Your Questions About Fast Money Online Now

Paul asks…

Where can I make money fast and easily online(about $100-2000 a day) ?

Can anyone help me please, I have a laptop with internet connection. I want to make some money online,because my dad passed away 5 months ago ,I am just 15. My mom has no job ,we have no home(Now I live at my grandmother’s house)

Nagesh answers:

I have hundreds of friends and associates. None of the guys/girls have ever made any money on these on line ventures. If they would have they would be talking about it and I would be in on it…..SCAM

Sharon asks…

I’m 13 & need money fast but not online money?

I’m 13 Austin Texas(just in case it will help)I need money fast because I asked my parents for money but right now we got in a fight & they wont give me money so I desided to earn money myself.I need money to go to houston with my friends this summer.I got the accept from my parents but I need the money I know some ideas like:babysitting, washing cars, garage sales, etc.Any more ideas I did the garage sale & earn $67.So more Ideas, & thank you all for your support

Nagesh answers:

Good question. I have the same one. Lol. But i would have to say is watch biz kid$, you might get some ideas. Like there were some girls in ur situation and they made and sold soap. They have many ideas on how to make a business it really helped me. Here is a list of things i can think of:
make a site and sell ur stuff like me
make jewelry
make keychains
lemonade stand
and thats all i can think of right now

John asks…

What are websites where you can make money online from home fast and legally?

Okay now I have lost my job as a journalist, I’m extremely into freelance writing, and I have a specialty in writing about relationships, fashion, gossip etc. I need to be able to make money in the next week, not something extreme like 1,000 dollars but at least about a 100 dollars being accumulated please help thank you

Nagesh answers:


buy things and sell them for more money

tip: do not buy weapons

Sandra asks…

What is the easiest way to make money online?

So I’ve been looking for a way to make money online for some time now. Literally searching google for ages. There is just so much stuff on the topic lol. Like are surveys good? Should I try the whole affiliate thing and promote a virtual product? To be honest I just want to find something where I can make decent money pretty fast.. So anyone know of anything like that? haha probably not but worth a shot lol! 😛

Nagesh answers:

You are just asking for spam by posting a question like that.

Truthfully, there is no easy way to make money. Surveys are a waste of time for what they pay… When they pay.

Try going to a trade show, or pickup some wholesale items as cheap as possible then sell them on eBay. That is all you can do without starting your own business.

Steven asks…

Where Can I Make Money Fast Legit Like Online?

My Parents Are Buying A New House And Were Moving. My Dad Works My Brother Works ANd I Can Work Because Im 14. I Have A Youtube Account Which Soon Ill Be Paid For It. Does ANyone Now Where I Can Make Money Fast On The Internet I Want To Help Out my Parents

Nagesh answers:

I have never seen ANY ” . . . Have I got a business opportunity for you!” . . . .work out to be legitimate opportunities . .

. Most are scams. Trust me when I tell you that anyone who is trying to *recruit* you is not giving you a very good


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Thursday, February 16th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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