Your Questions About Get Money Fast For Kids

Paul asks…

How can kids make money fast?

I need money really bad so i can buy an ipod touch. Also no my parents wont buy one for me they say i have to earn it

Nagesh answers:

Dog walking
Yard cleanup
Snow shoveling
Babysitting/Mother’s helper
Errand runner
Cutting Lawns
Lemonade stand
Yard sale of your old items

David asks…

How can I make money (not a lot) quick?

I am saving up for a PS3. I have $60 right now from allowance. I need a way to make $600 before Christmas. I am 14, but I can’t get a kob now cuz im in school. I had $600 until I bought a Wii (btw, bad choice, I gaven’t played it in like 3 months). Now don’t tell me that I shouldn’t get one cuz i’ve wanted one since a year before it came out, but my dad talked me into buying a Wii. Please give me suggestions for making money fast, and my dad is willing to talk with me about working for him. Please help, thx!

Nagesh answers:

Here’s a good list:

-wash neighbor’s car (don’t scratch it!)
-extra chores in the house?
-babysit (If you’re good with kids)
-sell your Wii
-sell old stuff in the house w/ your parents permission on a site like ebay or craigslist

I wouldn’t go for those online surveys and such. Most are fake and require many hoops to jump. They might just take your info and such – make sure to check the site to see if it’s legitimate. Protect yourself.

Thomas asks…

I need a loan fast, My redit really sucks!, I will pay any rate, even 75%?

I need to buy christmas presents for my wife and my kid. I need money fast.

Nagesh answers:

Can’t you just explain to your family your finances? Our family is very open about what we can afford and what we can’t. I guess it’s because one year all my sister and I got was a package of fun chapstick because mom just moved into a new place.

Your wife will certainly understand and if you don’t have $$ for christmas, will you have the $$ to pay back the loan?

Not trying to bash you, we’re in the same situation, we’re selling stuff thats no longer needed to come up with the $$ for some presents because we’re not putting ourselves that farther in debt for material things, not worth it. 🙂

Sharon asks…

How to convince your mom to let you go away?

How to convince your mom to let you go away?

I was invited to go away down south in a few months. My mom does not think that it is a great idea, my mom was also invited but she says she doesn’t have the money to go. She said if she went it would not be a vacation for her self. Although I am very responsable she thinks not. I did not argue with her as I want to act mature to see where it gets me. I hhave been wanting to go down south since I was 11 and it has always been my dream. I am now 15 and I am capable of taking care of myself and making good choices and desicions. What are some things I can say to her to get her to let me go and for herself to go, because I want it to be an enjoyable experience for everyone. Also money is a problem, I may have been saving up money to go but each month I need to pay bills so it goes down just like everyones money does. I currently have $300.00 saved and by the end of the month I will have $240.00 so what are some ways to save money fast and quick. I have been selling things that I dont use to get this money. If anyone has any answer at all please answer

Jen (:

Nagesh answers:

This is a hard question to answer because since you are 15 you really didn’t give us enough information to provide a good answer. First I would ask you where you will be staying when you go South? Will you be staying with family or with friends that are your own age or with your friends family? Being a mother myself it’s sometimes difficult letting your kids be on their own, especially with all the things you see on the news that might happen to you while you’re away. I would say that even though it may not be a vacation for her your mom should consider coming with you so that you can go and she can feel more comfortable about the whole situation. There is really nothing you can say to your mom that is going to help, but acting maturely like you have by not nagging her about it is a definite plus in your corner. About the money. Do you know how much money you are going to need for your vacation? I would say make a budget so that you can come up with a total of what it’s going to take for expenses. To earn money you can possibly babysit for friends and family, or if you are a boy you can possibly cut and weed yards, paint fences, or clean up people’s garages. I would say to make a flyer on your computer offering your services to your neighbors and friends with your phone number on it if you can and post it or put it in your neighbors mailboxes. If not, have your mom let her friends know what you can do for them to make some money. Dog sitting or walking your neighbors dogs is also a great way to make money. You might ask your mom if you can have a garage sale and gather items that your mother, aunts, grandparents might not want but that you can sell. Hope this helps you 🙂

Donna asks…

How can a 14 year old make money fast?

I’m 14 and I need some money fast. I can’t baby sit or walk dogs or mow lawns. I can’t do anything that involves going outside because my parents thinks its dangerous around our neighborhood. My parents won’t give me money for chores either. What options do I have?

Nagesh answers:

First let me say it sounds like you have very loving parents, have you tried making things or selling candy out your house to the hood kids in your hood? Maybe start a video game contest or something and charge a cover fee or something. Think what are you good at? Can you offer to do homework or take notes for other kids or sell your notes or something hope this helps?

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Saturday, October 26th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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