Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

Robert asks…

I need to make money fast?

i want to go on a trip to england this summer and i need to earn money fast (online and offline) . i don’t want to baby sit or dog walk and i don’t there are many places willing to hire a 15 year old. any help is greatly appreciated!! thanks =)

Nagesh answers:

You’ve already attracted con artists. Avoid the scams or you’re not going to England next summer or for quite a number of years.

In most states you have to be 16 to get working papers. Check with your school (that’s where you’ll get the forms if you are old enough in your state).

Housecleaning, mother’s helper (help a mother in her home with kids, housework, fixing supper after school), babysitting, leaf raking, lawn mowing, snow shoveling. Don’t sneeze at these! They pay better than most jobs at the mall. And they provide crucial references for your first “real job.”

So what are your talents & skills? Do you knit scarves or sew handbags that all your friends would love to buy? Design & sew unique Barbie outfits? Play guitar so well you can teach younger kids? Good golfer — then you can caddy at the country club for money & sometimes some free greens fees. Write & perform terrific puppet shows that would be a hit at kids’ birthday parties? If you have some really special skill, write your own ticket, my entrepreneurial friend.

James asks…

How can I make money fast??

I’m 13 & i really want 2 make around//over $300 so i can go 2 claifornia & visit mai best friend… mai parents wont get any money 4 meeh so i hav 2 make mai own so they will let meeh.. PLEASE HELP..!!..

Nagesh answers:


13….I hated being that old. To young to get a job, to old for allowance. Have you tried making money online? Most websites are scams. Or they don’t pay very much at all. I looked everywhere for a website that wasn’t a scam and I found one. Cash crate. They pay about $9.00 an hour depending on how fast you go. The best part of it is you only have to be 13 to sign up. So at about $9.00 an hour….you have to work about 35 hours on it. It sounds like alot of time, but if you spend 5 hours a day on it for a week, you have $300.00. It is totally free all the way. The only problem for you might be that they don’t send the check off untill the end of the month. After they send it off it takes a while to get to you. ( a week or two). So how long untill you want to go to Cali? If you want to try cash crate here is the link (type it in without any spaces). I am 14 and I make alot of money off of it. I promise it is not a scam.

Http://www. Cash crate .com/117190

If this doesn’t work for you, have you tried neighbor hood jobs? I know you probably have heard the list a million times, but I will go over it again.

Dog walking
Garage sale
house cleaning
Pet sitting
House sitting
Pooper Scooping

Dpending on the laws in your state, you could try selling lottery tickets. You would have to have an item worth about 20 bucks, you could sell tickets for $1 …..sell 300 of them and there you go. Then just draw a name, and give them the prize. Good luck and I hope you get to go on the trip!

John asks…

how can i make money fast!?

i am 15 and currently have no job. im not sure where take on under 16’s round here but i need to make money fast to get my new camera! i’ve tried selling and it isnt making a great success


Nagesh answers:

Make babysitting flyers using the computer and put them in the library, people’s mailboxes, and grocery stores.
Drum up more business and keep a notebook to schedule when you do get a customer.
Culver’s minimum hiring age is 14 with a workers permit.
I called many stores because I am looking for a job. This was the response they gave which makes me happy after looking for so long.
Find a local one go online and apply and go in store to apply or call and ask if they are hiring.

What I did was Google a bunch of business near my home and found their numbers using Google maps or their sites and I called and directly asked if they are hiring and what age do they hire at.

Try local grocery stores, pizza parlors, retail stores, fast food restaurants.

Betty asks…

How to make a lot of money FAST?

Hi, I want to know how to make a couple hundred fast? I have a job but I don’t get enough money, I’m able to support my baby & all it’s just I’d like to have some cash to do a little fixing up of the house or to get a new one. It’s only me, my fiancee, & my one year old son in my two bed room two bathroom house but I don’t have any couches yet, I wanna repaint the house white, I need curtains, new shower curtain holder, mirrors, I wanna clean up the carpets, and I wanna get some other stuff cause we just moved in a new home.

Nagesh answers:

Sell Stuff To School Kids
There were two othe rkids in my class who had it all- best clothes, best luches, best school stuff (binders, etc) and they were great at loaning money out, too- they would loan you five bucks if you paid them back six by next week. Anyway, I thought their families were wealthy- nope, they lived in house just like the rest of us, their dad drove an old beat-up Ford. How did they make so much dough, go to school and live liek the rest of us? Guess what? They owned their own bicycle repair shop- ran it out of their Dad’s one car garage- and they actually made more money per week than their Dad! (Their loan sharking business at school helped, too)- he wisely made them put half of it away in an college fund for themselves! I really envied those kids- and they always had ten or fifteen rebuilt bikes out front for sale- I bought a few bikes from them, myself- after I got a paper route, of course- and they let me make payments on my bike- A $20.00 bike – I paid three bucks a week for ten weeks- Yay Me!

Just about every kid in school either had a bike from them, sold a bike to them or had borrowed money from them at one time or another.

But, there is one thing- those kids worked hard- they made great bikes- good re-paint jobs, total rebuilds- and they even guaranteed them for three months. They were good kids, and never slacked off- did their home work, got good grades, too.

I took a lesson from them- I sold candy bars at school- Every kid is hungry. So, I found out I could make dough by selling candy- yep. I would buy ten packs of differnt candy bars at the grocery, at the time, about ten cents each- put them in my pack and go to school where I would sell them for 35 cents each- pretty soon, every kid knew if they got the munchies, all they had to do is look me up- I made about ten bucks a day- at the time, my Mom worked at a laundry and she brought home fifty bucks a week- so i was making what my Mom earned, but my dough was all cash and tax free! Soon, I was selkling other stuff out of my pack, too- pencils, erasers, junk that I knew kids liked.

So, the money thing is all up to you. It is called drive- ambition. You want to have it, it comes along with hard work and determination. Easy money? Sure- if you do some crooked things, but tha

t’s up to you. You want a good life, you gotta work for it.

Unless u need an internet work
Unless you have very specific skills, such as graphic design, web design, computer programming or sell on eBay, Amazon or Etsy, there are no real internet work at home jobs. On line jobs are just another urban myth. You will just be bombarded with all kinds of work at home scams such as envelope stuffing, data entry, home assembly, medical transcription, reading e mails, surveys, etc.

You Can Sell Unwanted Stuff

You have some stuff that you dont need you can sell them in a garage sale , believe me last year i sold Everything babyish i had , i got about 300$ yes 300$!! From Plastic guns And baby piano and Games CD and alot of stuff that i dont need!!!

Sell Pc Programs Online!!

I in my country Everything is cheap , Like Cenima 4D CD people gets it for 1000$ or more yes for the cd , How about u make a website and sell The program not the cd , for 50$ or something like this it makes a fortune!!!

Hope I helped
Regards Max

David asks…

i need to make money, like around $400?

i need to make money, like around $400, im 14, a girl, and cant do any of those online make money fast things, there arent really any babysitting jobs and no stores will hire a 14 year old girl…..any tips?

Nagesh answers:

If you can’t do any online money make fast then do online money make slow 🙂

There are lots of long-term and effective opportunities to make money online like niche marketing – selling your informational products and earning money which is not hard at all. A good site to start is in my source.

Hope this helped.

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Thursday, July 31st, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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