Your Questions About Get Money Fast For Teenagers

Chris asks…

I really need to make money!?

Here’s the deal;

I had 300 text a month and I’m a teenager so yeah I like tripled that in a day. So I had to pay for the extra text. Then my mom stopped paying for the 300 and took ALL texting off my phone. She said that I can get texting BACK when I can pay for it. But I have to pay for it up front for a YEAR! So I have to come up with $240! And I text way more than I call I already have like $160 but I need more!

Here’s what I need;

A way to make money fast… and I’m pretty sure my mom isn’t going to give me “chores” to do for money.
I’ve lived without texting for almost a year…. and its KILLING me!!!

Nagesh answers:

Learn to live without frivolous and material things.You’re astoundingly lucky your parents are willing to give you a cell phone.

Ken asks…

Stock Market Investing For A Motivated 15 year Old?

Im currently 15, and I’m damn tired of waiting to get through high school and college to start making some serious money. I am a very motivated, smart teenager[4.0 with honors classes] and I believe that through some light research I have done, that the stock market is the way to go. I was reading about mutual funds and all this different stuff, but i figured why not probe Yahoo Answers for some info. What is the best way to get some money fast using the Stock market? What to invest in, what to trade, what broker to use, etc. A jump start in the right direction is really what I need here, as i jsut got some money and I am dying to invest it. I was hoping to get 1 mil in a couple years and eventually check out some hedge funds. Any help is appreciated.
Ok maybe a million in a few years is just a hyperbole, just trying to convey the motivation. haha

Nagesh answers:

Congratulations on getting started. It’ll help you more than you know!

Your first dollars should be spent on getting educated on investing. You don’t have to train to trade them professionally, but we are talking about your future here. So the more you learn, the more it’ll help you! So let’s start there.

You ask a very broad question, so be prepared for a pretty long answer. Just take it in chunks!

How to invest depends on what you already know. We’ll assume that you’re beginning since you say you’re new!

A good primer is How to Make Money in Stocks by William O’Neil. You can get it cheap just about anywhere. It’s widely available new or used.

Another good one is one of Jim Cramer’s books like Real Money (he’s got a few).

But books will only get you so far. At some point, you’ll also want to get at least a little training. There are some great education companies if you want to make the investment. or are both very good companies as is

For free, you can start by visiting and That’ll get you a pretty good primer so at least you’ll understand what the markets are and what a stock is, etc.

If you get a chance, watch Mad Money on CNBC. Don’t trade any of his picks until you track many of them over time. Just use the show to get you to understand some basics and get a feel for the market itself.

Next, subscribe to something like Investorsbusiness daily or something like that that can help you identify good stocks.

Once you understand stocks, go to It’s a website that’ll help you understand options (what they do, how they work, etc). You don’t need to trade them, but the more you know, the more you’ll see how options can really be the safest way to invest (once you’re educated).

For discipline (which is crucial to successful trading), probably Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas or Mastering the Trade by John Carter

I know that’s a LOT to absorb. Just take it one step at a time for now. Start with a book or two to give you an idea of where to begin. Take your time, and let it seep in.

As you get up to speed, you should papertrade to practice (highly recommended). This should help reduce your losses in the beginning as you get used to buying/selling.

You can practice for free on almost any reputable broker site (optionsxpress, scottrade, thinkorswim, etc). And yes, you can definitely deal easily online.

Start slow, then as you figure things out, you can buy more shares.

Congrats again on getting started. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Hope this helps!

David asks…

How can a teenager make money?

My niece isn’t willing to get a real job but wants to find a way to make money without doing so. For example, something along the lines of a babysitting job. She still isn’t out of High School yet so she doesn’t want anything big such as fast food. Can anyone please tell me what she could do?

Nagesh answers:

It Depends your age The United States Legal Age to start working is 14 years
but any age under 13 could be,
-Walking/Taking Care of pets
-Helping parents around the house

If You Are over 14 you could
– Find A Store ( A Store That you Like ) and Work there
– Babysit
– Work at A Local Summer Day Camp
– Or Work at a ice cream shop over the summer

* Some Simple Suggestions.
Hope I Helped!!! (:

Betty asks…

want ten points? okay!!! answer this!?

what is a fast way for a bunch of teenagers to get money and fast.. ((not like a reall job working at places)) thanks<3

Nagesh answers:

Hold a car wash; in teams of two get cases of water, coolers with handles and ice and go to your downtown area or park and sell; hold a bake sale; build a kissing booth (everyone’s got extra wood planks lying around) a set up in a park; make crafts and sell them. Go to for ideas. Make signs for all ventures and state this is for charitable purposes (for the nosy and the cops) dont’ tell anyone that you’re the charity. Good Luck

Susan asks…

What’s a good way for a teenager to make money?

I am 16 years old and I get my license in March. I want to buy a cheap but reliable vehicle. What’s a good way for me to make money? I mean I heard of teens starting there own at home businesses, but what type of businesses can a teen start? I can’t really get a job yet, like working at a fast-food place due to school and no transportation. I want to do something that I can make money in my own time.

Nagesh answers:

I’ve been in your shoes i know how you feel…try babysitting, washing cars or doing work around the house to make money…i made money by ironing my parents clothes, raking the neighbors leaves, shoveling snow and by putting out the word to other family sure you can find something to do too make money..if your a religious person try praying that always works..anyways GOD bless

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Wednesday, April 18th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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