Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

Mary asks…

How can I make money fast as a 14 year old?

I’m a girl, and I can’t keep pulling money out of my parents hands.
But at the same time I NEVER get to go shopping! I just don’t want to keep begging for money.
I just want a job but I’m 14, you have to be 16 to get a job.
And don’t say “walk peoples dogs” because I’m very sure that I won’t do that because I don’t go up to random people “hey do you want me to walk your dog?”. And if your going to say babysitting how do I start? But if I can make money online that would you even better (I’m on tumblr 24/7).

Nagesh answers:

Best option: babysitting. My parents knew a lot of coworkers with kids, and they would ask me to babysit all the time. Especially with summer just around the corner, you will be busy and make lots of money. That’s what I’m doing this summer. I also asked people around my neighborhood, and made myself known to people, and what not…hope this helps 🙂

David asks…

What are some ways for 18 year olds to make money online?

I’m 18 and I need money FAST! I’m in marching band for my school and we are going to Disneyland in a month and I need spending money. I can’t get a job because I have to tell them that I’m going away in a month and that is not going to look good. I’ve tried numerous survey websites or sites that help you make money, but it requires you to pay. I have no money and my parents can’t afford to give me money for Disneyland. I need help! Fast!
Btw, I don’t have a credit card or debit card and do not plan on getting one until I at least start college, so please no websites that require me to use a credit/debit card.

Nagesh answers:

As With all things there’s many ways to look at what you have.. For some people they are all scams to have you slave infront of your pc for little money when doing it for a company. They will suggest getting a
real job etc.
To some other people, getting your feet wet tasting the water is the only way to get ahead. Get into it, anything and see what it might bring.

Careful when getting trained about doing something because when they train you, you have to sign a contract stating you won’.’t go into business for yourself. If

you violate they will sue you faster than you thought possible.

William asks…

What are the best products to sell online to double or triple your money fast?

I am a single mother that struggles day to day. My bills are getting behind and I need to get out there to make a little money quick. What products are good to sell to make money?

Nagesh answers:

Honestly there is no magic place that you can make a 300% profit on things or even close. If there was every one would be using them which would force competition driving down the profit. Do not trust any one who claims to be able to make you money fast, especially people online or on TV. Most of the people telling you they can make you money fast are either trying to rob you or take advantage of you. If you want to make money selling products first you need to learn what people are willing to pay for the product. How much you can obtain the product for and how quickly you can buy and sell the product. Using these factors you can look for products you can try and resell on ebay or other places. Keep in mind it takes time and money to build a reputation and to be able to turn around enough products to be able to make a lot of money.

Carol asks…

Does anyone know of a good loan place online to get money fast? I’m desperate?

Nagesh answers:

Try going to a local church for the help you need. Those fast loan places are bad news. Your financial problems will only increase.

Mark asks…

Please help…I can’t get a job but I need to make money fast?

I’m 17 and I’m still in high school and I need to make some money to buy me a car…I want to get a job but my mom won’t let me because I’m still in school…but I really want a car…the closest car dealership by my house has a few cars but its one that I really like…its $27,000…my dad promised me that he’ll help me buy it if I make up some of the money…but thats the thing I can’t get a job (because of my mom) so is there a way for a 17 year old to make some decent money online so I can save up for a car? Any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

You could tell your Mom you joined an after school activity and just get a job.

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Monday, January 14th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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