, tax ids, etc. You’ll get sweet tax deductions that can pay for alot of your business costs even if your business doesn’t turn a profit for 2 years. Don’t let your age be a hinderance. Check out books like “Fast Cash for Kids” or “Prepare to be a Teen Millionaire”

Thomas asks…

Who thought of the idea of money?

Did this person just create his or hers wealth?

This person would of surely wanted to gain superiority and control the social value of everyone in the human race and put his or herself at the top of it.

Does anyone know who thought of the idea of money?
Was it simply created by one person who had a selfish agenda and seeked supriority?

Nagesh answers:

Haha ! U certainly are one of a kind 16year old lad lmao! 😛 Asking a question like this lol You should be asking a more stereotypical question like “who thinks maria sharapovas hot“ “how can i score with this girl“

To actually answer ur money question……erm ive never thought about it ever, i mean its money and i like it :)! Haha

Sandra asks…

Business ideas to make money?

small business ideas that don’t cost money to start or at least not a lot of money

Nagesh answers:

Making money online is easier than you think. The problem is that it is very difficult to find good information without being
scammed or tricked into buying stuff that you don’t need. Here you will find a great place to ask questions and get free

information that will help you succeed with making money online.

There are many ways on how to make money online. Why not getting started offer your expertise aside from selling your stuffs

on ebay. Get paid by writing blogs about interesting topics. Also get paid by writing reviews. Do web design work. There are

good sites that offer free training and free video tutorials and web templates to help you started your own online business

and will guide you how to make real money online.

There are sites that offer free internet marketing tips, free templates, free online tutorials and articles to help you start

your online work-fro m-home business.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Wednesday, December 10th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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