Your Questions About Fast Money Online Free Paypal

Susan asks…

Good online forums to advertise anime toys collectibles to sell?

I’m selling a few collectible anime toys (stuff I’ve bought at previous comic cons) to pay for my move across state so every penny I make off this sale counts.

I don’t have a lot of merchandise and I have a very short time frame. Since I’ve never sold anything online before either, I want to know the quickest, most hassle-free way to unload these toys fast without subtracting from my wallet

I’d like to avoid eBay since I’m a novice and they take a lot out in fees. Thinking of using Craigslist to point the way to the ad I posted on TwitLonger. If you guys have better, more creative ideas I’m all ears!
I want to hear advice from current sellers too.

Any ideas on establishing hassle-free policies are welcome. (haven’t thought that far ahead!) Should I just focus my efforts on selling to toy shop owners or the general public? Because I don’t have time nor the logistics to deal with returns and I’m not offering refunds. (selling on an ‘as is’ basis)

I’ll take PayPal and money order for this.

Nagesh answers:

Here is a website / forum that I think would be good Here is the link

Charles asks…

Online or At Home Jobs Available?

Hey all. I am desperately in need of money at the moment and I have absolutely no way of getting it now because I was just laid off from my job because of the disasters in Japan. Apparently they are releasing my co-workers and I to bring job opportunities in America to the Japanese people who lost their jobs in a more dramatic way. While I think this is a great thing they are doing, I can’t stop my responsibility as the person who pays the bills in my family and I am now on the hunt for a new job. For now, I am curious if there are any jobs or employment opportunities available online or at home that I could do to hold up my family until I find myself working at a new job. With the economy so poor and the crisis overseas and a low job market in America right know, I’m sure it will not be as easy and as fast as I make it seem before I can call myself employed again.

If anyone has any sort of online or at-home work for a early 20s male to do that pays reasonable for the time spent laboring, please let me know. I must say that I am very good when it comes to journalistic writing, web design, and electronic portfolio making, so I am looking for something along those lines if there is anything available to make myself busy with temporarily for a decent amount of pay. I graduated from high school with a large amount of credit in ‘Tech Proficiency’ after taking 4 semesters of Digital Design and Computer Application classes. I am skilled and trained well with computers, so a simple position like tech support or web designing (such as websites) are something I believe I would be good at. If you believe that you have a job available for me that goes along with the characteristics I mentioned above, let me know. If I were to be employed for a part time online job, I have already set up my PayPal account to accept payments from senders at anytime, so the pay check aspect should not be too much of an issue. If you would like to see some of the work I have created on the computer to know what kind of skills I am talking about, please feel free to contact me privately with any questions you may have. Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

I had a job I hated, and debts piled so deep I thought I’d drown. Actually, I was drowning and I saw no way out.t
Wel-l, that’s not quite right. I saw a way out—making money on the Internet—but I made two dumb assumptions that kept me in

my job prison for far too long…
Making Money Online Isn’t Hard…Or Slow. I assumed it was both, and you might too.

Some people have tried and never made a dime, or maybe made just enough to buy a cup of coffee at Starbuck’s. So they assume

it’s all a scam (it’s not, as you’ll see).

Maria asks…

Make thousands with Just $6?

This is the easiest way to get thousands of dollars, because you barely have to do anything.

Oprah has proved that with $6 dollars, a free paypal account and a few minutes of your life, you can make between $30,000 and $300,000. PayPal has said that this is 100% legal. THIS IS THE FASTEST, EASIEST PROGRAM EVER, you will be able to complete it in LESS THAN 30 MINUTES and you will never forget the day you first viewed this online.


Step 1:

The 1st step is actually making the paypal account so that you can actually make the money. Copy and paste this to the address bar

Step 2:

Send $1.00 to each of the six people on the list using PayPal, and in the comment (Subject) section type “Please add me to your list”. Below are the emails that you send the money to:

PayPal accounts to send $1.00 to:







Step 3:

After you send the money to the 6 people on the list, you can remove the name next to the #1 on the list and move the rest of the names up one position (#2 becomes #1, #3 becomes #2, etc?) Then place your name in the #6 position. Then save it.

REMEMBER: Your email that you put into this MUST BE YOUR PAYPAL EMAIL!

Paste your newly typed email address over the old one and then post to 60 Message Boards, Chat Rooms, or Newsgroups. Easy that’s all there is to it. I think there are close to 32,000 groups. Post it to 60, but remember, the more you post, the more money you make- as well as everyone else on the list! DON’T MULL OVER IT, JUST 30 MIN OF YOUR TIME AND A MEASLY $6 THAT’S IT THERE IS NO MORE TO DO!!

All of this is legal. If you have any doubts or concerns, ask paypal!

Nagesh answers:

Paypal actually said this:

PayPal includes in its definition of “pyramid schemes” any system in which a hierarchy is created by people joining under others who joined previously, and in which those who join make payments to those above them in the hierarchy (“upline”). Pyramid schemes are prohibited as a form of investment fraud by federal laws and by the laws of each of the fifty individual states.

And if you bothered to check, Oprah didn’t have any good words about it either. Try getting your facts straight before you follow Dave Rhodes to prison.

Lizzie asks…

Am I supporting terror by selling bomb making guides?

Am I supporting terror by selling bomb making guides?

I sell bomb making, money making and loads of other ebooks online and have never really cared about who reads them. That was untill someone named abdullah bought one on how to make pipe bombs. Noticed the name in paypal.

He paid fast and I sent him the ebooks, but then started to wonder why he had that name. I always think terrororists know how to blow stuff up and where to get guides free without paying for them. I would not mind if some hothead decides to blow stuff up with my guides as long as its away from my property. Someone called abdullah buying me guides propably thinks I am a kuffar, or whatever it is.

Nagesh answers:

Well, ummm… Probably just some harmless al qaeda terrorist out to bomb the U.S. Why were you selling bomb making books in the first place?

Helen asks…

How do I set up a simple non-profit in the USA? And should I?

I spend alot of time in some downtrodden places, recently Myanmar.

I currently collect small amounts of money, (between $100 to a few thousand) from friends and interested people to support small in-need charities (such as an orphanage) and some times individuals such as refugee family, slum kids school fee’s, etc. A few times I’ve done medical clinics in rural ares, as even with no medical background, I was the closet thing to a doctor around.

MY QUESTION is I’d like to be able to set up (501.3c?) “charity” where i can have an account for that money and be able to receive by paypal etc. Right now no one is getting any tax credits or anything as its just me taking out cash and passing it on, or buying supplied to give out. I keep record of this, but i would like to formalize it so I can collect money online faster, rather than having people transfer money into my checking account, (i don’t even know if thats ok)

I’m not looking at creating a big organization just a way to legally and quickly raise money when needed.

Is there a way i can do this quickly, easily, and free?

Nagesh answers:

In short no because IRS has a minimum $450 fee plus the need to incorporate in your state (usually around $100) plus legal and publication fees. However there is a way to accomplish the same thing quickly and at little or no cost. Find an existing nonprofit possibly your church or another church in your area or a group that works to help in US and abroad. A smaller group is better than a huge one because they will be more oriented to this. Ask them to be your “fiscal agent”.. Some will at no cost. At most there may be a 10% administration fee. Explain that you are willing to continue to do the actual work, record keeping site set up etc. Just need 501c3 “supervision.

If you are of Christian belief check out for another low cost way to do this that would give your your own 501c3 under their group exemption.

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Sunday, April 8th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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