Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

Maria asks…

How do I make money fast?

i’m only 15
i don’t need a lot just like 10-20 dollars
but are there any ways besides babysitting that i could make money? any suggestions?

and for you perverts, ew no i’m not doing that
im 14 too but i turn 15 really really soon.
and i live in southern california…
and sorry but umm im not gonna email anyone here…

Nagesh answers:

THIS is the best answer – by far

Go there – read – implement – never look back – get PAID online more than $15/hour.

I work 20 hours a week and make 200+ a week. Just DO it, no excuses! I hope this helps! I put my heart and soul in it and it WILL teach you the easiest way to start earning – right from your home – and getting paid more than ANY babysitting would.

Richard asks…

How do I make money fast?

I am 13 and I really want to start saving up money. Please help!

Nagesh answers:

You asked two questions: making money and saving money. They are different subjects.

Saving money:
Saving money is something you should do your entire life. Save a portion of every dollar you earn. If you ever spend money from your savings account then you should strive to replace it as quickly as possible. Your savings will just grow and grow.

Initially, you can deposit your savings into a bank savings account. The interest rate is not very important early on. However, once you have saved $1000 you can purchase US treasury bills at to earn more interest.

Making money:
You should not expect your parents to pay you for helping around the house. That is something you should be doing anyway.

Jobs you can do for neighbors: Mowing lawns, walking pets, washing cars, and babysitting (if you are a responsible kid).

You may find it difficult to get a job at 13 because most jobs require you have skills. It does not hurt to ask. Try jobs that do not require a college education, such as fast food, grocery stores, shops, etc.

If you are adventurous, you can try running your own internet business by buying things at garage sales and selling them online at Research what things are selling for on ebay before purchasing. (Also, avoid buying stuff on ebay or you will spend more than you make.) I suggest you specialize in a few items: specific toys, books, etc. You are going to become an expect so pick a category that you really enjoy. (When you see a bargain you will know it!) Be certain to check the website daily to make certain your customers are happy. To make a profit you will need to calculate the costs: ebay fees, paypal fees, packaging materials, and postage.

Good luck!

Donna asks…

Ways for me to Make Money fast?

I’m NOT doing anything online like that. I’m 12 and I want to know good things to sell so I can get around 600 dollars. Please don’t tell me I’m crazy. I need it by April 30th. Thanks for helping!
NO cheapo internet scams! thats only for idiots who r too lazy to work for anything!

Nagesh answers:

You better go for some job like baby sitting or looking after pet in your neighbour. You will be paid fast and you can ask for some advance also.
If you are interested to work online check this site which provide information on ways for teens to make money with other legitimate sources, ways and means to earn money working online

Joseph asks…

How can I earn money really fast?

I am 14 and i want to know heaps of ways i can earn lots of money REALLY FAST so i can buy a mobile phone. I want a Nokia something on a $24 plan if that helps.
please please please please give me at least 5 suggestions ‘cos i’m DESPERATE!

Nagesh answers:

Forex Trading is a great chance to make money online of a unlimited way
in a short time, you first get to open a trading account with an online broker
and then you can start to trade, if you ain`t want to trade by yourself
you can buy a trading robot that will make the
profits for you, you can get economical freedom!
Try to visit for more information.
Best Regards!

Helen asks…

how i can my some money fast?

im 13 and no job wants me my mom wont let me baby-sit and i need $40 for a concert i need a wat to make money fast and easy i only have a week

Nagesh answers:

If you want to make some easy money quickly I would recommend reading this blog – – it gives a few examples of how to make money for FREE and also teaches you ways to create an successful online business and get some real money coming in!

I recommend reading these posts –

1. Http:// – This is a free way to make money!

2. Http:// – This is also a free way to make money!

And if you get some more time and want to make some serious money on the internet by becoming an internet marketer (this may be something your parents may want to look into if they would like to make some more cash!) then I recommend reading this post –

Hope that helps Lily! 🙂

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Tuesday, June 24th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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