Your Questions About Get Money Fast Illegally

Robert asks…

Why are mexicans so fast at slinging hammers?

The house next door is being reinnovated and every morning I hear hammers being pounded by the dozens when I can hardly roll out of bed. They work from 7 AM to sometimes 5 or 6 PM or maybe later. I do not understand where these people get their energy and motivation from? I mean it takes me at least an hour to get movin gin the AM, but these guys jump straight into it like it was yesterday afternoon. Do these guys work hard for more $$$ or do they start pounding hammers so early because they want to annoy the hell out of me. Or do they work hard because they need to raise their money to bring their families to America and because their economy is crap, but they can’t get them on their VISA’s so they send their earning to Mexico and weaken the American economic wealth. I understand some are loyal workers and citizens with families over hear, but the others who don’t bother speaking english frankly annoy me and on top of that they have attitudes like the greengo owes them something. I say get the $%^ out of my country and take la familia with you. And what makes me even more sick to the stomach is all these contractors and foremen who employ them illegally. I mean the economy already sucks enough let’s not make it worse by hiring illigal aliens. Let’s send them packing and crackdown on illegal emplyment practices.

Nagesh answers:

Hola. I think you answered your own question. Because lazy americans like you won’t roll out of bed and do the work. Mexican people are awesome!

Linda asks…

Where do you stand against illegal immigration?

Where do you stand against Illegal Immigration?
This is an article I found to answer a lot of common myths.

1. It is NOT racist to call these people “illegal aliens” In fact, “illegal aliens” is the only term used in federal laws and regulations to describe criminals (and they ARE criminals) who come into our country illegally. They are not illegal immigrants, not undocumented immigrants, not migrant workers, and not day laborers – they’re ILLEGAL ALIENS.

2. Mexico is NOT a poor country. By sending its teeming masses to our country, that status keeps on rising. Mexico has more resources per square mile than the U.S. and plenty of money to take care of its own people. Why should the taxpayers of this country subsidize Mexico’s corruption?

3. Illegal aliens are NOT necessarily coming here to work. Lou Dobbs recently reported that 33 percent of our prison population is now comprised of non-citizens. Plus, 36 to 42 percent of illegal aliens are on welfare. So, for a good proportion of these people, the American dream is crime and welfare, not coming here to work.

4. Illegal aliens are NOT doing work Americans won’t do. What jobs won’t Americans do? In most states, Americans still clean their own houses, do their own landscaping, clean hotel rooms, work in restaurants and fast food places, paint houses, DO CONSTRUCTION WORK, work in airports, etc. – just like we have the past 200 years before “our” government allowed these people to invade our country. There are 18 million Americans who cannot find a job, so illegal aliens who are coming here to work do so at peril to American workers.

5. Illegal aliens absolutely do not contribute more than they cost. Certainly the millions in prison and on welfare aren’t contributing a dime to our economy, and the ones who are working often are paid in cash with no deductions for taxes at all. The ones who use fraudulent social security numbers and qualify to pay taxes and social security have so many deductions for dependents that they pay little if any taxes. We have seen them pay less than $100 in taxes and get back $4,000 refunds (thanks to earned income tax credits and multiple dependents).Some bargain, eh?

6. The economy does NOT depend on illegal aliens. Sure, greedy CEOs (making $50 to $150 MILLION a year) and business owners depend on illegal aliens, but due to #3, #4 and #5 above, the only thing illegal aliens are contributing to is the collapse of our economy and making the rich richer.

7. Without illegal aliens, the price of agricultural products and other goods and services will NOT soar. The definitive study on this subject is the University of Iowa’s “How Much Is That Tomato?” The study concludes that ‘since labor is such a small component of the end-price of agricultural products (which includes price to the growers, transportation costs, processing /storage costs, grocers’ profit, etc.), using minimum wage workers instead of illegal aliens would increase prices of agricultural products by approximately 3 percent in the summer and 4 percent in the winter … hardly the making of $10 heads of lettuce, $25 hamburgers, $1,000 per night Days Inn hotel rooms like the pro-illegal alien lobby claims.

8. Consumers are NOT benefiting from lower labor costs. Again, it’s CEOs and business owners who benefit from taxpayer subsidies for their illegal alien workers. The Big Three automakers say they moved so many jobs to Mexico because their labor costs are 80 percent less than in America. Anybody notice the price of new cars spiraling downward under NAFTA?

So, before you believe the prevalent pack of lies perpetuated by the illegal alien lobby, which makes billions off this government-sanctioned criminal activity, ask yourself who’s saying this garbage and look at what they have to gain. Citizens Against Illegal Immigration, just like Protect Arizona NOW, is an all-volunteer, totally grass-roots organization of citizens who are making nothing and have nothing personal to gain from their efforts to fight this corruption. Whose side are you on, and what are YOU doing to save your state and country from this evil?

Nagesh answers:

What’s your source on this? I would love to email this to a few people. I feel that the Mexican people are horribly exploited by a corrupt government, so I have some feeling as to what is happening to them. However, they are turning the US into Mexico, and that is wrong.The US can’t even take care of it’s own people, not to mention foreign peoples. The Mexican people need to rise up, using violence if necessary, to take back their country.

Not to mention…illegal immigration is very rude. I don’t go into YOUR house uninvited, do I?

Lizzie asks…

What do you think about the new Amnesty Bill?

1) Illegal aliens will be given legal status just one day after they application has filed even if the background check wasn’t completed. Thats right, even if you are a convicted rapist, you are good to go

2) US Tax payers will be paying for all the lawyers and lawyer fees for all the immigration attorneys.

3) All US “temporary” visas are now permanent and can be renewed indefinitely.

4) Amnesty for all illegal gang members, of which we already have 30,000 illegally here in the US.

5) To persuade Mexicans to not come into America illegally American tax payer money will be going directly to the Mexican government to provide incentives like better education and health care for Mexican citizens who stay in their own country.

6) Illegal aliens will not have to pay any back taxes.

7) In a prosperity partnership the “North American Union” which would in effect erase borders between the US, Mexico and Canada would be fast tracked for SPP and made a priority.

8) No border security addressed other then cutting of the already paid for and approved border fence from 800 mile to 200 miles.

9) Instate tuition for all illegal aliens, A benefit with of course is denied to all Americans.

10) All current illegal aliens will be able to cut the line and get immediate legal status before any and all other aliens attempting to come to our country legally.

11) Immediate amnesty for all absconders, meaning any illegal who was caught and ordered to be deported.

12) The shutdown of all immigration courts. Judges must close any illegal Amnesty proceeding and allow all illegal alien to apply for amnesty.

13) Learning English not required till the ninth (9) year of a illegal aliens amnesty period.

14) Illegal aliens will be eligible for the “earned income tax credit”

Nagesh answers:

I think it will be the end of the United States and the beginning of civil war. REAL Americans will not put up with it and take up arms to defend the constitution. Lock an load baby!

Carol asks…

Do you agree with any of these statements?

Because the pro-illegal alien lobby has a bottomless pit of money and can hire PR people to spin (and fabricate) anything any way, there are an undue number of myths and lies that the public (and many politicians) has bought into. The FACTS are:

1. It is NOT racist to call these people “illegal aliens” In fact, “illegal aliens” is the only term used in federal laws and regulations to describe criminals (and they ARE criminals) who come into our country illegally. They are not illegal immigrants, not undocumented immigrants, not migrant workers, and not day laborers – they’re ILLEGAL ALIENS.

2. Mexico is NOT a poor country. By sending its teeming masses to our country, that status keeps on rising. Mexico has more resources per square mile than the U.S. and plenty of money to take care of its own people. Why should the taxpayers of this country subsidize Mexico’s corruption?

3. Illegal aliens are NOT necessarily coming here to work. Lou Dobbs recently reported that 33 percent of our prison population is now comprised of non-citizens. Plus, 36 to 42 percent of illegal aliens are on welfare. So, for a good proportion of these people, the American dream is crime and welfare, not coming here to work.

4. Illegal aliens are NOT doing work Americans won’t do. What jobs won’t Americans do? In most states, Americans still clean their own houses, do their own landscaping, clean hotel rooms, work in restaurants and fast food places, paint houses, DO CONSTRUCTION WORK, work in airports, etc. – just like we have the past 200 years before “our” government allowed these people to invade our country. There are 18 million Americans who cannot find a job, so illegal aliens who are coming here to work do so at peril to American workers.

5. Illegal aliens absolutely do not contribute more than they cost. Certainly the millions in prison and on welfare aren’t contributing a dime to our economy, and the ones who are working often are paid in cash with no deductions for taxes at all. The ones who use fraudulent social security numbers and qualify to pay taxes and social security have so many deductions for dependents that they pay little if any taxes. We have seen them pay less than $100 in taxes and get back $4,000 refunds (thanks to earned income tax credits and multiple dependents).Some bargain, eh?

6. The economy does NOT depend on illegal aliens. Sure, greedy CEOs (making $50 to $150 MILLION a year) and business owners depend on illegal aliens, but due to #3, #4 and #5 above, the only thing illegal aliens are contributing to is the collapse of our economy and making the rich richer.

7. Without illegal aliens, the price of agricultural products and other goods and services will NOT soar. The definitive study on this subject is the University of Iowa’s “How Much Is That Tomato?” The study concludes that ‘since labor is such a small component of the end-price of agricultural products (which includes price to the growers, transportation costs, processing /storage costs, grocers’ profit, etc.), using minimum wage workers instead of illegal aliens would increase prices of agricultural products by approximately 3 percent in the summer and 4 percent in the winter … hardly the making of $10 heads of lettuce, $25 hamburgers, $1,000 per night Days Inn hotel rooms like the pro-illegal alien lobby claims.

8. Consumers are NOT benefiting from lower labor costs. Again, it’s CEOs and business owners who benefit from taxpayer subsidies for their illegal alien workers. The Big Three automakers say they moved so many jobs to Mexico because their labor costs are 80 percent less than in America. Anybody notice the price of new cars spiraling downward under NAFTA?

Nagesh answers:

I agree with all of them. Awesome post.

Richard asks…

Do you think legalizing is easy?

My sister is going through the process of legalizing her husband. I am not exagerrating when I say she’s paid more than $6,000. She started the prcess in 2004 and she just recieved thier final packet. Plus she’ll need more money. This is for just 1 person can u imagine a wole family?Plus, you have to have someone legal in the U.S to sponser u. A lot of peolpe dont have anyone. You can’t wait and let your family starve to enter legally. I guess thats why some people do it illegally. If the government wants to legalize they’ve got to make it simplier and faster.

Nagesh answers:

Well that is the sacrifice that you have to make..People do it legally all the time so there is no excuse to do it illegally.

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Monday, February 27th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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