Your Questions About How To Make Money Fast For 12 Year Olds

Sandra asks…

I need a mother’s help please and fast!!!!?

Okay so i am only 12 and not allowed to baby sit but i woke up this morning and my parents had a family emergency and the kids are going to be here all night because their mom is at college im their aunt. They are 5, 8, and 10 but, my friend stayed and she is nine with AD-HD and my other friend stayed who is twelve. I have about $20 bucks in my room and i need to buy everyone some dinner from the local Kroger. I want to buy some Mac and cheese, Bread less chicken, broccoli, and some corn on the cob. I’m probably going to pick up Mountain Dew. Do you think I should pick up some ice cream sandwiches and like chips for later because i found an extra ten dollars under my bed. It’s storming really bad right now so should i give everyone a coat and take a large umbrella and the 5 year old’s stroller so he won’t run out the busy road because it’s about a 20 minute walk. And could you guys please tell me how to cook the food (I’ll just microwave the broccoli and look on the back of the bag to see how long to put it on.) Should i make everyone get showers? (Idk the last time they showered) And if I have left over money should i pick them up some cheap tooth brushes? Do you think I should try and find some clothes for them too wear or wash the ones everyone has on.
I’m going to call my boyfriend to see if he can help me watch them until 9PM then he can go home (My 12 yr old friend said she will help to) I have to pick up dog food and cat food and bird food to. My friend told me she has an extra 5 dollars. Sorry about all the questions but i never baby sitted before especially being stuck in a situation like this. Im afraid to leave the kid’s alone when i walk the dogs though i love them like they are mine and would hate for anything to happen to them. Sp should i take them with me while i walk the dogs. Also what kind of shows do 7, 9, 5 and ten year olds like should i let them channel search? I have to get home before curfew after doing all this stuff! Thank you so much!!!
Please notice my parents aren’t breaking the law they will be back at one or 12 they’ve been gone for about 8 hrs so it’s not over 24 hrs and it won’t be over 24 hrs because my uncle got life flighted to col. oh and we live in West Virginia Col. is about a good 4 to 5 hrs away from us.

Nagesh answers:

Seriously? Do you not have food in your house to feed them for the day? Your pets can wait.. Stay home so everyone is safe and 30$ wont go to far with human food AND pet food . Relax and they can wear the same clothes they have on..

Lisa asks…

Should I convert my tractor to 12 volt from 6 volt?

I have a 1953 Farmall Super C tri-cycle tractor with the Fast Hitch option. A somewhat rare option for that year. My grandpa gave me the tractor after he died, and I am trying to restore it. The generator is in bad condition, along with the old wiring. The tractor hasnt moved under its own power in about two years. The tractor has no lights (a idiot tried to restore it years ago, but did a $hitty job, making it worse off than before) and none of the gauges work. We put a switch instead of a key on it, and it has a new 6 volt coil. (thats how we got it moving two yeasr ago, but now it wont start no more) I figure a 12 volt system will make it easier to work on, but take away from its show look. (I dont plan on restoring it that much anyway, I dont have much money) It needs rebuilt, new gauges, new wiring, new genrator/alternator, and a new hydrulic pump.
What is your opinion on whether I should convert it? Dont say to scrap it because it was my grandpas before it was mine and he gone

Nagesh answers:

I would stay 6V because the parts are still available. If you convert to 12V then all electrical parts will have to be changed to 12V.Starter, gauges,coils,etc. If the budget is low for this project I think keeping it 6V will be a cheaper option.

Ken asks…

Did I make the right decision? Grieving and feeling guilty about euthanizing my best buddy?

My heart is really hurting right now because of the recent euthanization of my 4yr/8 month old mini schnauzer 2 days ago. such a happy boy and a big snuggler but, from a year old, I always knew he was different and not as normal as other dogs throughout my life. My mom got him for me because my other schnauzer was 12 yr old and mom did not know how much time I would have left with her so, I should say he was her replacement. My husband, family and I ALWAYS said we did not think he would live a long life because of his activity, habits and demeanor as a young pup. At 1 1/2 years old I wanted to stud him out and got bloodwork done (which was normal) he showed no interest in female dogs. He was uninterested, getting fat and not as active. I have two other dogs that kept him going but, I learned that I could not leave any food down even for our cats because he would eat everything. He was not very active even at a young age, my husband and I SPOIL our animals and would lift him up & down the stairs, bed, couch, and the back stairs (he got used to this until the day we let him go). He managed to get into food that we brought home from the vet a 20lb bag left in the kitchen and ate enough until we caught him, he got into halloween candy last year and ate it until we could catch him (we then bought the dog food storage containers). Our vet suggested a diet and he only ate a recommended quantity twice daily. He would lost weight and gain it back. About a year ago he started losing his vision. Our vet said that he could not see anything wrong with his eyes. I can tell you so much more about his problems but Overall, he has had problems with his vision, muscle tone, weakness, appetite for the past 2 1/2 years but, still a loving happy boy that mom and dad loved and treated as a special dog. He was our baby and we did not care if we had to give him extra attention. I brought him to the groomer last month and he came home with an ear infection.. I then brought him to the vet and he had lost weight too fast, I suggested getting bloodwork on him because I was suspicious of Diabetes, turns out he was in renal failure and anemic, the vet said he needed a blood transfusion, IV fluids, ultrasound of kidneys and a bunch of other tests that could pinpoint his diagnosis costing from $3000-$8000 and they could not determine if the outcome of the up-hill battle would work for my little guy. X-rays showed and enlarged heart and a murmur.. Around x-mas he would vomit here and there and showed no appetite turning his nose up to everything, (except roastbeef) that was not our dog and we knew something was going on in his once 34lb body to 22lb body. With his whole medical backround and the dog that I always saw and knew I did not see him going through so much distress, surviving. He to us always had a weakness to begin with and I did not want to put him through all the stress, anxiety, treatments, medications and so forth, just to progress his life without knowing if it was 2 weeks or 2 years. My other dogs do notice him not here and the mini schnauzer my mom bought him for me to replace is 16 and still with me, I feel lousy.. Did i do wrong by ending my lil guys’ life so, soon and not giving him a chance, financially we could not afford it but, I could have come up with the money working with friends and family to pay them back. From his past medical history and his problems, I did not want to put him through all that stress without knowing if the outcome would work. CRF is irreversible and my buddy had already lost partial vision, renal failure, anemia, with an enlarged heart, Did I do right by him? Your comments are well appreciated, my story is long and not all included as far as his complete health backround.. I don’t think his lil’ body could handle much more, I have been crying for days, no appetite and my husband is very sad as well.. I feel soooooooooo guilty but, know he was never a strong pup to begin with.. If I only got bloodwork sooner, I don’t know.. We gave him lots of chocolate before our decision and he was such a happy pup, the tranquilizer was not a full dose and it looked like he was convulsing and the vet apologized and said he thought that dose would be enough, the euthanization was quick but, very painful for us. Pleasant comments please..

Nagesh answers:

Sounds like your dog was in a lot of pain. You gave him so much love in his little life, so many wonderful things that many dogs never experience. Even with treatments, how much quality could his life have had after something like that? Instead of suffering through years, going to the vet all the time for injections, probes, and all kinds of scary stuff, he went to sleep surrounded by people who love him. For what it’s worth, I think you made the right decision.

I feel you, hon. I lost a dog in September. This dog was with me through some tough times, and literally saved my life twice. He was seven years old, and a car hit him. I cried for weeks, then went and rescued a new puppy who didn’t have a family to love him. That puppy has brought me so much joy, and while no one could ever replace my Einstein, I feel happy because now I’ve helped a dog who really needed it.
I hope this helped you. I’m so sorry for your loss.

Steven asks…

HOW TO Raise money for school?


I am 12 years old and going into 7th grade. I can’t go to the school where all my friends are, unless I cough up $12, 000.

How can I make like $5000 dollars fast. ($5000 because the school I will go to if I don’t go to that school is $7000)
actually the other school is $8000

Nagesh answers:

There is almost no possible way a 12 year old can do that. Some adults can’t even do that.
I am 15 and make a bit of money online.
Like survey sites and stuff.. If you look at my website, I listed all the good paying sites I use…
Everything is free to sign up, you never have to pay..

Sell your stuff you don’t need.
Walk dogs.
Mow laws.
Do chores for neighbors.
Plant flowers.
Clean up things.

Charles asks…

How to get a LOT of money?

im 12 and a half and next year(7th grade)my grade will go to natures classroom for a week long camping trip in the woods in CT.
But the trip costs 390$!!

I really want to go but my parents said if i can make 2504 they’ll pay the rest!!i already have 20 tho!

so how can i make m0ney FAST??
the trip is in october..

p.s-im already having a tag sale this weekend but im donating the money to my neghbor(A 5 yr old boy with brain cancer and tubersclosis and the $ from the TS is for his surgurey!

Nagesh answers:

Get a job?

People will hire you with parents’ permission

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Wednesday, August 15th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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